Gratitude Email

I had several crashes, specifically when I swapped between new and old graphics.

They fixed that in the patch before open beta though.

Closed beta for me wasn’t as bad compared to open. Open on console, with the Xbox One X, I had maybe two? I think I crashed once on PC when I played my barb on open beta.

Remember when Boogie2988 was funny?

“Error 3006! Error 3006! Shouldn’t that be Error number ONE - Can’t log the F in!?”

Man I have not thought about him in some time.

I used to watch a lot of his content, Francis was great.

Sorry, had to delete that link. I don’t wnat to get banned today lmao. Boogie “Error 37” rant :smiley:

The crashes to desktop for me was predominately from playing on Xbox Series X. Rarely happened on PC.

CooL! I hope to get mine soon then :smiley:

This is sort of reminding me of the meme last year I seen about the tiger show, something about “Release the Tiger Show!” except in our case, it’s “The forum crowd is getting restless? Release the Beta Email!”

Also, I think we are going to get a massive info dump next week.


44 Hours / Level 34 / 174 Bosses / 2,590 Items … ~ 107 were ears IIRC so I did contribute to that player death total even though I never died myself :upside_down_face: