[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

It looks to me like you’re doing ok for your paragon and gear, so you really need to keep leveling and getting better rolls, there are tons and tons of gaps where you can improve almost every piece you have (all the rolls you want are in the guide).

The biggest thing you need to change if you want to get higher though, especially in season, is you have to use Ancient Spear - Rage Flip (again, as described in the guide). Nothing you do is going to come close to the the effect of getting large groups together to kill with the seasonal buff.

Thanks; the reason I am using war cry iso Ancient Spear is because I keep having this “one-touch-death” and thought war cry could provide a little extra defense

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I completed a GR 122 with 8 seconds to spare this morning (my personal best) and it was a crummy map. I’m projecting that with my play skill, a GR 124 will probably be my cap. I’ll keep pushing with this set-up and continue to keep everyone posted.

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So I almost cleared GR123. Unfortunately, this is where a lose interest. When there’s to much RNG involved, I lose interest. I went from just clearing 122 to just missing 123 (after about 12 keys). If I would have had a little better density and/or a Condit pylon I would have cleared. This is definitely not a setup for pushing, but I think a better skilled player I could clear GR 128 - 130. I say this because I know for a fact that my boe staff skills suck.

I’m stuck at 112 (S19 gotta love the bonuses)…I can clear it pretty consistently regardless of map but get absolutely wrecked at 113.


Personally, pretty happy with 112 at sub 1k paragon and having to wear CC since I have yet to obtain a Lamentation with anything over 140% and decent rolls and I absolutely cannot pay enough attention to COE to time physical properly…

My big issue is pulling - I just want to blast through the rift since my manual dexterity is not conducive to spear and it seems like when i stop to spear something I end up dead (especially in anything over 100)…is there a trick to it? how do i git gud at it???

Mainly now running lower GRs up to 100 or so to level up some gems since I need more augments.

any tips on how to advance welcome…

at least i got a couple decent pieces for NS after S19 ends…

Well, you’re using the wrong rune on Spear, so that’s not helping. Rage Flip takes practice and plenty of it. Review the OP when it takes about CC and using Spear (Part 3) and see if that helps. Remember to pull in straight lines without objects to obstruct.

After that, I would recommend investing in upgrading rares to get a good Lamentation, then switch to Core Zodiac with the IB set. Target your upgrades carefully. That could also entail farming a few thousand of each bounty mat.

I went to harpoon because it seemed to pull more consistently for me - i’ll have to swap back and work at it …

as to Lamentation, I’ve been spending 90% of shards and mats on it and have zero ancients and only 1 that had above 145% (with all crap rolls besides)…

I even swap to UE DH to farm mats since I’m way more efficient and then spend them all on Barb…I’ll take another gander at section 3 and just keep at it…

I tried IB set and had a horrible time keeping fury anywhere near topped off…i’m sure i’m missing something there too. It also seemed so slow compared to BK…

Did you adjust your WW and Battle Rage skills accordingly? Yes, it’s considerably slower than using the BK set, but it also offers better up front damage and mitigation.

Harpoon is no substitute for Rage Flip. Takes some practice–a lot, perhaps. Another good reason to play zDPS Barb, by the way. But once you get the hang of Rage Flip, it’s amazing. In addition to the info in this guide, you should check out my 125 non-Season clear video. While not a perfect run, I made some GG pulls during the course of the clear, and I think you can learn a lot from when, where, and how I opt to use Rage Flip:

Of course, in Season, all your damage is really coming from the Season bonus, so the real key is to learn to use your hard-cast Rends with lots of AD and controlling the killstreak bonuses.


Rage Flip>Harpoon all day for both DPS and zDPS. Again like Free said if you need practice roll a zDPS barb and get into some groups and practice pulling. You’ll get there. Nothing makes better density than yourself. :joy:

My challenge is replacing Ignore Pain with Ancient Spear.
When I use Ancient Spear, I sometimes focus so much of pulling that I neglect clicking Ground Stomp, Battle Rage, or especially Wrath of the Berserker.
I even tried to use the NumLock trick however, that doesn’t work with this character as we’re moving 99% of the time.
There are maps where I wanted to go back to Ignore Pain because I was taking more damage, and other maps where I wanted Ancient Spear.
My paragon at this time is 3816 and my friend’s is 3493 and we struggle to finish GR121 in time when I use Ancient Spear.

yeah numlocking doesn’t work with any channeling skill. Thats another part of the mastering the build process. Learning to manage your skills and apply at the right time to maintain all buffs and debuffs. Its all part of the learning curve.

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IP + Band of Might is overkill. You’ll have to give up IP for Spear. I hope you’re not trying to do 2-player GR 121s with Rend, because it’s not suited for that.

I suspect your problem boils down to play style. Are you making sure to only fight in density, and are you creating the right amount of density? You have to keep up Band of Might 100% of the time. Check out the video I posted above and watch how I cleared GR 125 with only 2.2k Paragon.

With your Paragon, you should be fishing 125-130. You’ll also want to switch to the IB set for better damage and toughness. The BK set is really intended for speed-farming, not pushing. You also don’t have much AD, so you’ll want to get some more and properly utilize hard-cast Rends.

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Folks, thanks to Morgan, I’ve updated the guide with a handy Table of Contents. It’s now easier than ever to navigate.

Thanks again, Morgan!


I wouldn’t mind updating the IK HOTA guide and the Zdps guide to incorporate that style but I need to read and do some posting and liking cause I seem to have lost my TL3 status. And i have no idea what I need to focus on to do to get it back.


They have turned these Forums from a Player friendly Forum to a Forum junky Forum.
Don’t feel bad, I lost my TL2 I think and I am always liking and Flagging people doesn’t that count? :white_flag: :heart: :white_flag: :heart: :white_flag: :heart: :white_flag: :heart: :100: :heart: :revolving_hearts: :heart_eyes_cat: :kissing_heart:
EDIT: I see I can Flag myself If I wanted to, will that get me a TL3 or 4 if I do that enough times? :pirate_flag: :pirate_flag: :pirate_flag: :pirate_flag:
Edit #2 What I find that is really strange about this new Forum, that parallels what is happening in the world today is, you can Flag yourself for something you don’t like about yourself but you can’t Like yourself for something you do like about yourself and get credit for it, way weird if you ask me. :roll_eyes:
As always, Spin to Win! :heart: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Always Spin to Win. From now until D4.

Or at least until the “Nerf Now” crew get their way

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My friend and I are both Barbarians using the same build.
What do you mean Rend is not suited for 2-player GR?

I really don’t think they are going to touch this build at least not anytime soon. Its performing at a level they wanted which is fine by me.

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Some builds are better at doing certain kinds of content.

Zodiac Rend is a fantastic solo push build. It’s also good for low, or off-meta speed GRs (105, 110, and so forth). On the flip side, it doesn’t really have the right mechanics to do 2-player 120+.

If you want to push GRs, do it solo, or one of you needs a different class (check the 2-player leaderboards for a better idea of ideal 2-player group compositions).