[Guide] MOTE6 Earthquake


BotT: Increase damage against enemies under the effects of control-impairing effects

Having a control-impairing effect for a secondary on wep would give a chance for BotT to proc on enemies within the 16 - 18 yard EQ radius. If we’re going by the letter of law, this should the case or am I reading too much into it?

That would work, but it wouldn’t generally matter, since you slow/stun enemies hit by Leap, anyway. So most mobs being effected by an EQ are going to have been hit by Leap, and be under a cc effect, anyway.

Yeah you’re right. (20 chars)

Rage, what follower setup should I build for solo gr push with fire quake? Maxroll says Scoundrel but I trust your words more. :slight_smile:

I setup templar with all attack speed+cdr where possible:


Right now I’m operating under the assumption that Enchantress is going to generally be the best. First, a question though: are you using an immortality token? Or the one that gives follower skill cooldown?

If you’re not using immortality, then whatever follower you take, you’ll want them to be augged out the wazoo, have them equipped with Esoteric and Mutilation Guard (these two gems, on the PTR anyway, did work with follower) and you may also want to run with War Cry, for the extra follower defense. If you are using an immortality token, you can disregard all that.

As far as CDR is concerned, the Maxroll guys reported that sheet CDR was not working at all on followers, with one exception: the Templar’s “Heal” ability. That alone would be enough to warrant taking a bunch of CDR with Templar, since getting extra healing with this build is very helpful. Then again, that may have been a PTR bug, one way or the other, i.e. CDR may have been supposed to work on everything, or on nothing- not just on that one ability.

But anyway, back to Enchantress: I am, for now, assuming she’ll be best. If you are in need of CDR, then take her CDR ability. This will generally be the case for setups not running Gogok. Or if you are running Gogok, take the +elemental%. In addition, take Erosion for +10% dibs, and her cheat death. If possible, don’t take either ability from the first tier, but if necessary, take Charm, as her Temporal Pulse ability slows down too many enemies too often, and makes it really hard to get good grouping.

Speaking of which, just taking the Enchantress at all makes it harder to group enemies, since she runs all over the place, rather than standing in one spot, like the Templar. But, her abilities are just more essential for this build, so I think she’ll be the way to go. In terms of gearing, take an Oculus Ring, Krede’s Flame, Nemesis Bracers, FoT, and Homing Pads, and make sure she’s at 25k+ INT. The rest doesn’t really matter.

As for Scoundrel, I think he would also be a fine choice, particularly if you’re using Gogok and don’t need the extra CDR. But, I think the Maxroll guys are perhaps overvaluing his CHC bonuses. For one thing, his cloud ability only has around 17% uptime. For another, there’s no guarantee he’ll deploy it in the right place. Taking his cloud prevents you from taking his cheat death. And he’ll run around and make grouping harder just as much as the Enchantress.

Anyway, those are my thoughts at this moment. I’ll update them as I play more.


I love a good technical analysis to go with my morning coffee.

I did go with the Immortality token for my templar. I’m going to play a few rifts with templar to get a feel for it without the Ess Johan and then play with Enchantress. I have a feeling since I’m not very experienced with the ways of the bunny that his heals will help more starting out. Perhaps transition to Enchantress over time once I get more seat time and am comfortable with the play style.

I love that I can post images now. Not sure what happened and when, but the new forum update is boss.

Re: posting images, you probably just hit Trust Level 3!

If you are running BR: StP, the Templar heals will mostly come in handy vs the RG. In density, StP heals you fast.

Regarding forum level, where does it show that? When I check my profile, it says my level is regular.

“Regular” is TL3
“Member” is TL2

Not sure what TL1 is…



I have to admit, I find playing with Enchantress VERY FRUSTRATING. For anybody not looking to get a super high rank for their given paragon level, Templar may well be the way to go.

What that means in practical terms is continuing to wear FoT, rather than a Hellfire, which is a loss of 11% or so damage from Brawler. The Templar can keep using Ess, to help with grouping.

Hello, MOTE it’s been a long time to see you. There is a follower patch so i played MOTE after a very long time As a result of trying 1,000 GR stones the limit of GR seems to be 148~ 150 if you use 10,000 GR stones hahaha Unfortunately MOTE is very difficult to challenge the limit. The power pylon must be given to the GR Boss and the GR boss must be Saxtris and Hamelin this is tremendous stress
These task always fail your challenge in seconds i’m just going to try a few more days.

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This video GR 145 play but failed

because best of best Boss haha

Hi Deal, nice to see you again!

Bummer on that sweet run… obviously, you would have gotten it with a better boss.

Are you still using the Strongarms + Zei setup? Wearing a Hellfire, adding in Brawler?

Anyway, good luck out there, and don’t be a stranger.


Side question, how are you recording your videos? They look so clear and smooth. Everytime I record with obs, I get a massive fps hit and the recordings always come out grainy.

That’s correct Rage, is there a better gear solution? If you can tell me an alternative i will try it

I recorded with a program called ocam. In order to add BGM, BGM was inserted on top of the recording, so I recorded it twice. The first recording has better quality.

Hellfire + Brawler will probably be the best option… only other thing worth trying would be Squirt’s. Don’t try to maintain high uptime, just take the doubled damage when Shield pylon is active. This would speed up kill speed of bosses and big elite piles when you happen to have Power + Shield at the same time (just the way you very cleverly used Power + Channeling to kill that pile of elites in your 145 run).

Looks interesting. If I get Squirt’s, I’ll give it a try.

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We are currently challenging the 145 with Squirt. Why do RG embers keep coming out? I couldn’t clear this again because of the boss. Testing Squirt continues to outperform Hellfire. When the shield pylon comes out, it takes effect for 2 minutes. Also, if you leave a shield pylon in RG, you will be able to save a lot of time.

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For those who weren’t aware, the reason Deal is working on 145 is that he’s already polished off 144. About 10k paragon. Rank 1 on AS server for both MOTE board and overall board.

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