[Guide] H90 Frenzy: A simple guide

Rage kindly reminded me I got knocked out of H90 leaderboards so I took a stroll through memory lane and found out I remembered squat all for this build. So back to the OP I go and there’s been heaps of updates since I last played Frenzy.

Thanks Rage for the refresher. I went with Enchantress and changed out some pieces to now include Aughild’s and cleared a decent festering. Pylons were Power, Shield and CDR, mobs were the axe wielding skeletons. I thought I recorded this, but that didn’t happen. I love fighting the RG with frenzy, so quick lol.


Well done, buddy!

I know. The Stricken effect is so extreme. I think the bottom 90% of RG life takes about as long as the top 10%. Whenever I come back to the build, the RG fight is like “Hmm, maybe this isn’t as fast as I remem…”

Then he’s dead!


I had taken the BoM from my main barb and forgot to roll off the extra AD (114 vs 94) for CHD. Did I gimp my dps significantly by doing so? I recall the RG was Skeleton King and he didn’t even spawn any ads he died so quickly, lol.

A bit. It’s not really worth stacking a lot of AD with this build because of the way Bastion’s splits up the damage. So you would probably have roughly a 6% buff with CHD in that spot instead.

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엔류 now up to 140 with about 2500 paragon. I’m looking forward to seeing how far he gets this season!

2 weeks into the Season and sader is boring me out. This thread making me come back to Barb again.


Do it! What’s more fun than charging in head first into a pack of mobs then hack n’ slashing everything until all that’s left are the bones of thy enemy!

What’s the game plan when you aggro a bunch of trash into several elite packs? Do you just stand in place and hit whatever you can and hope Bastions can get some dmg onto the elites? Or do you need to click around until you land on the elite and just go to town?

I’m finding that once I gather a pack and lots of trash, it’s hard to click the elite when I’m dps’ing, especially if I need to change out of frozen.

Often times my barb doesn’t keep on attacking after the charge animation ends and he’ll just be standing there. I don’t always notice until it’s too late and I pop the cheat death, or just die completely. Other instances, I’ll be clicking around frantically trying to find the elite in the trash and he just stands there not attacking. Finicky build imo.

Overall, the ideal is thing is to be directly hitting the yellow enemy with Frenzy, since “direct Frenzy” causes about 9% of your total damage. It doesn’t make a big difference, but it helps a little bit.

However, as you’ve noted, if you’re clicking on an enemy and your character can’t figure out how to reach them, they’ll just stand there doing nothing. So, what I generally do is hold down the “force stand still” key (which I have bound to `~) anytime I’m attacking in medium-high density. I still try to aim at the elite, but even if I’m not hitting him, I’m at least hitting something. Once the density thins out, I release that key and just click the enemy I want to hit.


Makes sense, I’ve been trying to incorporate that force stand still key with Frenzy. Just need to get used to doing it more. C’monnn Bliz, emanate Illu boots and RRoG already :+1:


Been having some Frenzy fun of my own, in season. 1-keyed everything up to 125 with no augs, since then have added augs averaging about ran 70 (still have 5 pieces unaugmented) and 1-2 keyed everything from 126-135. Currently rank 3 NA, and one of only a few Dual-wielders.

Did one of those levels, I think 131, with Grandfather… you can definitely feel the extra damage. But, it’s pretty tough to stay alive. Extra LpH is very handy.

The r1 Frenzy barb I feel is just waiting for someone to post a 139 and he’ll blow them outta the water with a 142++ or something. His gear is perfect and that 138 run was sandbagging for sure lol.

You aiming for rank 1? Well, even if that guy does come storming back to retake his spot, you know what they say:

“A screenshot is forever.”

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Like so:

Rank 1 on the season H90 board (for now), rank 18 overall NA. I have about 2000 less paragon than the fellow I displaced from the top (roughly 1800p for me, and about 20k STR).


Dammit I was gonna come over here to call out your monster 136 clear. XD

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Yep, I’m 2 spots ahead of you on the NA board, better get to work on 137!

(Just so you know, I think 136 is as far as I’m going, so once you get 137, you’re in the clear)

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This sounds familiar…

Lol, well, that’s still true! My Leap 128 127 is right where I left it…

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Fair! But this just means that WW is next right? XDDDDDD

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I think the highest GR I’ve ever cleared with WW is 100, and I’ve got no plans to change that!

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