[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

Bro, you are no fun. :wink:

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My chair says the same thing :joy::joy::joy:


Lol, no problem, man. This crazy game gets the best of all of us sometimes!

I’m going to stick with Bloodbath, it’s too much damage to give up. Bloodbath proccing at 12 yards will reach out another 10 yards totaling out to a 22 yard reach. This turnout to have quite a ripple effect.

And theoretically, if a enemy proc at 12 yards and you tack on AD at 20 yards, that’s 32 yards out total that will benefit from Zei’s.

That I will.

I think u are very creative and u got a lot of ideas how to change basic gameplay and get better.
For example your Zei or 2h setups. But nevermind how hard u will try u will never get any better then one right option, this game just dont allow to be creative with best results.

“U got one way to play this, stick to it unless u like to su ck or u like to waste your time” - this is just very true about Diablo 3. Fun creative gameplay with best clears? There’s no way. I respect creativness but its just pointless in game we play.

Regards (sry my bad english, i hope u get my point).

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As for the survival issues, isnt better to HC Rend right after the Stomp?
Since If we HC too much, the elites will not take much damage, then a mid point between the too much casts and none at all wouldnt be better?
For me that spot (after the Stomp) is working pretty well when a have a decent map (even with a number around 50 mobs/not so good density in order to smash)…
So I’m doing this rotation in the giant pack:
Stomp > HC Rend > WW for a while > Repeat
Not stomping everytime too so the mobs wont get immunity.

AD doesn’t work the way you’re thinking. It’s based entirely on the damage you dealt to an enemy with some source (in this case, Rend), multiplied by your AD percentage.

So if that guy you’re hitting is at 12 yards, you’ll get the 20 yard Zei bonus on your Rend damage to that guy, but the AD that procs from him and hits a guy 22 yards away doesn’t get the 30 yard Zei bonus. In fact, it won’t get any Zei bonus at all, it just benefits from the damage dealt by Rend to that enemy being increased by Zei, which gives you a bigger AD proc because the proccing hit does more damage.

Hope that makes sense.

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Sad and true. Honestly, I would have stopped playing this game long ago if I didn’t hoard my gear to try off the wall setup. I know I sound like a broken record, but this is why I’m looking forward to WOLCEN’s full release next month.

Yep, total sense. Thx for saying so, this way I know what not to expect.

You lose Taeguk bonus (1.5 sec duration).

You need to kill one enemy every second.

Just came back after a long while and cobbled some gear together. I managed a GR110 clear while my previous best was GR90, loving this rend build so far! :grin:


How does WW work?

As to the official site it cost 10 Fury, “deliver multiple attacks to everything in your path” and Dust Devils deal damage to “enemies in their path”.
As to the wiki it cost 10 Fury per tick, “dealing damage per tick to all enemies within 9 yards” and Dust Devils deal damage per tick to “enemies in its path”.
As to the d3planner it cost 13.33 Fury per second, takes 19 fpa and Dust Devils take 14 fpa with 2.10 APS.

When I keep WW key down, it applies Rend to all enemies within 9 yards (Rend rune radius doesn’t matter) and 19 frames later it applies Rend again. As well every ??? frames a Dust Devil is released, that moves straight forward and every 14 frames applies Rend to all enemies within 9 yards around it. Every WW tick (every 19 frames) I lose 10 Fury and if the tick was critical I get 0.2 x 21,457 x [amount of enemies that were hit by WW] life. Every DD tick (every 14 frames) I get 0.2 x 21,457 x [amount of enemies that were hit by DD] life.
Is this true or it works another way?


Here’s what saw:

HC for about 2.5 seconds produced about 10 - 12 AD procs (Stomp, HC 2.5 sec, WW, Stomp, HC 2.5 sec , WW… rinse and repeat.
I had no survival issue GR 123, at all

Traditional HC Rend - HC Rend - tap WW, repeat, produce about 2 - 4 AD procs

Question: How did you know they were AD Procs?

Besides that, I guess it’s time to push with this setup and see how far you can get. Proof is in the pudding, after all!

By the way, how much Paragon do you have? I can’t see your profile.

I believe you have it correct. There are a couple rudimentary charts above in this thread that go through the timeline of when rend is applied and when it ticks to do damage.

This is important to the fellow asking about attack speed above as well @Weaver. You do not need 2 aps for this build. You need at least two ticks per second combined between WW and Dust Devils. Any reasonable setup has this with no attack speed on gear.

E.g. wielding a 2h-mace with only paragon attack speed, when WotB is up you get 29 frame WW and 22 frame DD.

Edit: Ignore this bit, per @Rage we actually don’t care about this at all: It’s actually slightly more complicated, as you actually care about the timing in between when Rend falls off and gets re-applied. We went through this early in the discussion after the patch, and it turns out because of the different tick rates between WW and DD, you never have more than a gap of a few frames, and only in really weird gear situations would you ever care about attack speed at all.

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Oh, I assumed those bursting bubbles are AD procs. Or are they Bloodbath procs?

Not sure that what I consider pushing is actually pushing. :worried:

DieHard#1989: Pain (Character)

Paragon 2460


IPB + skills + paragon = 2.10 aps, I have no ASI stats on my equipment.

They’re Bloodbath procs.

It actually doesn’t seem like there’s a gap at all. At the end of the discussion you mention, I thought up a pretty complicated test that would show you what the gap was, if any. Then I thought of an easier one and did that… if you look back through the thread, you should find what I wrote.

I’d say I’m about 85% confident that Rend is actually “refreshing” with each WW hit, so there’s never a gap in 2x Rend coverage.

We’ll… I guess that’s just as good, I suppose. They were proccing all over the place and in quick succession.

Just as I found the perfect physical flavor of time, it seems that, at least on seasonal, lacerate emerges as the top build. EU did 150 in 9:55 with lacerate