[Guide] MOTE6 Earthquake

This afternoon, for a change of pace from my 135 push, I ran a handful of 130’s. No fishing- just played each rift as it came up, and each with a different setup. 3 successes and 3 failures, including one with an insane 45 second RG kill using Power + Channeling pylons.

That seems about right: I can do 126 pretty much 100% of the time, 130 50% of the time, and 134-135 once in a great while.


Cleared a 130 using Physical Leapquake with just one key. Since Earthquake has gotten a significant buff via Blade of the Tribes, it is now advantageous to load all damage into EQ, rather than trying to maximize Seismic Slam damage as well.

So, I used Tribes + Furnace + Strongarms rather than the classic Tribes + Fury of the Vanished Peak + Bracers of destruction. It felt stronger than I expected… maybe because Cave-In procs Strongarms over a wide area.

Between the wide application of Strongarms + the packing of Cave-In, this setup is probably only about 1 GR weaker than Fire.


Got my 135 (with Fire) squared away today, too! At this moment it’s the highest MOTE clear on the NA leaderboard.


Boing! Boing! Boing! RAWR!

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That #1 spot on the MotE leaderboard will have your name on it very soon. Well deserved. Congratulations! :partying_face:

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I beat the poor fellow who had the previous top spot by less than ten seconds. Gauntlet thrown, I guess!

You know he’s coming back for that crown once 2.7 hits. Thems fighting words you’re throwing. Back to the gym to beef up!

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Grats, jumping for Joy you are…

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I tried a couple runs on 136 just for yuks…HARD. I think it would ultimately be doable, but we’re talking a ton of keys. With max augs + gems I could probably go one or maybe two more beyond that, but I think 138 would be pretty much the hard limit for somebody at my paragon level.

Think I am done till the new patch, though!

Some high seasonal clears to report:

On the EU server, Shamue55 has cleared 140, using the “main” build. 4625 Paragon, rank 17 on server.

And on the AS server, 엔류, has cleared 142, using a very unconventional setup: RoRG in the 4th cube slot, wearing Aughild bracer and chest, Zei’s for 3rd gem, Leap: Call of Arreat for grouping, and BR: StP for healing. 5870 Paragon, rank 9 on server.

Congrats to them both!

Edit: 엔류 now up to 143. Rank 7 on AS server. Same setup, 6600 paragon.


Are you going to get a hellfire for your quake barb?

Is that question addressed to me or just generally?

I found a couple good hellfires out of the 500 or so I rolled up, one with 20/99/9 cold resist, Earthen Might, that I will probably use for Phys (the ele% is rollable), and one with 20/100/9.5, ranged reduction, Boon, that I’ll use for Fire.

So: wear Hellfire, FoT on follower (Enchantress with CDR ability, unless I’m using Gogok, in which case, +ele% instead), and pick up the Brawler passive.


On a totally different topic, I’ll be updating the guide once the new patch drops. Is there anything anybody would like to see in there that isn’t there already? Any burning questions out there that I’ve left unanswered?


Also, I just noticed that @David#1641 cleared 136 on the NA board, retaking the top MOTE spot from me. 5435 paragon, rank 37 NA. Congrats to him!

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Yea I was just curious if you were planning to drop fot cdr for a hellfire. I’m sitting at 35% cdr right now with my fire build and if I drop fot, I’ll be at 30 cdr. I guess the enchantress can make up the cdr, but that’s a lot of farming lol.

Yep, farming hellfires is a pain. But, picking up Brawler is 10-13% extra damage, so definitely worthwhile.

You know what you must do.

You must rage. And leap.

Rage and leap until it is finished.


Haha, wish I had the time right now! Think I’ve got to concede this one, though. He’s obviously a very good player, and it’s hard for me to counter the 2k extra paragon.

I actually almost bagged 136 the other day. Had 4+ minutes for the boss, and just needed either a Power Pylon or to draw Saxtris. But, I drew no pylon and got Raiziel.

C’est la vie…


In my quest for a rend hellfire, RNGesus blessed me with a fire ammy instead. Got a similar ancient lightning one too, with earthen might passive.

Non Ancient
20 Fire
98 CHD*
8.5 CHC
Life after kill

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Nice, that’s a solid amulet!

The Lightning one is, sadly, pretty much useless. Lightningquake uses the EW set (and, note that since it will be acquiring FoT via the follower soon, it’ll be getting a sizable bump up in power).

Ok! Light ammy will get charsi’d.