[Guide] H90 Frenzy: A simple guide


what do you think of these Squirt alternatives





You’ll only use Squirt’s for speeds, EW is a lot better for pushing. And for speeds, I’d definitely stick with dual-wielding.

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This is my first 120 clear and as true to form, I’ve added my own twist to it (in the most literal form):

What? I was like 90% sure you did 120 with a S&B setup something like a year ago.

You’re probably be right. It’s been that long since I’ve touch H90.

Guide is updated for 2.7.0.

Any questions or comments, let me know.

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With the follower changes in Patch 2.7.0, allowing the follower to emanate Flavour of Time, wouldn’t this be a Hellfire, or maybe a Squirt’s?

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Good catch, MB. I think it would have to be Squirt’s, to have a chance of getting any benefit. Hellfire is just too weak compared to running EW. I’ll make the edit.

Bagged 130. Took 1 key. 10th on the H90 NA board.


Yeaaaa budday! :sunglasses:

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Keep it coming!

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Thanks! We should catch up sometime soon over gchat… it’s been a while!

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GG Rage ! :clap:

Since the last time when I was blocked at 117, I farmed 400 paragons but didn’t get the really nice Band of Might I need for using the Aughild’s variant Rage advised me. And I’m still sporting the Burning Axe Of Sankis as I didn’t loot a better amulet with cold damage to switch to Azurewrath.

But with the followers’s changes I was able to clear a 121 today with the enchantress and a little bit of fishing. This brought me in the best 200 on Europe H90S leaderboard, quite happy with that result.

I have some tests to do though as I got a really nice ancient Convention of Elements, I could drop Unity and Brawler, take back Nerves of Steel and equip my CoE and see how it goes.

I think the best upgrade I could get would be luckily looting a very good ancient Traveler’s Pledge with cold damage and an ancient Oathkeeper with IAS on it. I could then go to the 8 frames break point for a substantial damage increase.

This and paragons so back to farming I guess !

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Hi Ptikon, nice to hear from you… gratz on 121 and good luck on future pushes!

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131 done. 1 key again. 7th on NA board.

Now that this build uses FoT, getting even a halfway decent Conduit gives you padding on your timer that you can carry all the way to the RG. And at that point you don’t even need a full minute remaining. I drew Voracity, killed him in 45 seconds (no Power pylon).


Rage I will be throwing my frenzy build together today and get a few clears in to get a feel for it. I know it is an elite hunting build but are there any other ideal situations I should be looking for that differ from WWrend? I’m assuming we would want single target elites and big high value mobs.

It depends a little bit on whether you are playing the “Main” setup (which uses CoE) or the “Aughild” variant (which uses, duh, the Aughild set). Both are really good, so you can’t go wrong, but depending on which you pick you need to adjust your thinking a little bit.

The big difference is that Aughild kills elites (and the RG) even quicker, while CoE can burst down certain trash types quite well. This is not a “density” build like Rend or Leapquake, obviously, where your damage just goes up and up the more mobs you’re fighting. But, with certain mob types that stack themselves, like Swarms, Winged Assassins, and Lacuni Huntresses, or with other that don’t stack quite as well but have a ton of value, like Transformers, you can actually pick up some fair progression just by chipping them down with Bloodshed damage.

The Aughild setup can too that too, of course, it just isn’t quite as good at it. And with CoE, you obviously still kill isolated elites fast, just not as fast as Aughild.

If you have more or less equally good gear for both setups, I certainly suggest trying both and seeing which you like better.

As far as general strategy is concerned, hunt for elites, but try to avoid anything too dangerous (Arcane/Horde is bad) or anything too hard to kill. Shielding is annoying. Illusionists can also cause a real problem. Blue packs of mobs that run away from you, like Archers or Mothers, are also problematic. Other blue packs are fine, though: they do split up your damage, but so do the minions that come with a yellow elite. Watch out for Dune Dervishes spawned from Pylons. These can reflect your Sidearm axes back at you, which generally kills you instantly.

Final note for now is just to be patient. When you first charge into some mobs and start hacking away, you are going to feel like you are doing 0 damage compared to Rend. But, Bloodshed will slowly eliminate the trash, eventually leaving you with just the elite. That process might take 25 or 30 seconds. And, at that point, that elite may well have 75% of his health remaining. But, a few more seconds, and he’ll be dead.

Consider this: if you pop WOTB as your CoE damage phase begins, vs a single, isolated target, then by the time you get back to your damage phase again, 16 seconds later, Stricken will have quadrupled your damage.

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I’ve never tried this setup.

This difference sounds like it’s more up my alley.

I combined


and went Elite hunting. I cleared 121 with over 2 minutes to spare (no condi, no power, still missing multiple Ancients/augments ). I like the toughness now.

Edit: I didn’t gather any density and replaced IAS with AD so I could isolate Elites sooner. We’ll see how this works out for me.

Edit: If your Follower freezes an enemy within the chain, does it all in the chain (as if it were you who delivered the freezing blow)?


Nice job on the 121, DH!

It doesn’t matter who freezes an enemy. If you were playing with another person and they froze some mobs, you’d do double damage to those mobs. Same if the follower does it.