[Guide] H90 Frenzy: A simple guide

Nice job! Do your weapons + bracer not have any LpH on them? That might be why you’re having issues with that setup. I generally run with 1 LpH roll on one weapon and another on my bracer.

I got 23k life on hit with Oathbreaker. It helps a lot too. What really makes it work for me is the COE rotation. It feels like builds that attack very quickly benefit a lot more from the ring. I could probably put in APDs and have the same effect.

I almost gave up on Barb this season since there’s so many other builds outperforming Frenzy, but then I suddenly had an ancient Doombringer drop…

Alright, so I don’t think there’s any functional difference between doom and azure other than stun rolls being harder to get on gear whereas azure gets freeze right on the weapon. That said, after a bit of experimentation and farming I manage 110s in roughly 3:30-4 mins with relatively crappy gear overall.

I ended up swapping BoM for CoE since Guardians and the Altar make you quite tanky this season and it helps a bit with bursting down elites. I might have to switch back to BoM if I want to go any higher than 110s though.

Yes, that’s exactly right. AZ always has freeze, and its % chance (20-25 I believe) is greater than what you can get if you have Stun or Freeze rolls on your belt, gloves, and both weapons, combined (you have about 14.6% net chance to freeze/stun if you have all those rolls, at max).

You could try running Esoteric rather than Stricken, if you need extra toughness and want to keep running CoE + Aughild. I’ve used that setup a bit, with some decent success.

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I may just try that as I push higher!

Speaking of striken though, do you know the rate at which it would double your damage? Assuming a lvl100 striken and having most of the ias rolls needed for the build.

Well, vs a single target…

Rank 100 Stricken is +1.8% per stack.

To get +100% damage, you need to hit 100/1.8= 56 times

You should have a 7/8 frame Frenzy. Let’s just say WotB is active, so 7 frames.

56 hits * 7 frames= 392 frames

392 frames / 60fps= 6.5 seconds to double your damage.

Of course, vs a big mess of mobs, the Stricken stacks end up all over the place, so it takes a lot longer to stack up damage with Stricken.

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hey rage been pushing frenzy non season a few hours here and there this era , cleared a 148 quite easily with the normal setup , been pushing 15o last few days and have been messing around with setup , i tryed the leap version and dropping bom , whilst survivability was not a problem the playstyle of leap in the build is just not for me , so i have been pushing with bom and dropping aughilds for the full six piece coe and adding stongarms had atleast 4 close calls upto now where the pylon i needed at the time just didnt come , but my question is how much dps difference is there to the leap version without bom and running aughilds and coe , to the non aughild version with coe and strongarms

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Hey MM,

So the short answer is, I think your setup is about 1-1.5 tiers less damage than the Aughild + CoE setup.

Longer answer:

CoE setup and Aughild setup are basically equivalent in damage. You’re then throwing Strongarms on top, which adds 12% damage.

The setup that uses CoE + Aughild “should” add about 3 tiers, but it is actually only about 2 tiers, because Leap has such a long animation that it eats a good bit of time you should be attacking.

So it’s about 2 tiers stronger than using just CoE (or just Aughild). And you’re then offsetting about 0.75 tiers by using Strongarms. So your setup deals about 1.25 tiers less damage.

It sounds like you’re almost there on 150. If what you’re doing feels like it’s working, I’d just stick with it.

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I’ve been using Burning axe as a result of getting primal fire guardians bracers as well as a fire travelers pledge.

But does this choice gimp me significantly since I’m not getting the freeze bonus of the 2pc?

Not having a reliable freeze/stun on your gear probably costs you about 20-25% damage, since mobs build up CC immunity and so aren’t getting CC’d all the time. I wrote about how that works in this post and then this post.

After that, I found out that the additions to mobs’ CC resist are actually assessed all at once, when you first hit them with the CC. For instance, if you hit a mob with a freeze that is going to last 3 seconds, they immediately gain 30% CC resistance. But, that actually doesn’t matter for these purposes: the damage works out exactly the same.

Vs a single target, your damage is going to be exactly the same with Sankis as with Azurewrath, because you get a stun from Frenzy’s “Smite” rune.

You can also run Echoing Fury, btw. It doesn’t matter what element you pair that with, and it gives a significant boost to your damage. I did my non-season 142 using EF, with Fire element.

Aughild doesn’t feel very great at all in season. I made primal bracers yesterday (perfect roll). Its great for speeds (140 or less) but 6 piece or guardian feels a lot better. At least at this paragon.

Do diminished returns affect elite damage? Are the season bonuses not stacking as much as ppl think?

Yes. You get 35% elite damage from the Altar, which is additive with what you get from Aughild. So, instead of equipping Aughild and doing 30% more damage to elites, like normal, you do 1.65 / 1.35 = 1.22, or 22% more damage to elites.

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That explains a lot. Aughild isn’t terrible by any stretch of the imagination. It just doesn’t feel as good to me.

I made a fun xp build. It does low 120s in 3 minutes or less. Basically its guardian, with endless walk, Rachael’s ring of larceny, EF, and where your band of might skill is put sprint. With no collision detection you pass through everything. Stricken optional (you reaaaallly don’t need it). Very fluid if you like frenzy. Or my reakor version does 139s in about the same time if you are a high roller.

Thanks for the reply. I had read those posts and that’s what tipped me off to what may be a loss of damage based off my choice to go with fire.

So if I understand correctly my true loss is in the larger trash packs.

Not a big deal as I’ve turned towards pushing Raekor and using Frenzy to farm, but I’m sure at some point I’m going to want to see how far I can push Frenzy.

I also tried Augchilds and whoooo weeee that squishy feeling was real; especially compared to the tank that is Guardians

If your fingers get tired you can num lock frenzy and just steer. After playing d3 50 years i just figured that out today.


2525 posts


Aughild doesn’t feel very great at all in season. I made primal bracers yesterday (perfect roll). Its great for speeds (140 or less) but 6 piece or guardian feels a lot better. At least at this paragon.

I’ve found the opposite to be true Apache. We’re close to the same paragon and I felt like Aughilds does better than guardians.

I recently refocused all my gear. Went down to 0% area damage on gear and focused on CDR as much as I could. Once I got the CDR shrine my WOTB has an uptime of 100% -4ish seconds. Beat a 144 w/out a conduit. Aughilds + CDR build= Just elite hunt.

I’m pretty sure I know the answer but just to make sure: Does IAS on a weapon reduce the base weapon speed of it, so if I’m dual wielding it doesn’t affect the IAS of the other weapon?

My auto frenzy xp build is guardians, squirts, focus/restraint. Only defense is esoteric gem. I do 128s in 3-5 minutes. Pretty much god mode.

IAS increases the speed of just the weapon it’s on. However, IAS, unlike ASI, that you might have on a ring or gloves, is essentially a separate speed multiplier.

In other words, attack speed increases on your non-weapon gear, in your paragon, and from dual-wielding all get added up together.

For instance, let’s say you had a weapon with attack speed 1.00. And then you have 7% ASI on your Gloves, another 7% on each ring, and 10% in paragon. That adds up to 7 + 7 + 7 + 10 = +31%. So your weapon would now attack at 1.00 * 1.31 = 1.31 aps.

And, if you then got a 7% IAS roll on that weapon, it would go to 1.31 * 1.07 = 1.40.

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As im getting paragons aughild is better. The power creep is coming sooner with the altar buffs. I havent tried any pushes lately. Just enjoying the crazy fun xp mode now.

Hey, I was wondering if crafting Bastions Revered primal makes sense? It would perfect my weapons and that’s it. Or just craft azure and hope for good oath? Could you explain a bit more about 2h vs dw?