[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

Oh dammit, what an idiot I am. You indeed said you drop to to 425k WITHOUT vit on the bracers. Which is the same life I have with AR on bracers because I do have vit on the chest, while you don’t. So it’s basically the same stuff rolls, with vit changing from bracers to chest.

I’d better get some sleep… :woozy_face:


I’d be one happy barb if they emanated the rorg. :sunglasses:


Alot of people would be. That would give us another 35ish% damage. Good for almost 2 grs and ability to keep stomp just like in season. Future seasons they let us emanate more or all 3 peice sets. Calling it now.


Been farming Hellfire Ammys for 3 days and got two Primals out of about 500 tries . Both are good but the one I just rolled 5 minutes ago is Epic !

+20 to Physical
+1000 Strength (rolled to +100 CHD)
+10 CHC

Passive : Boon of Bul Kathos

Seconday sucks with + to Gold . Would have been about perfect with + to a good elemental resist . But it will work . I think I’m gonna do another few hundred to see how my luck goes . But I am stoked that I got a Epic Primal HF Ammy .

Farming machines and viles with my DH as she’s fast at farming for HF Mats , and then spending with my barb . I have my new HF ammy on my barb now but I don’t think profile page is working again which is aggravating as hell . I wish they’d fix that crap . But yeah , HF farming has paid off and looking forward to using it when new patch comes . Now I can add Brawler passive . I’ll get this puppy augmented pretty soon .


Thats hilarious. Perfect amulet.

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Meteorblade rolls a D20 for Jealousy check. Result = 1. Critical Fail. Jealousy ensues.


Even though that ammy would only be a 1.5% upgrade for me I still want that shiny red boarder.


Interesting question, about whether you’d rather have a primal with bad secondary, or, say, a normal with perfect rolls, and Phys/Arcane resist + Melee reduction. Guess it depends on how much you get from an addition of 750 extra Str (at max). For me, that would be about 3% more damage. For you or Seras or Chris, less. In which case I guess it becomes a question of whether you think some extra toughness from those secondaries would help a lot.

Anyway, congrats on the ammy!

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Dear diary, jackpot! Giggity :wink:


I’ll put it this way . I would rather have a good perfectly rolled Primal such as this HF , have a good secondary rather than +gold (kind of a waste) . I got plenty of gold , but I could always use + Physical Resist . Or any of the others would be better for pushing than + to gold which is worthless in Higher GR scenario . Even stats such as Melee Damage or Ranged Damage Reduction or even Gold/Health Globe Pickup Radius would be more useful than the Gold Secondary . In the same token , I can make some of that up on another piece . No way will I complain too much about a bad Secondary on a perfectly rolled Primal HF ammy , which is hard to come by in the first place . Just Sayin’ . I’ll consider myself a Lucky Dog ! :smiley:

The other Primal one I got has :

  • 105 to 210 Damage
  • 100 CHD
  • 10 CHC

Secondary + 210 Fire Resist

Passive : Earthen Might

Not familiar with that passive . Might be useful for another build , I’ll Hang on to it I guess

She’s a beauty!

The only thing I think would be better is if the ele% damage was re-roll to fit other builds. Outside of that, it’s perfect by my standards.:wink:

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Yeah Die . I’m gonna try for a few more . Been killing time making HF’s in preparation of the upcoming patch . But yeah , the elemental roll being able to be changed would be the best of all IMO . The good thing is though , I got one for this build for now and that’s what I was looking for . Next step , farming up about 2K Keys , I’m really looking forward to doing GR’s with this new follower rework . Keep farming them HF’s . I got two Primal’s in no more than about 500 tries . I think odds are pretty good in the HF Dept. if we keep at it . Boring as hell but worth it .

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Wee just got this Ancient and I’m retired from this farm for the time being. Only bad part is the secondary is reduced duration of control impairing effects vs my old one had arcane. Oh well!!!
19% physical
843 str
100 CHD

Slight upgrade from my normal hellfire of
20% physical
100% CHD
9.5% crit.


Grats on both of you guys. I forged more than 300 and only got utter crap.

Anyway, just a quick question for those more experienced. How would you change the build if the zodiac rend is supposed to be the main DPS with other 3 sup around ? (I know, this is not the way to play it… but well…)

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Id only recommend low speeds with wwrend as trash killer. First make sure your zbarb is set up properly. They should have stomp/IP/warcry/sprint. They need to have executioner in the cube and wearing strongarms. For the damage barb run crimson with sprint instead of spear. Plan on 110s if you have 2 supports(zbarb/zdh) depending on your paragon. Anything higher is just very inefficient. Your better off making a zbarb and running with almost any necro. Im speed farming 140 2man in 8 minutes with a 3k necro in season. Barb as damage in groups is just not the way to do it.


Still pretty shabby on the core build . Not good enough with core to be able to pull very effectively yet . Moved up quite a few Paragon so I decided to go with my CC variant for a 129 after doing a few tweaks . Had good floors and was nicely ahead of the clock by the time I spawned RG . But I got Verdy and got chewed up . Died 4 times . Fished a bit more and got another good GR , and cleared 129 in 12:41 . Had the butcher dude for RG . He killed me once but I had plenty on the clock . Beat my last clear of 128 by over 2 minutes . Messed around with a few 130s and feel I can do it with the right map set . Still gonna have to practice with the core set . I am really sucking at grouping but noticing I’m getting a bit better at it . Currently at 222 on the LB . Moved up 89 spots on that clear . :+1:

BTW , I see the power in the Core Build … it’s definitely there ! I just have to learn how to utilize it to it’s potential . Thanks for all who have reached out . Couldn’t have done it without your support . :slightly_smiling_face:



I’ve been playing a Diablo 3 off and on for the better part of the last decade and I would like to thank everyone here for the continued effort into these guides and the community.

For someone like me these guides and the subsequent discussions are invaluable.

Thank you everyone!


S22 GR 150 has been cleared with rend! Amazing first floor. With better Pylon management, I’d wager he could have shaved 1:30 off the timer.


Amazing Clear ! Congrats to whoever did it . Just Wow !!! I like the way he’s pulling , using that ground stomp to bunch them up after pulling bunches up together. Man , that takes some skill . And he even took down Verdy , Unbelievable , that guy is good !

Superb clearance. I like how he was on voice the entire time but almost silent until the whoops and hollers at the end.

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