[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

Thank you for your input.
I have several FoT amulet’s; even a Primal - however, by comparing it with my Primal Traveler’s Pledge, I lose a considerable amount of damage.
Here is a screenshot:
https:/ /imgur.com /a/jOax5aY

You have to consider that whilst you might have better damage, you’re also losing out on doubling the length of time power and conduit pylon effects last.

GR133 done without HC rend and without AD -> 250 keys.

This is probably my max without HC rend. It was without conduit, but perfect rift (double festering, good mobs) and good Power pylon. Maybe same rift in addition with good conduit will be GR134 (but fishing for that rift is too much for me). It was with perfect Helfire (I don’t have good enough FoT), thats way conduit will not be more GR.

Now I am working on AD gear and will try with HC rend to have good comparison.

For start I tried GR133 again with 94% AD (AD gear in progress) and first GR I played (7th key) was success with 1,5min spare. Not bad rift, but much worse that previous double festering.


I made the change and on average I seem to do slightly better.
New D3Planner:
https:// www.d3planner. com/325387205


  1. Should I be aiming for maximum Area Damage on every piece of gear that can have it? The only area damage I have is the 50% from Paragon.
    I’m curious to see how much Area Damage with hard-casted Rend would help me (and my friend) in our rifts.

  2. Should I go for Physical Damage on my weapons instead of Holy?
    2a. Does this tie in with the “Physical Skills do 20% more damage” on Mortick’s Brace?

  3. If I go for Area Damage, do I have to sacrifice Critical Chance/Damage?
    My friend and I have already been aiming for maximum Critical Chance and Damage.

No. Damage type on your weapons doesn’t matter. If you go with physical Rend rune then you need physical damage on your Braces and Amulet.

The main priority is 100% uptime of WotB and IP. You need 60-65 CDR.
As to the rest imho CHD > AD > CHC.

I found a what seems to be a better combination that seems to render BK’s obsolete:


  1. Full WW 6pc and IB’s.

  2. Sustain comes from IP: Ignorance is Blizz (5,000+ LpFS), WotB: Thrives in Chaos (5,000+ LpFS), and belt 1,200 (LpFS) for a total of 11,000+ LpFS. With this combo you don’t need BR: StP. You use Flip Rage or Into the Fray.

  3. Heavy DR with IP (50%), WotB (50%), WW (50%), and BoM (80%) for a total of 230% DR.

  4. 100% uptime on all of the above.

  5. Still using AD

Check the D3planner above. Tankier and more damage.

Over the past few days I’ve been trying to force feed some experiments into GR141, mainly trying to use Ambo’s and Doombringer. I used either Furnace or Executioner in the cube with the standard build (Seasonal). From there, I also tried shifting Battle Rage to Into the Fray, Whirlwind to Blood Funnel and even tried shifting Rend to Bloodlust. The damage combination from using BR:ItF was pretty prime, especially with executioner when finally popped off. Killing smaller (aka not greater than even a quarter of the map) packs was much more efficient. However, the healing relies on whirlwind and not just hitting mobs and it was really spicy. Some mobs killed me that normally would not have using Istvan’s. However, I kept testing it because I wanted to be different. I also changed passives around a little bit, picking up Weapon Master, to be able to use WW:Blood Funnel.

Bloodbath was still the best rune (although I am pretty sure for seasonal it IS actually lacerate since you really just need to kill 25-50 mobs to start the nuclear bomb drop) and I was losing fury, even with Weapon Master versus ANY flying/floating RG. Enough so that clear timer victories turned into losses. So then, I swapped WW back to Windshear, but that meant I had to swap BR back to StP (I tried the healing rend rune, 100% did not work well enough). Eventually I ended up just testing Ambo’s and Doombringer plus either Executioner or Furnace in the cube versus Istvan’s Paired Blades… and IPB won out due to the fact that I can (when not lagging) hard cast rend 3 times before I need to WW to keep Taeguk at 10 stacks and just seems to net more damage and toughness. So, in the end, while I almost cleared a few rifts, especially abusing executioner, it was much easier when I went to triple casting rends and got a rift worth a damn.

[edit] I also tested the Crimson Variant at GR141 and was promptly one-shot by everything while trying to get enough fury to even whirlwind one time. 10/10 would not recommend.

It really depends on where you can get it and at what cost. It’s tough to juggle so many stats in the build, but getting more AD–at least over 100%–is a big deal.


Check the gear section in the OP (Part 1).

Well, BKs have been more or less obsolete for actual pushes for a while. Your combo seems solid if a little too tanky. IP + Band + Wastes is overkill on the DR. How high have you tested this? I have my doubts about the sustain offered by Life per Fury. Take into 125+ and see how it pans out. Other than that, I love the idea of getting Into the Fray and the IB set, so please test and let us know!

Thanks for the info! I really appreciate you sharing your experiences. Very valuable!

Yeah, the more I read about folks trying to use Ambo’s + Doombringer, the more I’m convinced that it’s inferior to Istvan’s in all but the most extreme circumstances–and maybe even in those, too.

It does seem overkill, but I think that is what will allow the LpFS to be sufficient, which will allow for ItF to be used with IB’s.

