[Guide] H90 Frenzy: A simple guide

Solid A+ tier. Feels more powerful than wastes, hota. I like the classic 6 piece with vamp bracers a lot. Super dooper tanky. Can hang out in arcane beams all day.


It’s just more consistent. At the top end it’s almost certainly going to still be a little weaker than both Wastes and HotA. But for running higher speeds or “10-in-a-rows” it’ll outperform both of those builds.

I cleared 142 yesterday and was briefly rank 1!

Here’s video. I may have gotten a bit creative with the audio…


yeah I saw that. I was rank 1 briefly before you, lol.

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Frenzy is super nice now. Ran a couple speeds and it’s much better than wastes. Maybe my wastes speed build needs updating (haven’t touched it in ages), but it felt pretty weak compared to Frenzy.

NotWig may have a few things to say about that!

I’m not familiar with NotWig, but if he has input here I’m all ears.

You probably know him by another name.

Let’s just say he eats all his meals at “Ruth’s NotWig Steakhouse”.

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The less fishing aspect puts it above everything but reakor for me. Plus, if you did fish for low density big trash youd be that much higher

Sure, fair enough: for you.


Its easier to target elites lol.

Wouldn’t really matter much. You need to kill a mix of trash and elites to get decent progression, and you can kill wimpy trash a hell of a lot easier with Bloodshed. The best mob types for Frenzy are ones with tons of little foes, like Swarms or Accursed, OR ones that mix in bigger mobs with small mobs who are regularly replenished by summoners, like Horror/Mother or Lacuni/Phasebeast.

My 136 was vs Accursed. My 137 was vs Lacuni/Phasebeast. My 138 was vs Swarms. And now my 142, post-buff, is mainly vs Lacuni/Phasebeast.

Mob types with all mid-range HP mobs, like Slashers, are not as good. Types with smaller numbers of high HP mobs, like Red Hulks, are terrible.

Chickens & phase beasts & mega larva guys are my favorite

Yeah, Bogans, right? A pretty good type for EF setup especially, though you do need to keep kiting the bigger mobs forward if you run out of little mobs.

Any big monster that spawns little ones
No blue illusionists packs
Lots of chickens & phase beasts
No teleporters or wormholes
The map itself doesnt matter as much as the mobs imo

What a pretty poem.

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Added a few minor updates to the OP for Season 28.

Also made the guide into a wiki, so others can edit it in the future.


I did 10 consecutive 137s. Funnest way to play this build, IMO!

Best: 9:23
Worst: 13:24
Average: 11:27

Cant wait to play more in season. RNG gave me wastes to start but im saving savages stuff. I need a lot of gems too!!!

I realized I had never actually recorded doing any of these “10-in-a-row” runs. So I did that for yesterday’s rifts with Frenzy. It actually turns out it’s 11 in a row- I lost count!

Video is sped up to 4x so it’s not too long- about a half hour. At normal speed would be about 2 hours.

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I kind of liked the piano :slight_smile:

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