[Guide] H90 Frenzy: A simple guide

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So I leveled up my barbarian in-season yesterday and got frenzy going. I’ll soon be getting the build together for some speed 90s.

I found it interesting that maxroll recommends the squirt setup, albeit with molten (which is a very common combo), and you prefer the main build with wreath of lightning. Basically, even with molten I guess frenzy will rarely get to use squirt stacks, and move speed ends up more important anyway?

Oh crap, where did you see Wreath of Lightning? Hmm…

I guess I talk about using that under “The Speed Variant” in the OP. But, Wreath would really only be for T16s, I think.

For running GRs, the main choice is between running Gizzard w/ Squirt, or just running Stricken like normal. The build attacks so fast that even in speeds, you can save a bit of time killing Elites and bosses as a result of Stricken stacks.

Or, if you want to get creative, you can do something like run Esoteric and then use CoE + Endless Walk + Aughild (RoRG in cube) or F&R plus Squirt + Aughild (RoRG in cube).

And, as I mentioned here, you can also use either In-Geom or Echoing Fury as an off-hand, both of which produce good times.

I would not try to go for blazing fast speeds, this build is really just not cut out for that. I’d aim for a bit higher tier, and the 3:00 - 4:00 range.

Haha, that explains a lot.

Well, I may still go the move speed route as the current plan is to make frenzy into a gr90 farmer. My UE DH can do speed GRs, Inna bounty monk for rifts and bounties, and tal wiz for high speed GRs.

Tons of options this season!

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ya, sub 3 min. 100’s is what I’m doing. Using Guardian still at 1000p. full altar, potion pops, in-geom or Ef.

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S28 GR 150 down. 2.2K para. (world first GR 145+)
I think it’s a much lower para and earlier than people expected for this build.

I wear Guardian set, replace BoM with CoE, and FC with Leap (Iron Impact).
This setup is really hard to stay alive , but once the shrine power accumulated, you can manage it to some extent.



Setup makes sense: a low paragon version of the super-high paragon setup where you run Aughild + CoE, just that this time it’s Guardian. Still, it’s pretty crazy you managed to pull that off!

So, you calling it quits on the season? Or do you have some other projects you’d like to try out? Maybe you should try clearing 150 with no weapons equipped!

Should try pushing some c tier builds :slight_smile:

Exactly correct. Extra vitality from Guardian is the key to this setup. So I tried to leave as much vitality as possible in my gear.

Actually, it’s a little earlier than I first thought. So, I’m thinking about whether or not to try MOTE, our weakest this season.


Could possibly try running Guardian + Focus&Restraint. Or the classic “Archael” setup- Parthans with both Zei and CoE.

Or Spinquake with Crimson + CoE. Since there’s no WW pull this season, you may not end up with such a big mob blob that the server has an aneurysm.

Up to 135 with frenzy 1200 para and maybe 1/3 augs and not the best weapons. 9 minutes using classic 6 piece and vamp bracers. And my simplicity str gem is like lvl 60 lol. Anyways, I’m trying not to outpace my gear, lol. It’s kind of hard not to just keep going higher but I want to keep this fresh until the D4 beta starts.


Was just going through the leaderboard for ideas on speed builds, and the fastest 125 clear currently runs Vanguard rune on Frenzy and Doombringer for the extra physical dmg%. I thought that was an interesting setup as it would result in 50% extra movespeed without needing to swap other skills or gear out (although he uses superstition over boon of b-k). I may try it if I ever find a good doombringer.

I think the EW setup + Stricken works better for speeds too. You lose stacks at random with squirts even with molten, and stricken helps to go just a bit higher in GRs while maintaining clear speed like you said Rage.

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Undisputed Champion gives all Frenzy runes so you already have Vanguard.

Yes, you’re right actually. I’m dumb. I think I had the feeling of being faster as a placebo effect. I blame my ADHD and trying to play 6 classes at once.

I’ll still try the Doombringer setup and see how it does though.

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In an attempt to improve my gear a crafted more guardian bracers. I ended up rolling primal ones that had fire so I switched my azurewrath to a burning axe of sankis. I haven’t really noticed any difference although I tell myself I just made myself more tanky with the sankis effect :grin:

I’m having a similar experience to Apache, up to 128ish around 900 paragon. I just put my 3rd augment on.


finally made a guardian set. That HELM. Ugh, it took like 6k yellows worth of mats to get an ancient helm with str, vit and crit lol. With guardians you can’t really not take main stat, otherwise the set is pointless. Pretty tanky!
I also crafted some Aughilds but I am way too low paragon for that now.

Grats on getting an ancient!

I think I’ve made about 50 helms and couldn’t get one with the right stats that was ancient, also I only had like 3 ancients from the 50 so far. I’ll get back at it later

Now if only I could get the darn gibberish gemstone to drop

Ok, not sure how Physical rune gets a stun or freeze with Doombringer. However; messing around with Zei’s, it works with just about any weapon alt, no worries about the stun, and the damage seems to spread out some too.

Freeze on belt and/or Stun on weapons & gloves.

up to GR141. I tried Aughild with 138, barely squeeked by. Loaded up a 141 (I had a 140 from reakor) and 1 keyed it in 11 minutes. This time I used the classic 6 piece, coe and vambraces. I like it a lot more than the other builds out there. You get the huge dps punch from the CoE cycle and you can stand in arcane beams all day. It’s a nice balance for me.

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