[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

I have been having fun playing this build, a variation to be precise. Right now I am at a paragon of 1,382 my highest clear is GR121 at 14:01. I have tried clearing a GR122 and have come close a few times. So I know that I can clear it but I am not sure what is exactly holding me back. I will now post a link to my current seasonal character.


In a thread that was on the older forums said that beyond GR110 is a game of inches. I just don’t understand that game of inches. So the help that I am needing from my fellow barbs is answering the questions that I have bellow. Which actually when answering them will tell me just what is holding me back, preventing me from going higher in the GR clears.

  • Is it the gear that is holding me back in some way?
  • If yes then which piece is holding me back?
  • Do I have the wrong passives, runes, skill choices, etc…?
  • Or is it a matter of just fishing for the right rift?
  • Could it be my lack of knowledge of what to skip and when to skip?
  • Do I need more paragon?

To basically sum it all up I am asking what would you do first if you had my character to get it to climb higher in the GRs?

For Seasonal play, it’s all about managing the ludicrously OP Season them (you couldn’t clear 120 in non-Season, much less fish 122-125). So, you’ll need to be better at grouping multiple screens of density and using hard-cast Rends to quickly obliterate it to build killstreaks, then use those killstreaks strategically (to crush massive density, elites, and vs the RG).

Gear-wise, here are some things to improve:

  • Ditch BK for IB
  • Get AD on weapons
  • Get a better COE (195%+)
  • Get a good Flavor of Time
  • Replace your boots (Slam damage is useless)

Refer to the OP guide for more info on AD and hard-cast Rends, because that’s a big part of your strategy going forward. Good luck!

Maybe you can help me clear ups something about the season 19 theme.

Do you know how high in the GRs in non season with the boost in paragon because my non season is higher in paragon. The calculator says that it would be 1,917. With that paragon and the changes to the gear that you mentioned how high could I go non season?

I ask this because I am wanting to know just how many GRs does the season 19 theme add to you to your clears?

There is no set amount but just looking at the leader-boards and comparing similar paragon clears you are looking at at least 20 lvls gained from season theme at minimum. Also the higher lvl you go the more you need to depend on the season theme as health pools get pretty ridiculous.


Thanks for the reply, I now know what I need to do before I decide whether to continue the season or stop where I am now. The reason why I could stop now is because I would want to wait till I see the new barb set before I would know whether or not I will want to stick with WW Rend or not.

But before I do I will look at the non season leader board clears starting from the bottom up till I find ones that would be close to either the gear that I have now or close to the gear that I should have. Along with having the same combined paragon that I mentioned above. I will take a while to study it thoroughly enough to have a rough idea of how high I could go with that setup.

But still thanks for the reply. :+1:

I don’t think so. It’s rather 10 levels… 15 if you are extremely lucky or spent enormous amount of keys for fishing.

No, Chris is right–it might be closer to 30 GRs. You’ve got 2k Paragon dudes clearing 150 solo in Seasons. In non-Season, you can fish 120 with 2k Paragon if you’ve practiced the build and have some excellent gear.

I think folks are underestimating how powerful the Season theme is. Not saying you’re doing that, Corwin, but it’s definitely stronger than you’re giving it credit for.

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Theoretically it possible to do 150s at 2k paragon but chances are miserable. If a player starts to fish for 150 at 2k paragon she rather get 3k paragon on failed attempts before the first successful ran. It’s like winning a jackpot - theoretically you can do it but in practice you can’t.

Thousand players are pushing the ladder and only 11 players in NA were able to do 150 (14 in EU). And they usually have 150 level gems and 150 levels augments.
Only 24 players in NA were able to do 142+. I believe that it’s the level that a player with 2k paragon can really do (without winning a lottery).

It took me just few hours to do 125 (12:20)… including time to get some crappy gear for this build (I never pushed with WW before). My seasonal char at 2k paragon had better equipment and higher listed dps.
An experienced player with excellent equipment can for sure do 130 at 2k paragon.

Nah man, I could easily do 150, but the difference between doing 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, etc is minimal using the season buff. The only reason I haven’t done 150 is because I don’t play in groups. So I have to do the SAME EXACT level of fishing on every single GR level and it gets old. The big difference you see on the leaderboard, is that all of those people were clearing out GR150 with 4-man teams that gave them access to 150.

This seasonal buff is adding something like 15-25 GR levels to what people can reasonably clear. It will become evident as the season roll-over ends and they attempt to clear non-seasonal rifts.

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I was going to post something similar. The NS capability is a bit higher than what Free suggested. For instance, I see a 126 by a player with 1789 Paragon, and he’s still using BK swords. Myself I did a 124 with terrible gear in a few tries before the season started (but after the patch of course), missing augments at P2409.

The lowest paragon to clear 150 between NA and EU is P2898 (with good gear and full augments).

So, the season buff is probably worth closer to 15 than 30 gr.

(I don’t think it’s only 15… that’s the lower bound, but it’s clearly not 30)

How can you claim that you can easily do 150 if you have never tried it?
It’s not “the same exact level of fishing”. Amount of suitable mobs, suitable maps, suitable RGs reduces dramatically.
At GR 142 with 4.4k paragon it takes you 30 seconds or so to trigger the seasonal bonus. Any open map looks good for you. You don’t see much difference between 180 or 190 monsters in a pack. You can kill any RG in about 5 mins (in 3:30 with Power).
At GR 150 with 2k paragon the situation is differ. Desert is bad because it hasn’t enough population. Even Wood may be good or bad depending on configuration. Good monsters like transformers are bad because it takes few minutes to kill 15 mobs. The difference between 180 and 190 kills is great. And if you see you have 170 kills you often should leave the game because it takes too long to trigger the next bonus. You have no chance to kill RG without angels or geysers so just few RGs are suitable.

At NA at least 250 barbarians have access to GR 150 and 90% of them can’t do even GR 142. So the problem is that an enormous amount of fishing and very high skill required. Access to 150 is not a problem.

There is a level where you can kill RG in 5-6 mins. Up to that level you need an acceptable amount of fishing. It’s somewhere in 140-144 range depending on your gear/paragon/gems/skill.
Over this level you need enormous amount of fishing.

I’m agree there. You have 4.4k paragon so all this levels are below your “5-6 mins for RG” point. So you need “acceptable amount of fishing” for this levels (and probably for 143-144 too).

One non-seasonal datapoint to add: cleared GR127 in just over 13:00 for rank 152 over the weekend. Set-up was WW5/CC2 with IB; paragon 2700 odd, 23K main stat, 117AD.

Had one good map to start, and then ordinary ones after. Got lucky with a conduit. I think under ideal conditions (festering with conduit into battlefields with power for RG… rights mobs… dream on) I might be able to squeeze out one more GR, but I tend not to have the patience with the level of fishing required.

Anyway, I’ve found Free’s guide and ensuing discussion to be of tremendous help - so thank you for that (as well as the efforts of the barb community in getting WW buffed and the lamentation nerf substantially reversed).


I am using this weapon:
STR, +23% AD, +10%CDR (enchanted)

Then found this:
STR, +21% AD, +7% vs Elite (virgin)

Second weapon is about 40 damage lower, but I have this option of rolling STR for CDR and gain +7% vs Elite overall for the price of STR.

Is this a good weapon to use?


What is you strength at now without it rolled off of the weapon?

Not worth it.

We don’t take elite damage on our weapons because it is worth much less than other stats. Even if you have crazy-high Paragon, Strength is still Armor, and that means you take less damage.

If you’re not 4-5k Paragon, I don’t see any reason to roll Strength off a weapon.

I gained more than 1K just spinning. I’d be hitting 4K NS in about 2 weeks, less if I burn more this weekend.

If STR to CDR for this item aint good, and since this has less DPS, less AD, then its junk?

After some thought, I think I understand why vs Elite is not as important as other stats: This build thrives on density, elites are just bonus.

I am playing this the wrong way. I have been playing Shadow Impaler far too long.

Maybe I need to concentrate on farming Ambo (already have a good Doombringer or Sunkeeper) and use those instead of BK.

I’m getting random times where ancient spear just doesn’t work for some reason. I hit the enemy, and an animation like they got yanked goes off, but they don’t move at all. I also don’t get how the game decides how far behind you to put them

It’s due to crowd-control immunity.


gonna be some crazy builds for wwrend with the new season theme