[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

Hey Free thanks for a good and clear guide as always : )!

i just cleared GR110 with IB + Wastes without Crimson using band of might in ring slot and i feel like ive hit a wall and wont really progress further. I used to play with crimson and royal in cube seeing as the top players did but i switched now because of my low paragon.

My question is how much my paragon level (890ish) factors into this or how high i can realistically push with this setup. I feel like survivability is not an issue but i just dont really got the damage output right now. Maybe there’s something else i could change build/roll wise? I haven’t really played for a year or so


here’s my armory btw

110 on non-season at your paragon is good. Start working on Augments as it looks like you have few to none. If you can reliably clear 110, you can get your gems to 110-111 easily (even if you hit some fails on the last few rolls.)

Pretty much. You’ll need to spend time grinding Paragon, leveling gems and Augs, and getting some better gear (though what you have isn’t terrible). It’s gonna be a slow process as you upgrade, so focus on grinding out Paragon and collecting mats for now.

Congrats on the clear! Also, I would recommend you try the Core Zodiac build instead of Crimson’s at your Paragon, as it’s going to give you more bang for your buck since you won’t need the RoRG.


Yeah, Flavor will definitely be another 1-2 GRs, but adding Spear and using hard-cast Rend will also add a few tiers to your total. Remember, you won’t benefit from hard-cast without Spear (and Stomp) in the mix. Buf of course, if you prefer to keep playing with Demoralize, have at it!

Good joke. But ok, some math:

  • I have 4,4k paragon
  • with 11,1k paragon → + 5GR for pure dmg
  • another +2GR for more defense (I can drop WC and Superstition and take Falter) + Ruthless
  • FoT (I don’t have) is + 1-2GR more
    141 + 5 +2 +2 → GR150…

Or opposite approach:

  • EU number one: darkpatator GR144 with no spare time (for +1GR)
  • 11,1k paragon with AD gear and HC rend
  • I have -5GR for pure dmg lost
  • -2GR lost for low tougness
  • -1-2GR for missing Flavor
    144-9=135. GR135 is same as red’s GR135 (red has same paragon a similiar gear as I).
    Not possible much higher than GR135 with paragon 4,4k… Maybe GR136, but certainly not more.

I don’t like HC rend playstyle, but I tested some runs (cca 40keys → 3 good rifts GR130). I tested with not optimised AD gear, only with 114% AD (one weapon, primal CoE, shoulders).
It was stronger than build without AD and HC rend, but not that much. I have times comparable that on GR129 without AD and comparable rift.
With optimised AD gear it will +1-2 GR better.

My estimate is max +3GR with AD and HC rend. AD is bigger difference than 3GR, but with AD gear I have much less base dmg.

The problem is linear and tunnel maps don’t provide opportunities to create a lot of density. That’s what I meant by bad luck with maps.

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2x more STR doesn’t mean +5 GR. You don’t kill RG 2x faster and Conduit doesn’t do 2x damage. It’s +3 may be +4 GR.
You don’t get anything for defense. Although 2x more STR may be enough to do 144 without putting more paragon in VIT.

P.S. I’m not saying you are wrong. I’m just saying that it’s not obvious.

We just have done 142 in 2ppl. And 2 of 3 maps were linear and tunnel. In S19 I’d prefer a bad map with good monsters to a good map with bad monsters. But when you meet a bad map with bad monsters it’s time to leave … or run it through.

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Yep, completely agree. My RNG sucks :joy:

In any case, I got 119 down this morning. Pylon play, season theme, maps and mobs make all the difference.

I think season clears shouldnt be discussed here, becouse buffs will give much more damage then actually barbarian kills. Its just stupid, u dont need even good character to clear 140+, optimization, deep mechanics? Please! @@ I got tornados, goldenrain (oh wait), goblin chests and 1 hit ko guardian angels. Dont try to tell me its hard to manipulate spawning this sh it and pretty much every effect will clear full screen of mobs, season barbs never kills any elite manually. Its broken and shouldnt have place in this guide.

