[Guide] H90 Frenzy: A simple guide

Hey guys. Is Nutcracker also a viable option for H90? Just picked up a primal Nutcracker with AS, CDR, CHD and did a few 120s with it. Since the stun on hit procs the double damage set ability, am I wrong to say it hits just as hard as let’s say an Azurewrath?

Probably not gonna be your best option, but it will work ok. The extra CHD only adds about 4.5% damage, compared to 20% elemental on Azurewrath, which adds about 14.3%. The stun on hit will function similarly to the freeze on AZ, which in most fights will give you roughly +100% damage for a few seconds at the start, quickly diminishing to around +20% for the long haul.

But, if your other off-hand options are poorly rolled, then that Nutcracker might be your best option.

GR 130 with a Sword and Board setup. Took 2 keys.

Ran with CoE, plus Strongarms for a bit of extra offense. Setup here: https://maxroll.gg/d3planner/857402425


Wow. The dps is still pretty solid. Would you say it has just a slightly lower pushing power as the core build?

Well, in the guide I say it’s 3-4 GRs weaker, but it might actually be a bit closer than that. Let’s look at the numbers:

With a shield, you go down from the 7/8 Frame (with/without WOTB) Frenzy to 8/9 Frame. The extra speed dual-wielding is getting you about +13.4% damage, on average.

With a shield, you lose 130% CHD (from an Emerald), but pick up 10% CHC. The CHD from Emerald is about 6.9% more net damage.

With the shield, you lose 20% dibs from Brawler, but gain 30% from Strongarms. That extra 10% gives you a 3.7% boost with the shield.

So, that’s (1.134 * 1.069) / 1.037 = 1.169, i.e. about 17% more damage for the dual-wield setup. That’s only a 1 GR difference. Then again, having a higher attack speed adds more Stricken stacks, not just against the RG, but against elites as well. So maybe you can tack another +1 GR on there. So S&B setup is maybe 2 GRs weaker than DW.

The ideal setup, I think, would be to have your Oathkeeper with 7% IAS, 10% DMG, 10% CDR, and to have LpH on your bracer. With Dual Wield I don’t usually suggest using DMG%, because its value is essentially halved (since you alternate hands, each hand only gives 5%). But here, it’s well worth taking.

Also, 131 down. 1 key. This time went with a little more CDR and a little less flat damage in order to catch the higher CoE/WOTB breakpoint.


I know it’s not as strong as main build, but would you say that S&B now out performs 2H?

Only because I want you to have the best clears, at the 11:20 minute marker you missed a globe on the left side of the screen. And don’t forget to skip Juggs, I think it was second Elite. :wink:

Probably. You get about +90% straight weapon damage with a 2H weapon, but when DWing you gain about 87% damage via attack speed (going from 13/15 frame to 7/8 frame), and another 20% from extra CHD.

The damage between S+B and 2H is probably pretty comparable, but it’s easier to stay alive with a shield.

Great analysis as always. And as a devout barb tester myself, I’ll see if I can get through a GR124 with the S&B in my next runs. I just die too much with dual wield at this level.

Also, would Rampage be a good fit vs Ruthless in this setup?

The actual benefit of Ruthless works out to around a 10% damage buff. If you feel like you can keep an average of 10 Rampage stacks for most fights, then it will be comparable. This build has some trouble keeping up the kills, though. I’d say that in a higher level, more difficult push, Ruthless is almost certain to be better. But at a rift level that you can clear with only modest difficulty, Rampage will be pretty competitive.

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Last night was a primal ring bonanza. First a primal Zodiac (meh) and Oculus (meh), then this…


Well you got one slot finished forever. And probably the hardest one too.


Yep, only thing that would make it better, especially for Frenzy, would be if it had Arcane rather than Lightning resist.

Bagged 133 in just a couple of keys after picking up the new ring.


I just did a GR120 this season with around 1300 paragons and the maps were attrocious. Not too bad. My gear is acceptable, all ancient appart from jewelry pieces. Ended up pretty high in EU leaderbords (around place 180). I think i can manage 121 or 122 with better luck and a good conduit pylon in an open floor.

I am a fan of using the Burning Axe and it helps if you have fire on amulet and bracers. The ignore pain procs help a little bit with toughness which can be an issue at times.

I am also able to do 100 runs in 3 minutes if i replace Burning Axe with In-Geom. I find the elite hunting gameplay fantastic.

That’s a very nice build overall. Really straightforward and aggresspive playstyle. Two main issues (at least for me) is the down time on Berserker and these annoying spining mobs that tend to spawn with Nemesis bracers and you can suicide by hitting them.

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Nice job on the clear, Yukos.

If you’re having trouble staying alive, consider trying an Aughild’s setup.

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I just added this section to the OP (in the FAQ), but reposting it down here as well.

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On the AS server, 엔류 has done 134 with about 1.7k paragon, and augments around 100. As expected, he is carrying Grandfather. Also of note- for his 5th passive he has chosen Juggernaut… interesting!

What’s his NS paragon for the 144 clear?

That’s actually with Leapquake… right around 10k paragon.

this is interesting since i just had a Grandfather drop with bastions legendary and i think remorseless as the passive,i have all the pieces,lord knows i have plenty of oathkeepers trying for my bk blades.

If you’ve never played Frenzy before, maybe now is the time to give it a try!