[Guide] H90 Frenzy: A simple guide

Yeah, I thought about Aughild’s too but I’m literally out of bounty materials for crafting, and I used up my last rank 125+ gem on the amulet I found, so I’d need to farm bounties, get lucky crafting, and level gems for augments. Maybe after I get a GR131 on WW/Rend.

Maybe just run the next challenge rift or do 1 bounty set, craft a few pieces, the best you can manage, and then give it a try unaugmented. You’re well over 4k paragon so losing 1200 Str or so isn’t a huge dps hit. And who knows, you might hate the way Aughild feels. It would suck to spend hours doing bounties, hours more leveling gems, try out the gear, and be like “blech!”

I agree 100%, waiting on CoE rotation is a distraction in it’s self. Imho, removing CoE let’s you focus in on making better decisions and eliminates the chances of a mishap, outside of your control which would be missing the rotation and having to wait for the next one. And you know I enjoy tankier build as it is :grin:, so I might be biased.

What do you think of this? As soon as WotB drops, I WW until WotB is up again through Zodiacs proc, it doesn’t take very long at all. I did one run and it felt pretty smooth.


You’ll be losing lots of damage from Aughild / CoE and lots of mitigation from BoM , which is more than twice as good as Unity. May not be unplayable, but definitely not gonna be an upgrade for you.

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Ok, guess I was putting too much stock in having WotB up more often. I’m going mess around with it, if anything, it was fun. :laughing:

Well… that didn’t take long to get out of my system. Worst 20 misspent minutes I’ve ever had in this game.:neutral_face:


Cleared GR 125 w/ Bastion’s and w/ 3 minutes to spare. This was a pretty near to perfect rift.

Q: I have two belts,

Non-Ancient: Str/Vit/AR/Life%/399%/Freeze 4.5% (this is the only source of freeze on gear/weapons that I have)


Ancient: Str/Vit/AR/Frenzy%/400%/

Which one should I stick with?


Good job!

Keep both belts, but use the first one.

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I made the change. Aughild is now the “Main” build, and CoE is the variant. There’s just been too much evidence piled up that this setup is about equal at killing things, while being way more reliable at avoiding death yourself.


Nice guide, I read and give a try to H90. I ranked 1 on EU by clearing 130 with 2.3k para. However I’m wondering if Azurewrath is really working because from d3planner pov it seems that this 2-piece set bonus will give you a huge boost but I was running few 128s with Azurewrath and with Doombringer and couldn’t noticed any difference in clear speed. So in the end I pushed with Doombringer without any CC on my gear.

Need your help. I’ve just cleared a 119 with a meme Pig Sticker+Oathkeeper+Aughild’s combination and boy did I enjoy it. That’s my best HoNS run so far (Paragon 1.7k+)

Need your advice:

  1. Large discrepancy between attack speed of Oathkeeper and Pig Sticker. Do I need to sacrifice let’s say strength on my Oath to get IAS instead. Is it necessary to get the two weapon AS closer?

  2. I plan to sacrifice some CDR (currently at 45+% can’t remember) to add some AD. Is this an OK move?

Thanks for any advice (:

Thank you, and congrats! That’s an excellent clear!

So, Azurewrath does work, but keep in mind that since mobs build up CC resist, you don’t end up getting the 100% damage boost stated in the 2-piece. It’s 100% for the first few seconds of a fight, after that it’s more like 20%. I talked about the mechanics of that in this post and this post.

But, 20% is only 20%. If you have a great Doombringer but only an ok Azurewrath, the difference may not be super noticeable.

Good job!

Well, the difference in attack speed between the two doesn’t really matter, but boosting the speed of OK will get you a bit of damage.

It depends on what else you might be able to pick up instead. With this build, you will always choose CHC, CHD, or damage range (on a ring) over AD. Since you are playing with Aughild rather than CoE, it is not super-imperative to have a lot of CDR. But, you do still gain some dps from that CDR by having WOTB up more often.

Honestly, I would just stick with the CDR for now- it’ll keep your gameplay feeling more fluid. Keep in mind that you need 40% CDR to have Charge reset when you hit 3 or more enemies. If you have less than 40%, you need to hit at least 4 mobs. Not a huge difference, but it can keep you moving through the rift a bit better.

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Thanks, that would explain it since my primal Doombringer with perfect stats was around 13% increase dps over my Azurewrath. So probably with perf Azurewrath I could get 1 tier higher with the same rift.

Yep, that’s my thinking!

Hi there. I’ve been testing Strongarm Bracers with the non-Aughild build and surprisingly it seems to work and has some additional incentive to using Furious Charge to go along with the BoM buff. Any thought on Strongarm as a viable bracer vs Mortic’s, Vambraces?

Strongarms does work with Charge, and gives 7-12% extra damage, depending on your setup.

However, for pushing, they are problematic. If you’re using Aughild, that obviously occupies the bracer slot, so no Strongarms. And if using CoE, you really need to pick up some defense from your bracer, otherwise you can expect to die a lot.

For speeds, Strongarms are pretty solid, but generally it’s better to just stick to Aughild for consistent damage.

There’s a new top clear with H90 Frenzy: GR 146 by Mugen, over on the EU server.

The clear is notable for the fact that he doesn’t use BoM, instead running both CoE and Aughild. He has 13k paragon, which helps him stay alive with so little defense, and also runs Leap: Iron Impact rather than FC: MA. Other than that, the setup is the standard Aughild w/ Azurewrath.

Interesting stuff!


Hey Rage, I noticed that Freeze and Stun are no longer in the guide (is this because Smite and AZ are sufficient?). I’ve been reading up on cc and agree this is a good move, if indeed you were intentional about it.

If you’re using AZ, you don’t need hard CC anywhere else. If you’re not using AZ, it’s helpful to have Freeze / Stun. That’s still in the guide: