[Guide] H90 Frenzy: A simple guide

Yes I’ve got around 13K Str without any augments…if that’s the case then it is pretty much my skills problem.

Well, 13k and 16k is definitely a significant difference (16k is 23% more damage). But, I still think 120 is definitely doable for you. It might take a handful of keys, but not a whole lot.

I have a belt that has:


Secondary: 400%/ 10 Fury

I’m guessing I should re-roll Fury for Freeze%.


If you are playing standard dual-wield version, roll Bash to Frenzy.

If you are playing S&B version, roll Fury to Freeze.

Man, I didn’t think about. Well, I have a non-ancient belt with

Secondary: 399%/ Freeze 4.1%

I’ll use the above for S&B and the Ancient I’ll re-roll Bash% for Frenzy (DW).

Thx bro!

Some 111 speeds with H90:

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Hello Rage,

Thank you for you passion and commitment!

Would you share any experience using the high area damage?

(Edited* I was not able to post a link.) Sorry first time here.

My d3planner ID:

Any advice on gear would be appreciated also.


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If the gear / build was up-to-date in-game, you could have also just used…


Thank you very much.

Hi Crinkles,

Sadly, I haven’t had much experience using the high AD setup. My own gear is pretty lacking in AD. I broke down the comparative numbers for the “high AD” vs the “high AS” (aka the “main” build) versions, here.

I’m still of the opinion that the “high AS” version will be a hair better overall than the “high AD” version, but way less than 1 GR level of difference. Maybe 0.2 GRs or something like that.

So, from looking at your gear, you are generally in decent shape, though there are a few deficiencies.

You’re obviously lower on CDR than I recommend, BUT: if you are going to have less than 46.67%, then you are at the right place, i.e. the next CoE/WOTB breakpoint down (33.33%). Any CDR gain you get that still leaves you below 46.67% isn’t really going to help you very much. And in order to get all the way up to that point, you’d need to roll your Oathkeeper, your Azurewrath, and one of your rings, which would end up costing you quite a bit of damage, plus a lot of your healing.

You do have the option of running the “high AS” version. You can roll dmg% on your OK to AS, Str on your gloves to AS, and damage range on your CoE to AS. This will give you about the same amount of damage on a per-second basis as you have now, but you’ll stack Stricken faster (which actually does boost your damage in density a bit, because of the mechanics of the Bastion’s chain + AD + Bloodshed). Plus, you’ll get more out of your Life per Hit. You do lose the defense from the 1000 Str on your gloves, so that’s a small issue.

Ultimately, though, with Str rolled to AS, those gloves you’ve got are basically perfect- the only way they could possibly be any better is if they rolled Stun or pickup radius rather than gold find.

Hope that helps, good luck out there!


Hello barbs,

A few weeks ago I did a gr124 with WWrend, but I needed a change so I decided to switch to H90. One thing for sure : it is way easier to progress as a WW barb than as a frenzy one, but slashing everything like a sushi master is priceless lol.
Now that my gear is ok and that I gained a bunch of parangon levels, I thought I could try GR124 with H90 and well… 1 key later it was done :slight_smile:

A link to my build : https://www.d3planner.com/480370916

Note : I started recodring only when I told myself “dude, it’s actually not as hard as you thought it would be, you should record for later analysis”

Note 2 : since I am not that good of a player I want to say thank you all (and especially Rage) for all your usefull posts on the forums. Also thank you parangon levels to carry me ^^

Joke aside, I would deeply apreciate if you guys could give me some advice on my gear/playstyle since I would like to push a bit higher, the build is so much fun !

BTW, gr124 is my personal best ever playing solo #happyplayer


Hey Uman,

Congrats on the clear (and the PB), well done!

Took a look at your gear and gameplay.

Your play looks pretty good. With the Aughild setup you really want to hunt those elites, and after the first little bit of your video where you slug it out with some trash, you do a good job of that. (Btw, I definitely enjoyed the “Spidey-commentary”). You made some smart choices, too, like preparing to skip that last arcane pack, until you saw the conduit pylon. The mob type of those minions can knock you into the air for a second, which when combined with arcane can be really bad news, so good call there.

I did notice that occasionally, particularly in the elite fight starting around 2:12, you sometimes seem to have a little trouble targeting the mob you’re meaning to attack. I would guess that this is perhaps because of use of the “force standstill / force attack” key?

If so, here’s what I do: I use that key a lot when I’m in density, since it’s easy to get stuck between mobs, unable to reach the target you’re actually clicking on. In this situation, force standstill/attack ensures that you are actually hitting something, even if it’s not your desired target. But, when the density is thinned out and you are only fighting a couple guys, it is better to not use this key, and instead just click on the target. This lets your Barb run to the target if it moves away, and ensures you aren’t just standing there swinging at nothing.

As for the gear, I think you’re looking pretty decent. I’m sure you already know the major things that would be an improvement: AD on shoulders, Cold% on Amulet. Keep an eye out for a good BoM, since this could roll better stats than the RoRG you have equipped (i.e could roll CHD or damage range instead of Str)

Also, it looks like your Compass Rose doesn’t have a reroll on it yet, is that correct? If so, you may want to consider rerolling Vit to either CDR or AD. Since you’re playing Aughild and thus don’t need the CDR as much, I think the AD might be the better choice. This will help you out a bit in density, and you can make up some/all of the lost Vit via paragons. This gives you 40% more AD (70 / 50 = 1.4) at the cost of only about 2.7% of your base damage, so I think that’s a good trade.

Have you found that you really need the defense from the Superstition passive? If you find you aren’t having too much trouble with survival, then I would switch to Ruthless, for a bit of extra damage.

Anyway, congrats again! I think that at your level of paragon and augments, you can go to at least 126, so keep at it!

Is the game trying to encourage me to try the sword+board version…

Nice clear.
Also loved the little spidey-senses pop-ups.

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Haha, yeah man, do it!

That’s one nice board!

@Rage : thank you very much for your answer and the tips about moving/targetting, which has been a real issue for me. You are right for the gear, I kind of already knew, but with your confirmation I definitely know now hehe.
As for the defensive passive, since I only tried 1 key, I thought it would be harder than that so I guess I will follow your guidance.

Edit : I’ve also read that having the skill placed on mouse 2 button could solve my problem since frenzy has a different behavior when it’s not on mouse 1. I haven’t tested yet though

@Meteorblade : I hope Spidey has brought a light smile on your face :stuck_out_tongue:
Also, nice shield you got there. It reminds me of the begining of the season when 3 primal pieces of might of the earth dropped for me. Like the game was telling me to play super saiyan blue ProSlam, but my ultra instinct got me back on the Frenzy track haha.

Thank you guys again :heart:

@Rage. Great guide. My favorite build this season. Per guide, I switched from primal mortick’s to APD and have much better survivability despite inferior stats. Will you take a look at my solo build on Jesta this season? I’ve hit the solo wall @ GR122. My best GR123 is 15:30. I can finish off RGs with 1 round of WOTB in under 30 seconds but I’ve been unable to reach 100% progression in less than 14:30. I do have 3k AZ but it has 10%Dmg and I rerolled 10% CDR.

Reading your guide, I can look for AS for my gloves, AS for my CR, and find a weapon with AS7% and CDR 10% to reach next breakpoint. Any other suggestions?

Thank you

Hey NetSmasher,

Hmm, I’m actually a bit surprised that the APDs are working out for you. Usually these are used alongside Azurewrath, which with its high freeze chance procs the APD buff often. You do have freeze on your EF… actually, I’m not sure if APDs work with Fear. I’ll have to look into that! If they don’t work with fear, then I think either swapping EF for AZ or going back to Mortick’s (or Vambraces) will be a better option for you.

Your gear is generally looking pretty good. I’m a little unclear about what stats the AZ you mention has… is it cold%-Dmg%-CDR? One issue you have is that you don’t have LpH on either weapon or on your bracers… but between the EF and OK on your character, and the AZ you describe, you don’t really have anywhere to put that LpH.

You’re correct about the gloves, CR, and OK you’re looking for-- all of those will be upgrades for you.

As for completing 123: this should definitely be doable for you. Unless you feel like you are dying a lot, you may want to consider dropping NoS for Rampage or Brawler (or if you stick with EF and carry it in your main hand, Weapons Master). Other than that, here are a few reminders for things to watch out for:

Make sure you’re popping Wrath only as your CoE element comes up. You drop a lot of damage if you miss this mark.

If you find yourself in very high density without an elite around, this is ok-- big trash pulls with good mob types (swarms, transformers, lacuni/phasebeast, etc) can give you a lot of progression.

If you keep using EF, try to prioritize density even more. If your stacks elapse, EF isn’t really doing you much good. So that means if you’ve gotten an elite down to half life, you want to try to drag him to some more density (or drag the density onto the eilte), so that you can keep up those EF stacks.

I hope that helps. Good luck!

Edit: I ran and recorded a couple of 123s with my Str reduced enough that I should have damage similar to yours. The first is with AZ / APDs, the second with EF / Vambraces. This might help you visualize some of the stuff I’m talking about. Probably worth watching at 2x speed: goes faster that way but you still get the general idea!

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At higher GR Levels, would you say that this build is heavily reliant on CoE Ring?

I think I’ve hit a brick wall at GR117.

My results are very much the same with a) AZ + APD + CoE, and b) Aughilds + RoRG + Echo Fury.

Hi Rage,
Wow! Thank you for the detailed reply, analyses, and suggestions. The video was extremely helpful, as it highlights how 99% of my barb failing to clear 123 is operator error, and <1% is attributable to gear, mob type, affixes, maps, or anything else I can blame besides my player skills…

First evidence of that is despite reading your excellent guide, I still failed to pair APDs with AZ. So I took my AZ that has 19% cold, 10% damage, and 10% CDR, 3k sheet damage, and tried 10 times. No luck. I am not able to clear the rift in time for the rift guardian. I just cannot do enough damage in a timely manner. The lightning, frozen, poison, and fear forces me to disengage and lose time. I then swapped out Nerves of Steel for Rampage. The damage went up, but I still couldn’t finish as any misstep will lead to death, which makes me squishy, so that I instantly die upon ressurrection.
So I switched to my primal EF and Morticks, with life per hit on the bracer. On the 3rd key, I got the Adria map with bad mobs (lightning). However, I was able to use a Power pylon and a Conduit pylon to kill 1 elite pack and nearby trash each and managed to stay 1 min ahead. I popped Raziel with 55 seconds left, having just used WOTB to clear the last 1% of trash. He killed me with 20 seconds left (one and only death), but I finished with 7 seconds to spare!
Again, thank you for taking the time to help out this barb. The video was very helpful to pace myself, see the the strategy (when to pull mobs vs skip vs how to engage elites).
Liked and subscribed.
Thank you again!