[Guide] H90 Frenzy: A simple guide

That’s good to know. I don’t have any freeze% on my gear or weps atm, so I’m going to let the Enchantress do all the freezing the for the time being by switching out her 2H with my primal Azurewrath for a push of GR122.

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First ever attempt at playing H90. One keyed 125. 0ne keyed 130. Gave 4 keys at rank 1 attempts but was to much work. Didn’t feel like fishing so I went down to 133 for a one key rank 3. Not anything special for 7k but was good to get the dust off all my GG gear. H90 IS LITERALLY a single target IK hota build. It’s kinda stupid they have the exact same game play style.


Nice job on the clears!

I know what you mean about similarity to IK HOTA… they kind of missed the chance to have something distinctively different when they whiffed on the whole “fear” aspect of the set. That said, I still enjoy the build… more interesting than IK HOTA, I think, which at this point is just a weaker and easier-to-play version of LOD HOTA (and R6 HOTA).

I think I mentioned this sometime in the past: my favorite thing to do with this set is “10 in a rows”, i.e. see how high I can clear 10 consecutive times with no failures. It’s s nice medium between the certainty of success with speeds and the endless grind of pushing.

Have you tried the 2H setup yet? If I remember right you’ve got a good primal Bastion’s. It is definitely not as tanky as using S+B (especially with Aughild thrown on top), but hacking things to death with a giant axe sure is fun! In the latest update to the guide I added this setup to the “Variants” section.


I haven’t, but I will.

I’ll check it out.

Here’s my 122 clear (nothing spectacular).


Nice job! Always great to find a Conduit now! Makes the rest of the rift pretty laid-back.

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I totally agree with this. H90 is so much more enjoyable vs single targets.

I’ve progressed to my next clear which was GR 123 with Primal Bastion’s on my very first attempt (with exactly 2 minutes to spare). I have too say that that felt much easier and smoother than S&B (I did deviate from the guide and change 2 passives for more toughness: Relentless, Tough as Nails, Rampage, and Boons , which I didn’t think was going to be the case. I’m pleasantly surprised. I really liked the way 2H felt. Here’s the video:

Q: On the 2nd Elite, at about the 3 minute mark, there was a point where I just wasn’t attacking, how can I avoid that?

Q: Should I not have skipped that blue pack at the 7 minute mark?

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Well done, DH! I thought you’d enjoy the 2H setup, glad I was right.

So, what happened there was one of two things. One thing it could be is that those enemies were Nightmarish. So maybe you just got feared, possibly a couple times in a row. There’s actually a bug that seems to happen with enemies who are Nightmarish-Orbiter, where you get permanently stuck to the floor, and which inevitably results in death. That wasn’t the case this time, but, be aware!

The other thing it could be is that you were clicking on a particular enemy and your character couldn’t find a path to that enemy. When that happens, your character just stands there, doing nothing. The way I solve that is judicious use of the “force standstill” key, which I have set to the `~ key, next to the 1 key. Whenever I’m in a lot of density, I hold that down while attacking, which keeps me attacking something, even if I can’t find a path to my chosen target. Then, when the density breaks up a bit, I stop holding that key, and just click on my intended target.

No, you made the right decision. That was a big pack of enemies that were all going to run away from you. It would have taken a long time to kill them.

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GR 124 DW clear (I apologized if making a lot of something over nothing with these clears). Here’s the video😁:


What on Earth makes you think we’d be anything other than congratulatory about a fellow Barb being happy about pushing and clearing new personal bests? The Barb community is one of the most solid and positive in D3.


Thx man! We are a great community!

Yah, bro, I mean you’re pushing and having fun, and that’s the point, right? Keep doing what you’re doing. Heck, maybe one day 2H weapons will get buffed or something!



So, having played 3 setups lately (DW, 2H, S&B), which do you think you enjoy the most?

It’s 2H without a doubt. I know it’s not as powerful as DW, but 2H capture the feel and look of shear barbarism. Seeing that mighty axe come down on foes makes up for the damage loss, imho.


I noticed the rank 3 clear on the NA board is actually with a 2-Hander. Then again, it’s only 133, and the guy has 11k paragon…

I’m sure this suggestion has been beaten to death, but what about Ice Blink over BotT, humor me:

  1. 10% CHC defuff (not sure if it works w/ Bloodshed)

  2. TS: Demoralize: fears enemies which doubles our damage, Ice Blink impairs movement by 80% (which is a plus), and we receive more damage reduction.


3. And overall, it will be less diminishing returns with dibs from Falter, Brawler, and Frenzy% from gear/weapons.

Looks good on paper, but would it work in practice?

Iceblink works with Bloodshed, and I think you mean TS:Terrify…

But no, it won’t be any good. Gaining 10% CHC will get you maybe 20% damage if you’re lucky. In return you’re giving up a multiplier of 1.5 - 1.6 (depending on gem level) from Trapped, and 50 dibs from Falter, which amounts to roughly a 1.25x multiplier on its own. So, combined, you’d be trading down from 2x damage to 1.2x damage, a loss of about 40% dps.

And with Terrify, enemies will build up CC resist pretty quick, not to mention the fact that they’ll run away, which means you can’t hit them as well. I tried hard to make Fear work out back on the PTR when the set was first launched. No dice.

Besides, if you’re using Azurewrath, you’re pretty much already going to be hard CCing enemies as much as they can be hard CCd, so the Fear isn’t adding any extra DPS on top. If using S+B or 2H, you obviously don’t have AZ. But, the best solution is still just to pick up Freeze on Belt, Stun on Gloves, or both.

I think a better alternative to TS: Terrify would be to use the S+B setup, and swap out WC for Stomp. S+B would be helpful here for extra toughness, and you could, if needed, throw another defensive passive in too. Maybe take Boon - S+B - Relentless - Berserker. In this instance, you’d actually want to avoid Wrenching Smash, because the pull-in applies 40% CC resist instantly. Deafening Crash would probably be the best option. If using CoE, you’d Stomp right before your damage phase. If using Aughild, you’d Stomp whenever.

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You cleared GR

With 3500 paragon (DW?). Would you say that the player 11k paragon probably has very, very, very limited skilled play when it comes to H90?

I’m sure that with 2H and 11k paragon, you’d be crushing it.

Found a very nice ancient Traveller’s tonight which I turned into 10% CHC / 99% CHD / 20% Cold to take elemental damage to 60% on my H90/Frenzy Barb so had a play. GR125…

Associated stuff… https://imgur.com/a/euEVLLf

I need some better bracers I think. Maybe some Secheron’s for the healing as laser packs are a pain right now. We’ll see what turns up, I guess.


Up to 132 now. About 5 keys. Used the Aughild variant this time.

I mean, who knows? Maybe he just decided to jump in and get his name on the board without spending much effort. He could be great at H90, or not good at all. Impossible to tell.

Well done, MB!

Re: Bracers- try the Aughild setup. Definitely easier to play since it removes the timing element of CoE and gives you more consistent mitigation.

I’m actually thinking of revising the guide again, and making the “Aughild variant” into the “Main” build, with CoE becoming the variant. It’s just a lot simpler for people to play, PLUS the fact that the top world clear (currently 143… good job, 엔류!) comes with that setup…

Or, maybe that’s too much trouble. Aughild is the first variant I list, so it’s not like it’s hard to find…

Anybody have thoughts on the matter?

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