[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

Yes, I hope they don’t but It wouldn’t be the first time the Nurf Squad howled for Nerfs to a build and the Dev’s sent the build to oblivion and never played again, probably so the Nufers will stop the caterwauling altogether until the Nerfers find another build they don’t like and start the whole process over again.

I do hope you are right. I do hope they have a form of WW in D4 and I am still around to play it.

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Prior to the recent forums software upgrade I met the requirements for TL3. After the upgrade, I did not. I had visited the forums on 100% of the days they had been available, read 100% of the threads, read 100% of the posts, given sufficient likes, received sufficient likes, wasn’t suspended. I filed GM tickets to ask why as the only criteria I couldn’t ascertain was number of flags received. The first GM told me to look at a thread which listed the criteria. The second GM told me that they wouldn’t confirm what the criteria were and what had caused me to lose TL3.

If literally 100% participation isn’t sufficient “trust”, and that “trust” was lost at the same time as the forum software was upgraded, there’s no amount of extra things that I could do to regain it. I can’t do anything more than 100%.

Did losing your TL3 status correlate with when the forum was upgraded?

Have you ever been forum suspended or had a post flagged into hidden that stayed that way?

I had to have lost it in the last week or so and I don’t think I’ve ever had anything flagged. I don’t ever try to be remotely aggressive with my posts regardless of how I feel. I may have just lost it due to not posting, responding, giving and receiving likes. I come here almost everyday but posting has been a little slack.

What sucks is not being able to ombré images for a few of the barb guides I help maintain. So that alone is why I need to get it back.

Are the guides wikis?

The zdps barb one is yes and I maintain/update the IK Hota one as well. Embedding images just gives the guide a much cleaner look imo. Before I had TL3 before I had to have Free go back through after I added links to get them embedded. Just an unnecessary second step I’d like to avoid.

Would a Zdps barb and DPS barb work in tandem for pushing? One to group and keep some buffs and the other to kill. Just as a two person group I mean

probably not cause barb on its own like that in any type of group just doesn’t do enough DPS. Hence why we are the trash killer in the Rbarb speed meta. I did a quick scroll through the top 100 of 2 Man leaderboard and its all either sader/barb or wiz/barb so the barb is performing support in both of those comps.

I believe it’s worth a try.

Stone Gauntlets, Mantle, Leoric, Aquila, Pride of Cassius, CC pants and boots, Nemesis, Strongarm
FoT, BoM, Oculus, RoRG, BK weapons, Executioner
WC, WW, Stomp, Spear, IP, Shout (Demoralize)
NoS, Superstition, Relentless, Inspiring

WW5, CC2, Mortick, Lamentation
FoT, CoE, Zodiac, RoRG, IP weapons
Rend, WW, Rage, WotB
Boon, Rampage, BR, Ruthless or NoS

The last two skills are WW starter - Shout (Falter) and something for DR/Healing - may be Ancients/Revenge/Overpower if it allows to use ItF rune instead of StP.

I see more people are using IB set for pushes with Captain crimson set, I tried it with my captain crimsons and I die too much still, but Im still in the 2700s with paragon. I cleared a 129 the other day with BK set. Im wondering is the BK with Captain Crimson set still better than using IB with no Captain Crimson Set and band of might with ground stomp? Im not good at calculating off the sheet stats and Id have to find the right pieces then augment then to be able to do a more live test. Maybe you guys know the answer

I was telling some people about that in a reply up above, but the CC set is straight trash for probably sub-5K paragon or something silly. It’s impossible to build the Fury while taking a hit when you get 1 shot… at least at GR139+

You have to stick with BoM until your toughness is high enough from all the extra STR that paragon levels provide.

Why would you think cc set is trash at lower paragon? I still get the defense and offensive buffs from the set and extra cdr so I don’t use boon as a passive. If I put band of might and drop cc ser, does the Istvan set make up for the damage loss from losing cc and the other changes to skills?

Because you don’t get the full value from Crimson’s until you have enough main stat to drop Band of Might and use CoE. I agree with Cendiesel–it’s not worth it for most players until they’re around 4-5k Paragon, because sticking with Core Zodiac lets you keep CoE and Band of Might with no issues.

Go back to the OP and compare the different builds and you’ll see that Core Zodiac is very close to Crimson’s + Band of Might in terms of damage output. Another advantage when sticking to Core Zodiac is that you don’t need as much CDR; this makes it easier to stack more AD.

In other words, you don’t really get the full value from Crimson’s until you have enough main stat to drop Band of Might and you can stack AD and CDR on all required pieces.

The IB set should be used for pushing, period, regardless of which Armor variant you run.

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About the Dust Devil lag issue, I propose a solution: change 6-piece bonus to “Increase damage of Rend and Whirlwind by x%. Additionally, Whirlwind’range is increased by 50% and Whirlwind gains the effect of Blood Funnel rune.”

Now I have 4,8k paragon and with WW5 + CC I still need to use Imputy (on GR134) to have enough defense.
I thing that without Imputy or Demoralize (with spear) is needed around 6-7k paragon (4-5k is not enough).

I dont use band of might right now. I use coe with bk weapons and cc set. This feels like more damage and defense than using IB set with bom and losing all the cc bonus I have now. I thought from the guide the bom was just for more defense but the bk swords seem to be enough for me.

For damage, IB > BK, hands down. A 30% multiplier is a 30% multiplier. There are perks to using the BK set (Bloodfunnel, Into the Fray, and move speed), but the general consensus and results have been that the IB set is better for pushing.

If you don’t swap weapon sets, roll that % dmg on your off-hand sword to AD.

My current Glove is ancient with good CHC, CHD, CDR rolls.
And I just found a Primal Gloves with STR,CHC,CHD,RCR

Hmm maybe for a IB based WWRend?
What do you think?

If you have 6-8k Paragon, those could be GG gloves for the Crimson’s variant if you roll Strength to CDR.

Otherwise, they could be excellent gloves if you roll the RCR to either AD or CDR. If you stick with Core Zodiac, I’d roll the RCR to AD. But you may wanna hold off rolling them for a while.

The IF 6-8K part suck though… waiting to get there gonna take a long time.

will keep for the time being.
who knows? i might still get lucky before blizz decides to give us a new set next season…