[Guide] MOTE6 Earthquake

It was an adjustment at first (though it took me this long because I simply could NOT find APD’s with desirable stats XD and I’m picky!), definitely fits into the whole fishing for density and open maps more. But that’s not really an issue when I love big packs anyways. APD’s definitely bring the heat in giant packs so I don’t have to wait for Mortick’s to come up to ignore mechanics.

I ended up getting Raziel (sp) as a boss so it got a little hairy xD; Sadly, I only had a speed pylon spawn to deal with him so… oof. But, I managed to LoS his little orbs of light most of the time and bagged the kill! I threw a ton of keys at 133 over the past couple of days or so, so it felt very liberating to be done that roadblock. xD;

I think my next move is to get a ton of bounty mats for my rings. I’m not exactly sure how much a difference going from 70% AD to 110% will be, but my pushes felt a world of difference on the PTR.

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At your paragon in season I skip out on bounties till about 3k. That is when real top clear begin to happen. Spending time grinding to 3k will get to bigger gains then farming bounties. And along the way you will get upgrades passively too so just my thought as it more efficient that way.

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Yeah c: I’m grinding as time allows and such. I saw the second guy now at 141 clear with a whopping 3800 paragons already and 227ish hours of investment. It took the wind out of my sails for now so I’m off to take a break and play some cards. xD

Your never gonna beat guys like that. By the end of season those guys will be at 8k+. No point in going after them. What I recommend is to go on maxroll and look at the world season clears. Then try to beat everyone within 500 paragon of your current level. It will give you a good idea of what barb is capable of at your same level.

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Oh absolutely. xD; I’m not keeping up with someone who now has 230 hours out of basically 240 hours passed since the season began. It’s just a NICE power boost so early on. I’d love to have that kinda primary stat LMAO.

Well after season continue on playing non season then you can come tango with me, seras, and rage for top ranks. Then you can use all that main stat you earn. Non season is also more of a marathon since we generally get 6 months to a year’s for eras.


That sounds like a ton of fun. I’m hoping to get well-optimized pieces throughout this season. My offseason LQ gear is lacking some serious AD.

Significant. Roughly +50% damage in high density, and +33% in low density.

I’m expecting at least a NS 135 out of you before the year is out… put it on the calendar! :smiley:

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Ooo spicy! The paintrain is on! I like this goal.

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Update on this: When I’m not speed farming, but running 120’s for some gem augs, BR:StP feels pretty nice to make these clears happen in 4-6 mins. Since things live long enough to practically guarantee always have a nearly full rage bar to dump with SS. I definitely saw the true effect of the damage difference between having BR vs WC in a 120 since it shaved a couple minutes off the average clear.

Which was something I totally wanted to get the feel for to have a better understanding of my own. :slight_smile: It makes certain bosses a little more risky, but overall Zei’s and BR feels great! (Speed clears allow me to see some pretty hilarious numbers when Shield + Power and Oculus rings overlap. xD; Biggest tick I’ve seen to date is like 156T. Can’t wait to see 3k gons influencing that.

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Well, it shouldn’t be that much, at least not with the base rune. BR should only be a couple % stronger than WC in terms of damage. But, the healing of StP is really outstanding and can make you feel near-immortal in even medium density. And if you go ItF instead, that does add a considerable amount of extra damage, especially with certain mob types.

Hi, leapers!
I need ur advice. I have a good ancient tribes with 796% and 22 maximum fury, stats are str, vit and 15% Earthquake damage (rolled). Should I keep this 15% or reroll to AD/CDR?

Hey Yzer,

What roll you take in that 3rd slot kind of depends a bit on what other dibs bonuses you have and on how much AD you’ve got, as well as your own personal preferences.

If, for instance, you’re using TS:Falter (25%), as well as rolls on chest (15%) and shoulder (15%), then the extra 15% dibs on your Tribes gives you 1.7 / 1.55 = 1.097, or a 9.7% buff to your damage, which is basically equivalent to what you’d get from a 10% damage roll. If you had less dibs (like if you had no rolls on chest or shoulder), then that roll on your Tribes would be more valuable, and if you had more dibs (like if you were also using Battle Rage, Brawler, and Strongarms), the Tribes roll would be less valuable.

AD is technically going to give you the biggest returns, since even if you had otherwise max AD (130%), an extra 24% would give you a damage increase of roughly +16% in high density and about +11% in low density (but, +0% vs a single target, of course).

So, bottom line: if you’re planning on pushing with this weapon, go for AD. If you’re mostly going to be running speeds, just stick with the EQ%, unless you are using a setup with a whole mess of dibs, in which case reroll to 10% Dmg.

I should mention though that this weapon will underperform a well rolled Furnace, since 2H maces have a higher base weapon damage (roughly +8%). Not sure what you’ve got kicking around in your stash, but keep that in mind.

For the record, there is a Tribes that can outperform Furnace (slightly) in damage, which is one with EQ% - AD - Dmg%, as well as a +max fury secondary.

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Thx for a great answer, Rage!
I play WW or Frenzy for speeds usually, so I’m interested in push only with MotE. I have good Mace for Leapquake, but it’s CDR rolled since I don’t have CDR rolls on shoulders and gloves.
Probably I will reroll my tribes to AD and try some tests later.

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Just wanted to give a shoutout to SFX, who has cleared 139 so far this season with Leapquake, current top on the NA MOTE board, and worldwide as well. About 2800 paragon, gems 141 - 150.

He’s using Mortick’s, so I may have to at least somewhat rethink my policy of discouraging use of that bracer! (Though I still think it will not generally be an optimal choice).

Overall, the world seasonal MOTE boards are shockingly weak. People just don’t seem to be playing much Leapquake. Top clear on the AS server is a dismal 128, and my 127 that I did with <1k paragon, no augs, and poor gear is still rank 5 on NA.

A sad state of affairs in a season where EQ is almost as strong as Rend!


That just means you have to pump your numbers up! Go for #1 =]

Lol, I think I missed the boat on that one! I’m pretty far behind on paragon now and that hole is only gonna get deeper…

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Some of us just don’t enjoy the pogo-stick mechanics.

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Your mom does…HEYO!

*This post does not legally reflect the attitudes of Blizzard, the Barb community, the thread creator, or even the individual. No real persons were referenced in this post and all similarities to actual individuals is coincidence. Mods please don’t ban me.


I havent gotten much mote ethereals yet. A couple with low furnace values but nothing id push with. I have a super cool doombringer with ss on it, so maybe pro slam if nothing 2h drops. Plus mote is easier with paragon so im still working on that.

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