GPU - 100%, 85 degrees in menu

Let me be clear. I’m no noob. I have plenty of experience building PCs, Servers, including Network rack systems, not limited to just Winblows or xBoxs. I am very familiar with heat specs on electronics. And just because something is rated for say 80c, doesn’t mean it should be run at those temps for prolonged periods. It will eventually damage the hardware, or at the very least, dramatically shorten the life of the device.

The PC I’m running D2R on, the CPU runs at near ambient air temperature doing most basics tasks. I run vmWare on occasion with multiple OSs running on top of my desktop while running a game. Each VPC will take a chunk of the video memory I deem appropriate for its needs.

The PC I’m speaking about is an i7-7700 with 32 GB of memory and a GTX 1060 6 GB card. The room ambient air temp is 25.5c and my CPU cores run at around 27c to 29c under everyday operating environments. Even while running a few VPCs, the temps will stay at or below 31c. Under game loads, the CPU can hit 45c, but quickly goes back into the mid 30s.

The GPU normally operates at around 31c to 32c under regular loads.

Running most other games, the GPU will max out from 40c to 50c in extreme circumstances. My system is cooled quite well.

NO OTHER game causes my system to run like a toaster oven, not one. For my CPU to roast past 50c and the GPU to hit 74c+ is unacceptable.

Please, before saying it’s MY fault, look at the other posters having similar issues. This IS a software problem, not a user problem.


Cap your frames or turn vsync on…

I get fan spinning on and off. I admit I turned of vsync.
Rtx 3070

GTX 1070 Evga Super clocked in menu 49
In game : 65

44% Load.

it wasn’t as hot in the previous beta i think.

i’am on a lenovo legion 5 pro :
NVIDIA GeForce RTX3070 8 Go GDDR6 256
AMD Ryzen 7 5800H (3,20 GHz, Max Boost 4,40 GHz, 8 cores, 16 Mo cache)
32 go Ram

and both the core , and especially the keyboard , is pretty damn hot , fitting for a game about hell , but i’am burning my fingers even in act 1 , which should be a pretty damp area :stuck_out_tongue:

For the people with vsync and cap via nvidia panel, it doesn’t work.
What it does work is lowering the rendering from the game, i went to 80 and it’s under 70c now.
It’s not the best solution, but it’s the one that works for me atm.

You don’t know what you’re talking about… vsync will limit frames rendered to 60,100,120,144,165 or whatever Hertz monitor you have. Disabling Vsync can make you render 350 frames per second absolutely wasting GPU resources.

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How exactly do you do that? I assume it’s one of the graphics options in game?

Not sure if was aimed at me, but i think i was pretty specific when i said that i had both vsync and added max cap on nvidia panel and it didn’t do anything.
The only thing that did work was lowering the resolution scale from 100 to 80.

Does the same thing to me hitting 87. It is definitely something wrong with the game. It’s like that time new world blew up video cards haha.

i had the same problem( 80C in lobbby), try this for me it works:

  • set your desktop resolution at the same value that you want to play the game ( at first i was stuck at 4k resolution in fullscreen mode)
  • after this cap your grafic card FPS at 60
  • in game turn resolution scale at min ( 50)
  • with this setup i have a cool breeze at 50*C constant
  • i play on high at 2560 x1440, RTX 2070

to cap FPS - just open Nvidia control panel, go to 3D setting and in the list you have “max frame rate” - you just set it there at 60 or what ever you want/need

It seems some people still didnt notice this is a beta, calm down, the game needs optimization and it will get it. Just report your issue to give the feedback.

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The problem is that it is so bad currently, it is frying some peoples computers.


Same here rtx 2080s , normaly when Gpu is working at a 100% i got 75c… on d2r I have 80 so it’s pretty normal for a type of my card to get 80-85c … I play everything max on 1440p… we are going to get a new patch from Nvidia when game launches … it happens to most new games . They going to fix that don’t worry

Please refrain from commenting any further on that which you are clearly ignorant of.

I’ve been building computers on a corporate and home level for the past 25 years and I’ve seen a lot of damage caused to hardware by software.

But I’ll entertain you. Do a search on the newly released MMO “New World” and overheated graphics cards. This is recent.

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Yeah it definitely could break some ones computer if they had dust in the fans, or something stopping the fan from going to max.

LOL…what? I have a G-Sync monitor w/ V-sync off in my Nvidia Control Panel. I’ve NEVER ran V-Sync on. Also, I have a cfg file created for BF1 w/ capped FPS to 240 (including monitor refresh rate in game to 240Hz) and STILL sits at 64C for HOURS on end with a minimum of 210 FPS, 1920x1080 resolution. I play 30 min of D2R and got 77C max. To me, that’s a red flag. Now you tell me, with the 2161 hours I’ve played for BF1 and NEVER had temps reach above 65 let alone 70C it’s MY issue not the games issue that my CPU/GPU temps are reaching beyond mid 70 degree Celsius just by playing D2R for 30 min??? I am not going to reconfig my rig for a BETA when the “game” increased my temps up by 13 degrees when the other four games I play extensively sits at 64C maximum. Plus, if you haven’t noticed, there are TONS of players who are knowledgeable of their PC who’ve also experienced increased temps to their CPU/GPU. Why would there be tons of ppl complaining about their temps on the BETA forums if there was no issue?

Now, tell us Professor, is it the person’s fault they just received a sudden increase to their “normal” temperatures to “abnormal” temps JUST by playing D2R for ~10 min? Who’s at fault here.

Maybe ur a fan of having ur GPU temps at 77C or even ~80C but most of us aren’t. V-sync is the least of ur worries when you’ve noticed your GPU temps increased by 13 deg C for 30 min by playing ONE GAME. THAT’S NOT NORMAL. New World was bricking EVGA 3090’s, but I guess it wasn’t the games fault, it’s gotta be the players fault for not knowing their rig. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


To add salt to the wound… I am a Red Dead Redemption 2 player – something which is much more graphically intensive and hungry than anything Blizzard has ever made – and Red Dead 2 runs my 5700XT slightly cooler than the D2 Beta…

any explanation on why this is happening to some users? I have no problem with mine, stable degrees at 62 max.

I hope Nvidia will launch a driver for release.