[Guide] Zodiac Rend (Season 20)

You want more AD, so now it comes down to if you can do with less CDR.

If yes, use the Primal and roll to AD

If no, stick with the Ancient that has both

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Kudos for the suggestion! The only reason to stick to CDR would be for wrath of the berserker upkeep right? Since, the small extra damage from cpt crimson isn’t really a thing, isn’t it?

Was it born with a socket?

As long as you are keeping permanent uptime on Wrath, then yes, adding more CDR has pretty quick diminishing returns.

Also remember that AD can only come from manually cast Rends.

I’d suggest roll AD on the Primal, then run a few rifts with the Ancient, then a few with the Primal and see which feels smoother, more damage etc.

It can be hard to tell what is best for you as everyone’s play style is slightly different. If you are getting a lot of manual rends out, AD will be King.

If you struggle to get manual Rends into your rotation, you may see less benefit from it.

And if your RNG is anything like mine, it won’t matter what you roll because you’ll always get rubbish rifts anyway :rofl:

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Nope. Vit /str /10% damage and rolled vit to CDR

What is a good rift? Haven’t seen one in years :joy::joy:. But yes, hard casting rend is definitely a thing, so I guess the one with AD should do better. Will make tests and still try to roll a primal with both 10% damage / CDR/ AD and be happy with it :joy:

Once you have enough CDR for perma Wrath, AD will always be better than more CDR

LOL tell me about it

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You can reach 63% cdr without sacrificing area damage in the CC build. Ever since I switched to the core build I will never go back. At face value crimson has a bit more base damage but when you factor in pixel stacking from stomp and area damage it actually falls behind by a good margin when you have proper mobs. If your not sure about what I mean then I can explain. Area damage has a 10 yard radius. When you stomp certain mobs they can stack on top of each other within the 10 yard radius and create a massive damage boost though area damage. Crimson can not do this ever since ignore pain is taken in the build.


New world rank 1 barb clear on the non season boards. 15.1k in 13:59.

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Rank Region BattleTag Class GR Time Paragon HC/SC
1 China fw6263#5301 [黄金团] Barbarian 150 13:59:533 15188 SC
2 Asia 피어로이#3283 [FURY] Barbarian 150 14:16:533 13083 SC

Primal weapons are never born with a socket.

I see. I still have a fairly good core lamentation gear to test and make comparison. But with the core build I assume that boon of BK is mandatory as a passive to keep WOB up. You surely are one of those around who tested the mechanics as deep as possible, so I’ll try to figure out which one works better for my play style too. Thanks Chris :slight_smile:

With proper rolls boon is not mandatory. You actually need less cooldown with core because you don’t have IP which is very taxing on the zodiac procs.

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Any help is welcome chris. I did try rolling a GR with this and no boon on, but there’s no way I could keep WOB up the whole time…

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Ok I just switched to my non season to check what percentage Im using. 50.29% without boon. At this number hardcast rend is mandatory and wrath sometimes will drop on rift guardians that bounce around and don’t let me hit them 100% of the time. The key is hardcasts and spears will help proc zodiac more. You can run boon but it will cost you about 8ish% damage on most pulls.

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I could definitely hit more but that would mean losing 54 AD (shoulders, little rogue). And get back to 94 I guess. Not sure which way is best. With CC I do have more but no serious fury generation and relying on IP alone… Doesn’t feel great.

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Yah unfortunately even with ok gear like yours the cdr rolls are tight. You are missing 3% on your flavor which results in you needing an extra rolls somewhere with core. Then you are missing CDR on both a weapon and shoulders. At this point I would wear zodiac for an extra roll and reroll the area to cdr on your shoulders. But i’m super jealous of your gloves.

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Those gloves are the best thing I have around, the only perfect one.
Ok with running with zodiac on, but that would make me lose 50% CHC.
I do have ok gear but nothing is as super perfect as it should be. Tad annoying. But I guess that sacrificing some area damage to get at least to 45 CDR should do…

Just test a few runs with boon passive. I havnt used that passive in a long time so Im not sure what CDR you would need. 45% may be ok.

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Will try in the night and see what happens. But it seems that core lament is the way to go anyway, and that might required finding much better gear than the one I have. But as you said using zodiac could be some sort of B plan, even though that would cause some damage loss.