Will do! I’ll keep y’all posted.

The guide says:
Amulet (Flavor of Time or Hellfire)
20% Elemental Damage
CHC 10%
CHD 100%
Secondaries: Physical/Lightning resist or Health Globe bonus
Augment: Strength
Flavor of Time, when used in the Crimson’s variant, must roll with CDR
If you are unable to acquire 20% Elemental damage, you may use Strength or Average Damage

It seems unlikely to get a FoT with all those ideal stats (Physical, CDR, CHC, CHD and a socket.
The socket always takes the place of a primary stat which means I wouldn’t be able to get Physical, CDR, CHC and CHD.
As my CDR is 59.40%, surely I can put it on another piece of gear such as my shoulders or left ring.
Updated D3Planner:
https:// www.d3planner .com/325387205
My friend’s base damage (also Barb) is 6 million as he has CHC on everything that can have it.
Mine was 4.7m as I was missing 11.5% CHC (combined ring and amulet).
After adding 10% CHC to my amulet, even without an augment, the base damage went from 4.8m to 5.4m.

You get CDR + MS + 3 random primary stats on a FoT. And you roll MS to Physical or CHC or CHD or a socket. So you always have CDR on any FoT.

I’m conflicted about FoT. Part of me wishes that the MS was a guaranteed socket instead. The other part of me thinks it’s cool to have a holy Grail of an amulet.

It’s difficult, but not impossible: Diablo III

The amulet has to drop with all the stats you need, and then you’ll have to roll the move speed to a socket. The easiest way to do this is by getting a bad Flavor and reforging it in the Cube. Just be prepared to spend thousands–possibly tens of thousands–of bounty mats to get what you desire.

Ignore sheet damage. What it measures is relatively useless when analyzing the true inner workings of a build and how to optimize it. Instead, focus on correct rolls on Ancient pieces of gear. Generally, you want a 1:10 ratio with CHC to CHD to insure you’re maximizing every potential crit.

Remember, many multipliers (which are the real source of damage in D3) are not calculated in your sheet DPS.


I retract part of my previous post… if you use Istvan’s, you can use BR:ItF and Rend:Bloodlust (with WW:Windshear) and it can keep you alive. Didn’t work with Ambo’s and Doombringer, though.

[edit] Accept it’s not near as healy as required for some of the RGs. I have been killed by 4 different RGs if I am not going back to dodging a bunch of their attacks (don’t need to do that with BR:StP, usually).

Also, having gotten a few power pylons versus RGs while testing this (I don’t leave rifts when I am testing stuff out), it seems like the “Sweet Spot” for hitting the Power Pylon, for me, at GR142 is about 75-78%…

I’m testing this currently:


  1. Full WW 6pc and IB’s.

  2. Sustain comes from IP: Ignorance is Blizz (5,000+ LpFS), WotB: Thrives in Chaos (5,000+ LpFS), and belt 1,200 (LpFS) for a total of 11,000+ LpFS. With this combo you don’t need BR: StP. You use Flip Rage or Into the Fray.

  3. Heavy DR with IP (50%), WotB (50%), WW (50%), and BoM (80%) for a total of 230% DR.

  4. 100% uptime on all of the above.

  5. 136% AD

If you have the gear, maybe you can give it a whirl.

The thing is… even with globe healing on all items, along with bloodthirst(instead of rampage); you can only get to about 200k life/sec from the fury usage of whirlwind alone(~160k as-equipped now). If you use plowshares, you can gain 16k life per second per enemy hit, and if you use bloodfunnel, you can gain about 22k life per second per enemy. (Just accounting for WW ticks themselves).

The issue is a matter of scaling, you will be taking substantial damage in density; and your sustainability will scale well from that same density. If you use LpFS ideally with bloodthirst and globes on gear, your gearing requirement gets quite absurd; and does not scale with density at all. Whirlwind/HC rend just doesn’t seem to recycle fury quickly enough to make LpFS competitive, since instead of essentially dumping hundreds of fury/sec that MOTE/R6 would do, you’re at probably 30% of that rate using WW/Rend.

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Indeed, I can’t disagree. This might be a better version:


Replace IP with OP: Killing Spree, BR: ItF for StP (consistent 11% CHC), cube Hexing (Dibbs). This is no doubt better than the previous and I’m sure it can be pushed further.

I mean at that point, you can probably do something utterly absurd; and use the Fury of the Ancients shoulders in the cube along with Together as One(or cube MoC and use Ancients Fury rune). Then use bloodfunnel and BR:ItF. Along with Ruthless, BoBK, Brawler, Berserker Rage. The fury generation from Ancients is ridiculously high, so it’s probably a terrible fit. But it cannot be as bad as running overpower for a few more percent CC.

I’m just theory crafting for the best low paragon version of WW Rend. Overpower just seem like the best fit to squeeze the most damage with matching synergy. If you can’t have ItF, then the next best seems to be Killing Spree.

Hi,I am looking for some advice ; I am stuck in GR107, here is my build (d3planner 383981513, sorry unable to include link) by following this guide

is anything wrong with my build?