[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

Lacerate or Bloodbath?

Most say (including myself) that Bloodbath for it’s innate araea damage, but Lacerates 24% increased damage * AD consistently is pretty nice too.

Of course Seasons are skewed, but 9:55 is huge. You would expect to hear that Bloodbath was the rune used for such a clear. IDK

Edit: And I guess it can be said that Lacerate has the an immediate impact on shrines, where Bloodbath is delayed.

I think the top 4 clears on EU are with lacerate, I am on 5th and did 142 with bloodbath. The first 150 clear was with bloodbath by the same guy though, but much slower.

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I wouldn’t pay much attention to Season clears. The Season theme is OP as hell and elemental choice doesn’t make as much of an impact as it does in non-Season.

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That’s true, but if clears at 150 and with the same player using both Lacerate & Bloodbath, then there is something to gauge here. He’s clear skilled.

And much slower than Lacerate at 9:55. Maybe there’s greater gap between the two Runes that we’re not seeing.

It’s more likely that the play style and control over the Season killstreaks was refined. In other words, I think it’s more due to better gameplay and familiarity/efficiency. Thing with Lacerate is that it does less damage in a larger area, so it’s probably used to control bleeds/damage since most damage is done through the killstreaks.

Lacerate is still a very good rune, though, and can definitely be used in higher pushes, but for non-Season, you’re going to get way more damage out of Bloodbath.

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True. It wreaks havoc in the right density.

Bloodbath is not so good at S19 135+ pushes because the most of monsters dies within one second. It also increase lag greatly when a ‘killingstreak’ effect is activated.

Yeah, figured it was along those lines. Gotta control the killstreaks and avoid the game-crushing lag.

So, I was lucky enough to get a very good lightning flavor of time too (20%, 10% CHC, 96% CHD, 7% CDR, non ancient, my physical one has basically the same stats, but is also ancient on top of that) and I did 143 in the first rift with that setup. Seems way stronger at the top end of seasonal, where you kill things only with season buff anyway. Rift had no conduit and I had to skip one floor completely


How did you kill RG?

‘manually’ without pylons nor season bonus. It was hamelin and it took under 4 minutes, but I got a bit unlucky, as he spawned at 340 seasonal stacks and the meteor shower came down just when he was dead

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Season 118 down, 14.49.

My luck with horrible maps continues, I even had a few deaths at the start of this one, and was a bit behind until about halfway through.

Wasn’t even sure I was going to be able to beat the timer until I got lucky with a few whirl wind spawns that wiped out some big groups that I had managed to get together.

I done this one with the Istavans set, and at this point, I still can’t tell you which is the better set to use. Istavans are a PITA if you die, BK’s are easier to get up and going again if you die, but neither seems to effect my damage or how often I die that much.

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You can try using Stone Gauntlets if you are having trouble surviving.

On a separate note I’d like to hear Free’s opinion on using Stone Gauntlets. Mantle in the cube is fine and all but I found that eventually as you go higher in GR level the mobs that attack you do lots of damage to the point where Mantle is just not enough.

I’d like to point out my highest is 127 (not bragging, just trying to make a point) and I probably wouldn’t have been able to reach it without Stone Gauntlets.

For Season, they’re amazing–provided you can keep up Wrath 100% of the time.

For non-Season, not good at all.

Hope that helps!

On high levels the main source of damage is AD. Mantle doesn’t affect AD damage.

How does Stone Gauntlets affect AD? I’m not being sarcastic or anything I really don’t know.

Probably there are something wrong with your equipment, skills or tactics because you must do 118 on any map.

I suggest you are not looking for a good map. I did this error in my first season (16). I spend a month for fishing and continued failing maps that could be easily done with proper playing. Instead of fishing it’s better to train on a level that you can do about 50% (25-75) of time. Well, you also can train on a level that you do in 17-20 minutes but in this case you don’t get gem upgrades (and get less positive emotions due to fails again and again).

I also suggest you to use Nerves of Steel while you are training. And when you die run to a place with few monsters, cast Stomp as soon as possible (just as you become ‘visible’) and attack a monster to get WotB on faster (to get Zodiac’s procs).

Stone Gauntlets don’t affect AD too. But they give you a lot of toughness that you need when you HC Rend (and when you get lag from the season effects). Mantle gives you toughness only when chandelling WW (that is when you needn’t it).

GR131 done without HC rend, without AD, without spear. Very good rift, but still no perfect (cca 50 keys). 2 minuty spare and no conduit. Same rift without conduit GR132 for sure, with conduit GR133 for sure and maybe GR134 capable.
Still without Flavor (Flavor will be another +1-2GR).

Now with IB (but with Abmo’s + Doom would be the same result).

Not so far Red’s max with HC rend with AD (GR135).

HC rend with AD is ofcourse better, but it is not that big difference than someone think.

How did you know? May be you can do 141 with AD?

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