Zodiac WW and Season Zodiac WW are two different characters, i hate peoples compare them (and i dont like also when they compare classes but thats other story). Do your 150 solo in 10 minutes but dont call yourself barbarian :smiley:

I playd 200 keys 130-140 on my mate account and its a diseaster gameplay, i was sure this gamme cannot be even more stupid but if u didnt play S19 just check it for lol

Season 20 Theme: Season of Decisions.

After start rift a screen appear with question:



Yes. It’s not hard. It’s very hard.

I’d like to know what is considered the minimum percentage of AD damage if I were to use HC rend effectively.

Like I mentioned before my highest is 127 but I only managed to get to that level through lucky pylons and I never bothered with AD. I am having trouble clearing that level as well as levels slightly lower to 120 consistently.

I’ve experimented with IB and Ambos/Doom but haven’t made much progress. I must be doing something wrong or the weapons not being augmented might be the reason. I don’t know.

I’d also like to hear opinions on the Zei’s stone. I don’t really understand how it works or why players use it over stricken.

You are right with conduit and RG. But my actual max GR131 without HC rend and 2 spare was without conduit. With conduit and Flavor (I don’t have good yet) I agree that differnce will be only 3-4GR and not 5GR.

And I do get 2GR for defense for sure. Now I am using Superstition and WC. Instead WC -> Falter (or spear) -> +25% dmg
Instead Superstition -> Ruthless (around 9% dmg)
Superstition I can drop soon, but WC not.

Falter is DIBS. And you already have 120% DIBS from %skill, BR and Taeguk. So Falter gives you about 12% dps.

+25k STR gives you 70-75% more toughness. It’s about 25-30% relative toughness for GR 140-145, so it seems you’ll be able to drop Superstition and get 9% dps from Ruthless.

You are right with Falter. I am close to drop Superstition now, need only around 5% more tougness now .
It is near +30k to darkpatator paragon. And on top of that some dmg for DPS gems (I have 140lvl: trapped 1,57x->1,6x, teaguk with all DIBS with Falter 2,45x->2,49, stricken 2,2%->2,3%) and a bit str for augment (I have 125-130 augments).

You are right that for only tougness it will not be +2GR. Together it will not be whole +2GR, but around +1,5GR.

For IB set, is it worth adding lph on one of the weapons and rolling off vit on helm for lph to use into the fray?

No. LpH heals very bad. You would need 1 mil LpH to heal on high GR.

One Life per Hit roll will be insufficient. I haven’t tested it due to gear/time limitations, but I suspect you would need 3+ LpH rolls, and that is likely to eat up damage or toughness rolls. Basically, using Life per Hit to heal isn’t an option unless you have some strange gear restrictions to work around and lots of Paragon.

At beginning of the season I (unintentionally) got LpH on my both IB. With 6.5k LpFS and 55k LpH I was able to play without PtS up to GR 125. At GR 127 I didn’t have enough healing in some situations (regularly) and at GR 130 I almost constantly didn’t have enough healing.
You may use LpH + LpFS on fasts but on pushes you need something better.

With 50k+ LpH is playable for me (GR130 NS), but worse than StP. 10% dmg (lost due 2x LpH roll on weapon) is comparable with ItF. ItF can be +30% in super density, but only a short time. Even in super density it can drop to only 10-15% with fat mobs.

For me StP win.

I am using 1 LpH roll on Doom because I have primal and another ancient without LpH has only +2,2% dmg (overall). But this is with Blood funnel together. It helps with lower defense without 30% IB armor.

With IB and StP I dont use LpH roll.

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Not sure if yall can answer this, but I used to play PC and now I play switch. My pc died 2 years ago :(. I have noticed that density is significantly lower on the switch version. Unfortunately I cannot side by side test, but it feels like 20%-50% lower.

Given a significantly lower density, is AD that important to rend damage?(FYI I am paragon 2600, play crimson variant with COE for pushing,120 augs and 150 gems, I am up to 125 NS) I would love your opinion Free and co, before I go nuts on rerolling my items to get more AD