GR111 DH GoD advice

I wouldn’t say that myself.

I could get s2m2 to work, not as effectively as on the PC version of the game, but yes, NG mechanics limited its performance. The trick back then was to get 3 mins up time of NG before starting a GR (this was before Blizzard wiped it to fix the Wizard exploit with twister).

well, it’s all a matter of taste, some prefer a dynamic rather than an other, same goes for symmetry, rotation, mobility.
When a set feels clunky it’s the player perspective not a devs team issue, tools are there for the players but to get a place on the leaderboard means that we have to deal with established build which doesn’t please everyone.

I was thinking that GoD was a bit too simple, but I tried it with Squirt & Fortress Balista, this is among the most difficult playing I have done so far.

Here it’s about power play not skill, a player can master a super hard gameplay and not being able to get pass GR 80.

Now that’s weird!!!

I’d say both. If the mechanics of the set force players to devise clunky builds to make the set work…

Well, this is a common issue on the solo LBs, with group players having a massive paragon advantage and smashing solo players in rankings…again, take that massive paragon advantage away and see what happens.

Not really. Paragon gives you both DPS and toughness (more of the latter as paragon points increase). There’s a thread about this a year or so ago from memory. A player with p4000 running a 119 GR (let’s say, s6 impale) will have a far easier time of things than a player doing the same GR with only p1200. It’s well known that solo players have much lower paragon than group players, and it’s also far easier to gain paragon in group play than solo. Last season, I ran 16 GRs in a 3 man group (non meta, not serious) and got 60 paragon points. 12 GR 90s, 2 GR 95s and 2 GR 99s from memory (I could be wrong on the GR levels as I’m going from my memory, which is not to be trusted lol). About an hours work. If I had done that solo, I’d have gotten around 15 paragon points.

Solo LBs should be solo. A solo player can’t get their lgems to rank 150 now can they, not if they’re clearing GR119…with trapped, that’s a 30 rank difference for around 10% dps buff. Not a lot, but it all counts. augments all add up, and contribute to both dps and toughness (more the latter), which is beneficial on higher GR pushes on solo runs.

The game is incredibly unbalanced when it comes to paragon points imho. Roughly 30% of the game’s players are solo players, which is a sizeable chunk. We are continuously ignored by Blizzard and trolled by the group players every time we bring this issue up. An easy fix is SSF LBs. An alternative is to change the way XP is earned in solo play and buff it so that it’s relatively close to the group XP buffs. It wouldn’t hurt group players, at least from a paragon point of view. Of course, it would hurt them as solo players would have more paragon from solo play and be better able to compete evenly on the solo LBs and some (most IMHO) group players would lose a lot of ranks as better skilled solo players can push higher on more evenly based paragon points distribution.

So I’ve since beat 113 paragon 1127. Did a couple augments. Definitely like the elusive ring in cube. Tried using fortress ballista but vallas bequest is just better for damage.

What drives me nuts is there’s a guy that’s not even paragon 1100 on YouTube crushing 117 on hardcore mode doing only 1.1 mil damage. Maybe he’s got a bunch of area damage enchants, but it must be way different on console…

Can anyone tell me the hype with this area damage? It’s a 1/5 CHANCE to proc and that stat CANT be boosted. You already shoot at everything randomly and your arrows pierce and seek.

Why in gods name would you roll off say CC/CD/AS/Base damage that I’m seeing a lot do for something that has a chance. Call me skeptical but I don’t think it’s the move. I guess mabye if your relying on the season theme by killing trash but ugh I can’t get behind that as the only way to clear.

I mean if it’s a bonus roll by all means I’m on that damage spread but I would never roll off any of those other ones for area damage (though everyone who hasn’t jumped me on the LB says I should :joy:)

We shall see though hopefully there’s enough flexibility in this set that you can go my way or the AD way.

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Is it 20% chance to proc? I thought it was a chance at 20% additional AOE damage. I could be wrong

I believe if you go to your window where it shows your stats under area damage it said there is a 20% chance for xx% to spread to all enemies in 10 yards.

For me I read that as it’s not always there an even the gambler in me won’t waste rolls on guaranteed CC/CH for it.

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Area damage is OUTSTANDING damage boost specially on certain builds. Take my we/rend, if I didn’t have enough area damage, I wouldn’t be able to clear masses of mobs which is needed for progression on that build. You pack everything around an elite and what the life melt as your area damage starts to go off on all the trash.
My frenzy build doesn’t need area damage as he is an alive hunter and RGK so I skip trash and go for the elites. Frenzy is a single target skill, ww/rend is an multi target skill.
I played Xbox last season, ranked in the 400’s on the frenzy and like 700’s on my WD. That’s plenty good enough for me, I’m back to playing pc now though.
So impale-single Target-doesn’t need area damage. GoD build-multi Target-would benefit greatly from area damage to clear more density a lot faster.
And it procs a lot more often than you would think.

Never sacrifice CHC or CHD for Area Damage for GoD.

As for AD, it’s needed for pushing. When enemies not die instantly you have a nice damage boost for grouped enemies and you are able to kill elites.

Area Damage if procced (20% Chance) spreads damage to ALL enemies within 10yds around initial target. The higher the value, let’s say AD = 100%, every single enemy around the initial target gets 100% of this Damage (with all buffs). So if there are 9 enemies around the initial target, you have a 10x multiplier. And if the initial hit was a crit, huge boost.
With this strategy you even can melt elites down in GR130+.

For boss fight with Adds (Saxtris, Hamelin) is also a big advantage to have AD.

But yeah it’s hard to gear and in lower content, other stats are better. But remind never roll off CHC or CHD for AD, especially when soloing. In Groups where you get CHC buffs, possible to remove CHC for AD.


That’s what I’m saying if it’s a bonus roll I’m all for it but I have guys telling me to roll of stuff that’s way better for it and it perplexes me. I know why because they see the number 1 on the LB with all it but they also forget he’s a known cheater so he’s already 1000’s of paragon ahead.

I’m around 100 AD now (only Paragon, gloves and Shoulder). Didn’t push so much but 120 are possible without High AD with P1000. If you can time the Season effect on boss, even boss fight will be fast. Above 120 you need every slot with AD additional to CHC/CHD. If you dual wield, maybe you could sacrifice one CHD roll for AD, but this is more theoretical.

If you don’t get the right maps with right mob types, AD can’t do anything for you. Elites can only be molten by Power or Condi. All other pylons are useless. Shielding is okish, when you have ranged mobs. Most other stuff can be avoided. For low-paragon like me Fortress is much more prefered as you can’t be oneshotted by everything.

Buriza isn’t as good as i hoped, found a 2-pierce one with CDR, but the extra stat from Valla’s is better and Valla drops much more than Buri.

@124 now, without Valla. Still under 1,5k Paragon. But good gear and augments. From here Fishing with Valla will start. Actually LB’s are infected by a 3man combo, but 1st place from Chataro is pretty impressive, as he uses EW
Gear is perfect for sure, but the clear is still impressive with “just” 1,6k Para.


EW seems to work, when you strafe on position. I did a 122 with this setup, super tanky, but sacrificing FnR is pretty hard decision.

The name of the game to push GRs is “fishing”. It’s all about RNG. You can get 4-corner Festering with Conduit pylon OR a nearly endless Sewer with Speed pylon. RNG is RNG.

@homerjnick Thats my solution too! Delete the DH and make a monk.

Seriously though, there are several things one must do to keep up damage output with GoD set. So OP, make sure you are keeping your momentum stacks up and make sure you have several area damage rolls on gear. Do not fight small groups of enemies!

By the way, enemies gain 17% increase to health when going up 1 gr. 5 gr levels is 119.24% increase to health. The health growth is exponential as seen with this formula: ((1.17^(gr lvl increase)-1))*100= % increase

Example: you run a gr 110 and want to know what a gr 120 would feel like. 120-110=10. There is a 10 gr difference. ((1.17^10)-1)x100=380.68%. So in a gr 120, the mobs have 380.68% more health than mobs in a gr 110. That means you will have to crank out 3.81 times your current damage on top of your current damage to complete the gr 120 in the same t time as the fr 110.

Side note, not all rifts are equal. Every different type of mob has different health pools and are worth different amounts of progression. Variations in mob types, floor types, pylons, ect can all drastically affect your clear time.

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Wonder if you could elaborate a bit on that. Like which is higher, by how much, is the difference uniform across different types of builds?

They don’t have to rely on Nephalem Glory globes like we have to. Therefore their 4 person meta, or solo can be significantly higher than ours if we can’t keep up with the NG. NG puts us at the same damage output as PC

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See what you mean… NGs dont flow so much when pushing as they do in lower content.

NG’s flow quick in higher endgame, but the problem is, a lot of people reach the peak killstreak, then they have to stop killing, just to be able to restart the killstreak all over again to get more globes.

and if you die in a GR near the Guardian, if you can’t rack up 10 kills before the guardian shows up, you are now doing only half damage, to a full health RG.

PC doesn’t have the same NG mechanic as we do… and Blizz refuses to change it, cause it scales differently from Level 1-70 and onto endgame.

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Totally take your point compared to PC that doesn’t depend on it.

Had a flick through this post… some good work there.

The comparison only matters to me for setting my expectations right for what GR I should be able to achieve on console when reviewing material published by others that play on PC.

That and I’d prefer to be playing build mechanics as their design intended without breaking the flow picking these things up.

It’s good to understand the difference better now. Apologies for hijacking the topic for a few posts.

As long as you maintain NG then you will achieve very similar clears, the NG issue aside we just lack density on consoles which can affect clears.

But NG is the main issue when pushing…

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