[Guide] H90 Frenzy: A simple guide

I guess I’m late to the party, but Rykker says that Follower benefits from H90 shouts. I don’t trust that foo, is he right about that?

The follower definitely benefits from your shouts now, so it’d be strange if they changed that in the coming patch.

But, it doesn’t really matter. I mean, the follower basically does 0 damage, so getting a dps buff from Falter or something is not consequential. And as for toughness from War Cry, the only way that would matter is if you could get that follower enough toughness to stay alive while using one of the non-invulnerability tokens (i.e. “all skills” or “50% CDR”).

DMKT ran a test on trying to keep the followers alive without invulnerability, and it didn’t go well past GR 130 or so (and this was with fully augmented gear… since it was the PTR that probably means rank 150 augs). Now, 60% dodge would definitely help with survival, but it doesn’t work on some very bad stuff, like Arcane beams. And you know the follower isn’t going to move out of the way!

So, using the invulnerability token is probably in the cards for any higher GRs. And at lower GRs you’ll be murdering everything anyway, so it doesn’t really matter too much what you do with the follower.

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Does charge proc strong arms? If so, that might be a good swap on the follower for some extra dps instead of nems.

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Yep, charge does proc Strongarms!

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Just don’t use the Dreadnought rune on Charge. That does not proc Strongarms, and the bug was never fixed.

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You know, I’m not exactly sure whether Strongarms will work with the follower…

If you equip your character with Strongarms, then hit an enemy with knockback, you obviously get the damage bonus. And if a zdps, equipped with Strongarms, hits an enemy with knockback, you also get the bonus.

But, if the zdps has Strongarms, but no knockback skill, and then you hit an enemy with knockback, do you get the bonus? I would guess not, because that doesn’t really make any sense.

So, your follower would have to apply the knockback, which might be kind of challenging, especially since we won’t have room to equip the follower with Ess anymore, as that slot will now generally have FoT.

Anybody got ideas on what could proc the effect? Off the top of my head, I think equipping Scoundrel with Windforce could work well, since that always rolls quite high knockback %.

I’m not sure what DMKT tested, but this is what I want to test on my Follwer:


Hmm… no FoT? Also, not sure if Stone Gauntlets work on the follower- what did and did not work seemed kind of wonky.

If they DO work, you might want to go Ice Climbers- otherwise your follower is going to end up perma-stunned.

It’s more a test of survivability first. If the stats on gear can sustain the Follower then I’ll look for FoT and IC with said stats. I mean idk, I’m just going to see what comes of it.

I was thinking that too, it would have to be Scoundrel + Windforce + Strong Arms. Wouldn’t be a bad follower either, even with his nerfed crit cloud.


I feel like “Nerfed Crit Cloud” should be a band that just plays music from the Diablo franchise.



Would 2H Sultan (40% Blind) on Enchantress help break up the cc between Stun & Freeze?

Nope. For one thing, H90 2-piece doesn’t work with blind. For another, blind is still hard cc, so it’ll still build up their resistance.

CC resist isn’t type-specific, i.e. monsters who have been stunned for a while and thus are hard to stun are just as hard to freeze or blind.

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Hyped to grind out some 120 gr’s for gem augments. I got my H90 barb in a good place and just need gems before I push for leaderboards. Be fun to hack n slash instead of ballerina spin for a change. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


For anybody wondering about follower with this build:

My current thinking is that Enchantress is best. I tried Scoundrel and frankly hated him. His most potent ability, Night’s Veil (crit cloud) is only up occasionally, and it often goes on an enemy nowhere near where you’re fighting.

Enchantress is helpful in several ways: if you need extra CDR to reach a breakpoint, you can take her CDR ability. Or, you can take the CDR and drop a CDR roll from a ring, taking damage range instead, for about a 7% dps gain. Or you can take +elemental%, which adds about 6% dps.

For higher paragon players, it’s also now possible to reach a higher AS breakpoint. If you take the Enchantress CDR ability and her AS buff, which now can reach 6%, you can swap a CDR roll on a ring to AS, and also wear Lacuni Prowlers. This can take you to a 7/6 Frame attack, which is roughly a 15% dps gain. As I said, though, this is only for higher paragon players (or for running speeds), since you are losing toughness or healing from Parthans / Mortick’s / Vambraces / Aughild.



엔류 at 142 so far. About 9k paragon. Rank 3 on overall AS board, rank 1 for H90.


Any variant for group speeds? I know it’s not the best build for it, but I was thinking you can maybe get something going at say GR100 by stacking AD and move speed?

AD won’t help much due to the way damage gets split up in density. Your biggest contribution would be if another player does lots of aoe and kills trash, then moves on, and then you quickly finish off the elites.

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Took a swing at H90 and closed 133. Build takes some getting used to and spinners = instant death from side arm. Overall, build is fun and similar to Wiz firebird, but you control where the dmg goes.



Well done, Seras!!!

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