[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

It’s very important. You can push without it, of course, especially on Season, but for non-Season play, I personally think that hard-casting with AD is a minimum of 3-5 GR tiers ahead.

I don’t play on Switch so I have no idea if there actually is a difference in density. You may just have bad RNG with fishing. Maybe other Switch owners can chime in.

I agree with Free, I think AD% is a massive boost to DPS, especially if you are hitting 150%+. I did some testing while leveling gems to re-augment at some point in GR 125 and even at that level, hard casting rend is large packs was more effective than just holding down WW. Once you get used to the flow it’s pretty significant. I have, I believe, exactly 50% CHC, 500% CHD and 150% AD and you can feel the pop during physical cycles. You can also see the significant amount of more damage it does on the “inner circle” of the packs where I am focusing my hard casts.

Free what do you consider high paragon and low paragon when it comes to stat choices on gear…

Good question.

For S19, which is completely broken, your guess is as good as mine. If it works and you make progress, cool. All your damage is basically coming from the Season theme anyway.

For non-Season, I’d say you can start making high-Paragon choices somewhere between Paragon 3000-5000.


I have tried 143 (just for test) and it took me 5:20 to kill RG (Orlash). I saw Darkpatator kill RG in about 2 mins. Any advices how to kill RG faster? What am I doing wrong?

Your not doing anything wrong. Dark has at least 3 times your damage(just a guess) so the RG times are about right.

I just failed a 141 and I had 3:13 to kill Coldsnap. I missed it by 3 seconds. I knew I wasn’t going to make it when I hit the 30 second mark and he was at 33%. Once Ruthless kicks in, I seem to average about 1% per second. I even had about 1:30 left on a shield pylon so I didn’t have to waste any time using ground stomp for the first 90 seconds. So I am thinking that it will take me AT LEAST 3:30 to kill a RG, which is on-par with VileCharge, my typical build. I will take it. At least I don’t have to RG fish (except Erethon, he is one shotting me) that I need a map I can also wall-charge them on, lol. If I could get a lucky RG spawn like Saxtris, Binder or Hammelin, I am sure I could take some time off of the total. Especially Hammelin.

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Only one problem with what you said. Vile charge will never be in a 141 as is. So if you are killing a 141 at at the same rate as VC in a 130 then you cant compare them.

VC and this build are not on the same level, but as soon as RG spawns and I see which RG it gives me, based on the time I have left - I know if it is worth fighting or not. It also helps with progression timing. Sometimes you get to the 2nd or 3rd floor and just KNOW, that you are not far ahead enough of the timer.

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Seems 120 seasonal is becoming a dream. I actually seem to be getting further away from achieving it, the more paragon I get lol

Yes, I think he has 3 times more listed dps (my dps is 2.6 mil). He kills RG in 2 mins. Should I expect to do 3x less damage in the first 2 mins and get RG to 67%?
But I get RG to 85% in the first 2 mins. Does it mean that I do 6-7 times less damage? May it be that the difference in the Stricken level affect so much?

P.S. I don’t use Ruthless but it doesn’t matter in the first 2 mins.

Here are my exact stats:
dps 2779k (with 300 paragon in VIT)
rend 29%
elemental 40%
ASI 25%
Berserker Rage
Stricken 140, Trapped 145, Taeguk 142
no Mantle, no Ruthless

Every bit counts. I assume your not running crimson yet? That and stricken are both not on sheet damage. Yes Ruthless is the second best damage passive for RGS and is mandatory. It will def affect RG kill times. Think about how many stacks you have once you hit 30% health on a 143 RG. I believe Dark and most top clears don’t use boon either. They take brawler as this can affect some RGs kill times too. Im also curious what your main stat total is? 300 points in vit is alot and may be needed but that might be a huge bump in damage. Even for me 1500 str is a 4.5% boost.

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It takes me 4:20 to get RG to 30%. Ruthless would saved me 15 seconds - about 5%.


Season GR120 finally down, 14:09.

Rage flip, pylons and density is what makes this build work. Getting 120 down was hard work.

Anyone that still thinks this build is OP has either never played it, or is an idiot.

Thanks for the advice everyone, this is the first season I’ve been much higher than GR90, and I never really thought I could get to 120.


Ok so 1500 str is 7.7% for you. That’s 25 seconds off your kill time then add the 15 seconds for ruthless. Also as I mentioned before if dark had brawler passive and got a good RG that would be another 5-20%ish depending on the boss. Also if you are not using crimson yet that is another 60% on top as well. As you can see this stuff add up. One thing a lot of people don’t realize is with higher paragon comes more flexibility you can afford to go glass cannon and stack damage. Even with crimson and almost perfect gear I have trouble staying alive in 130s. I killed a 127 RG in around 1.5 minutes so not too bad but I was using bks and died 3 times. Someone with 6-7k can run a 130 and not even take much damage. That’s only 2-3k more. Imagine what kinda damage and defense the 10.5k para players have. I really don’t think you should be comparing to someone with that big an advantage over you.

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Yes. I forgot about Crimson.
Bonus from Crimson + no time wasted on GS + gems level + Ruthless… It seems he does do 6-7 times more damage.

Sadly. I were hoped to do 143 without using seasonal effect vs RG. And then replace Stricken to Zeus and start fishing for a proper rift.

I just finished a 141 in 15:11. I had 4:02 versus Sand Shaper and still didn’t beat it. The area he was in was fairly large and he ducked one and a half of my physical cycles in the last 30 seconds, but I am not sure that would have mattered (maybe). Either way, looking like it takes a solid 4:15 to kill RG at 141, for me (P3495, 132 stricken).

With that being said, I may be done with the season. I’ve had way too many 3:45-4:00 RG fights that I have lost within 10 seconds of rift clear timer that is just burning me out. I wanted to move to the next map to see if I had a pylon waiting for me (I’ve yet to fight an RG with a power pylon using this build) but the 150 ground effect melted a jug as I passed over the spheres and spawned the boss.

Hello, here is my d3planner link:
https:// www .d3planner.com/325387205
Would someone kindly let me know where I can make improvements to my build?
3350 Paragon. 120 Augments.
I’m struggling to complete GR121 in time when I think I should be able to do much higher.
Also, I play with a friend who is also a Barbarian so any improvements I can get here, he can make to his build as well.
We are both non-seasonal.

Thank you.

Hey Jeremy.

Big Mistake #1: We don’t use Endless Walk in this build. Need to get a Flavor of Time. I also recommend sticking with the Core build and shelving Crimson’s for a while. Yes, Crimson’s does more damage but only if you can survive without Band of Might.

I don’t see any AD on your gear and that’s going to limit your damage going forward. Check out the guide in the OP and read through for more info on why hard-cast Rends + AD are so important. You may also consider switching to the IB set with Wind Shear.

You have the gear and main stat on you to complete 121-125+ right now. I did 125 non-Season with only 17k main stat. Need to get Spear on the bar, too.