Gratitude Email

Well, 7 million death, divided by lets say 20 deaths apiece (pvp being high in beta) is 350,000.

Excellent, I had no idea.

exactly. id be shocked if any veteran or even someone whos played it before died at all or just once or twice. so with 7 million deaths… i had no idea millions of people tried the beta. i was impressed that i saw the viewership get to like 650,000 people on the D2:R twitch page. but i didnt think even more than that played it. :exploding_head:

jesus you animal. you guys are nuts. i thought i was bad for playing like 40 hours and didnt have the patience to Tomb run anyone past 24. :cold_face:


I think I died once to a pack of cold enchant archers. Bastards.


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Yes. It goes to the email on the Bnet account you used for Beta. I found mine in the Promotions tab in Gmail. Check spam filters too.

Blizz sends things out in batches to it might take a while to send them all out. Like, a day or so considering it was a world wide Beta.

P.S. I did NOT die! Not on any of 4 chars in Alpha or Beta.


Ha! This is great. I only got to level 28 but I was an altaholic. I used a holy fire paladin for that. It was hilarious just running across anywhere and everything dying around me.

Anyone want to place bets on how many topics are going to be made about this in the next 10 minutes?


Well I’d like to know how I did too. I think I played less than 10 hours though, didnt finish act 2.

I played long enough to get a feel for how the game would be and convince a friend to buy it with me.

at least 2 so far.

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Didn’t have the juevos to confront duriel in 4K huh?

nobody ever looks for threads before they post. so im guessing at least 30-40 over the next week. its going to keep randomly popping up from people finding it and coming to the forum for the first time. lol. :roll_eyes:

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I wonder what the emails where players that used a Necromancer will look like.


I’ve killed him enough times, lol.
I spent most of my time running countess to make a few runewords. I had my malice ready for duriel, I just didn’t have the desire to kill him.

I will do that on release for sure though.

Congratulations on testing the Necromancer when you were not supposed to! Enjoy your ban!

Is what I would hope it will say. If not then I will regret having not tried it myself because that was what I really wanted to play. :cold_sweat:


It probably includes a cease & desist notice. :clown_face:

lol same. if they had stats for specific areas. it would say 95%: forgotten tower.

Dang whaat? You :chicken:


I LEGIT checked the forum for threads on this before and while I was typing it up :stuck_out_tongue:

I did good good. Praise me.


~Pats head~ Now who’s a good boy,


This is the first and only time that has ever happened

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Wow, that is awesome. I didn’t find one in my email:(
I died about 6 or 7 times on my zon. One was a solo death to radiment champions I think, 1 was to Duriel on a public Act II Tomb quest, and 5 deaths were caused to a PKer Pally with this frustratingly ridiculous stun ability. May have been a rune word combo not sure. Every hit would stun me. Plus he had that charge ability that the Crusader has in Diablo III ROS.

The fight wasn’t even fair, the guy took advantage of the load times left over from Alpha testing.

Has anyone from the UK got their email yet? I want to know when I can see mine.

I think it would have been funny to detail how many times people had crashes to desktop!


shakes stick angrily


Mine wasn’t bad at all. had 2. you?

If they showed how the new players died:

Percentage of player kills:
Duriel: 97%
PVP: 2%
other monsters: 1%

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