GPU - 100%, 85 degrees in menu

rtx 2080, vsync off max settings
i just wondering nobody mentioned that


3080 ti - 85-100% load in menu 65-68c


100% usage aswell, normal looking temperatures tho.

Even with vsync my gtx 1070 runs at 100% /83 c in menu…

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Try capping your framerate


how you do that on pc ?

There’s usually an option in the graphics settings. You can also do it through the Nvidia Control Panel if you’re rocking an Nvidia GPU.

There’s no option for capping/limiting frame rate OR no region selection, i.e. U.S. West / U.S. East in D2R main menu or gameplay options. I’m from U.S. East and was receiving 125 ping. Normally, both options are available in the D2:LoD main menu/gameplay controls.

Set your monitor refresh rate and enable vsync in the Nvidia/AMD graphics control panel. If you have a gsync capable monitor, you can turn that on as well. Same applies with freesync for AMD cards.
Letting your graphics card run as fast as it can by uncapping FPS/disabling vsync only wears the card out faster, it should only be done for performance testing, not for every-day gaming.

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wow… really gonna be hot i see.!

3070 100% /84 c

doesn’t help, mine is maxing out even with vsync on and medium quality…

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I don’t need to run V-Sync. It’s not the issue. Clearly, D2R is raising the temps for many player’s CPU/GPU’s no matter how much you tweak and peek it. New World was bricking EVGA 3090’s with exceeding 85C temps. I can assure you, while I played New World on my current set up, same Nvidia Control Setting I’ve had for almost a year, playing New World BETA for 10-12+ hrs daily, (yes, it’s that addiciting for me), my max GPU temp was 64C. Never in my 1.5 yrs I’ve had my current rig have I reached 76C temp for ONE game and D2R was it.

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Keep dropping the quality until you can smooth out the FPS. If you’re running higher than 60hz refresh, try dropping it to 60 for the time being. (The original game ran at 25)

I’ve shut the game down. If this is the norm, I’m getting a refund. How on Earth was this BS overlooked? What a total letdown. I can handle game bugs and quirks, but when software roasts hardware, it’s a no-go zone for me.


mine start at 60Âş with 6% and going slowly up to 75Âş and 60% used
Then by miracle it go down to 14% doing jumps constantly to around 30%

i never go further than 75-77Âş (anyway if it go further than 75Âş my PC will go faster for reduce the temperature)
RTX 2070 16 gb max graphics 2K resolution.

Still that only happen in the main menu, once i enter for example to multiplayer the temperature start to go down a bit until 71Âş and the use of GPU jumps between 10-18%, sometimes jump to 30% and stay there for like 10 seconds then go down again.
the temperature stay on 70Âş.

idk inside the game, i still can’t join again.

There are NO software on earth, or any where else, that can or should be able to toast your Graphic card, if there were, then there would be tons of Virus… that would have done this, by now, there are build in safety to prevent this from happening, gosh…

And the graphic card can handle 80c with NO problem what so ever, i have installed a few software to tweek my card, FPS in game… and mine is at 71c. So yeah lets blame the game for the users lack of knowledge works every time.


GTX 3080 here with VSync turned on, 120 mhz refresh rate, FPS capped at 75. At Very High settings at max resolution (4k), my GPU usage rate never goes above 30% and the temp stays at around 70-77.

Strange thing for me is that even when I reduce the graphics settings, its hard for me to tell any difference - maybe I’m just going blind in my old age.

What? :rofl: How on Earth can you justify that it’s “not the game” that’s causing a “sudden” change in majority of players GPU temps the day of D2R BETA launch? Why would we be here to contest that our hardware is acting abnormal to sudden temp changes? Is it really our lack of knowledge…I think not. I hope you’re not serious in that statement.

I play WoW, BF1, New World and Assassins Creed: Valhalla extensively. BEFORE D2R, my maximum GPU temps sat at a cool 64C (MSI Afterburner for details). Now, that I ran D2R, insta 77C after 30 min of gameplay. Now tell me, is this MY fault or the game why my GPU temp went up in a change of 13 degrees from ONE game vice the four games I regularly play???

Same here, RTX 3080 Ti max 68c. Got plenty airflow with my Corsair 4000D Airflow-case.

Strange optimization…
100% GPU all the time and only 50-75 FPS, but i get >100FPS in nearly every modern game.
There is also only a tiny difference between everything max versus low…perhaps 10-15 FPS

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