Gratitude Email

Just got an email thanking me for partaking in the beta.

It says I played for 69 hours, clears Throat Bow Chicka Bow Wow.


Got to lvl 26, killed 45 bosses, and collected 1221. Go me :smiley:

Hope this means, we will be able to track stuff we find more easily and keep track of our play times.


Wha? I played more than that combined on both PC and Xbox Series X and I got no thank you email? :cry:

I want one too, when did they send it?

I got it too. I only played 8 hours to 21 myself, but I only played one class to not burn myself out. What I DO find interesting though, are the achievements. Confirmed achievements system in game I suppose.

That is the Global Insights team! The Devs can ask them to tally metrics up and create graphic reports back. They did it for Diablo 3 first anniversary for example. Diablo III: 1 Year
Infographic Diablo III: 1 Year Infographic - Game Guide - Diablo III

They have done so for other Betas too. I always feel bad I did not play enough - heh. I will save it for the real thing though. I tested what I wanted to test.

EDIT - it does not mean those same metrics are in the main game or that they will lead to an achievement system. Yes, it COULD be done, but it does not mean they will. (I mean I kind of hope they do, esp for Grail item collecting).


They never sent me one yet, how dare they.

Just got email a min or so ago.

More Email Info:

Community: Most Popular Class: Sorceress
Most used Spell: Fire Bolt
Total Character Deaths: 6,969,271
Total Items Collected: 159,921,104

Is this real? this is exactly what this means.


I’m excited they may add the option to look at this stuff. Great!

Totes real Geezer.

I wouldnt lie to you. :smiley:

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I probably didn’t get one because I refunded both copies after I played on PC and Xbox Series though. :joy:

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Insight to pre-order numbers? How many deaths per player you imagine? 10 avg maybe? Or at least people that played, since part of beta was open, lol

wait the email contained all our stats? I know this may seem stupid to get excited about, but i would REALLY love a “stats” tab to show all that type of info about my characters/play time.

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I died twice, to PK thas all. Dont you avg 10 on me dang nabbit.

They kinda have to add an achievements system, it’s mandatory for most if not all consoles, they may as well add it to PC or it’d be super weird.

Yes, the email is real.

It has some metrics for YOU and some for the Community.

Your total time played
Your highest level
Your demonic bosses vanquished
Your items collected

Then the community stats.

Too bad it does not have “Uniques collected”.


So why didn’t all players get one then?

Well I killed 46 bosses.

I’m accounting for new players too, I think I died 2-3 times total myself. First death to a pack of fana rogues in floor 1 tower.

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First half of Email, was Your Achievements, second half was Community Achievements.

So hopefully we can keep track of personal stuff easily.

Also, would be cool to see like Community HR count after 1 month or maybe even Global First Tyraels Might or something.

it would just be dumb to have this ability and NOT give it to players post-launch in D2:R. Along with a holy grail system of course!

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