Good luck, have fun!

Truthfully, I don’t overthink this or any other game. I just kill stuff and enjoy whatever show the game offers. It’s just mindless entertainment… Remember that, you seem too uptight about a game for crimeny sakes!

You want to worry about something, worry about overpopulation, destruction of the planet, worry about nuclear war… There’s plenty of real stuff out there that is far more important than a dang game!

stackable runes/gems - good point, maybe in upcoming patch…

Gee. It’s a real shame that you feel this way, and I’m truly sorry.
I hope you find something else in life that gives you joy.
And I hope you find it soon.

Thanks you too =)
And sorry to ask what do you mean with classic shared stash?

classic diablo (no lord of destruction extension) won’t be benefitting from having a shared stash for some reason on diablo 2 R.
hence why most if not all classic players are pleading , rightfully , for it to be added to diablo 2 classic on D2R too.

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The Bots are coming the bots are coming and it will bring me great joy

Oh wait, now that you mention it, if i remember correctly when you created a character in D2R Beta you could choose between D2 and D2+LoD. I was kinda confused seeing some of this topics coming up like people asking for OG D2 receive a Shared Stash patch.

Well, yeah kinda weird they didn’t implement it for Classic D2 in Resurrected.

Well, you see? You’re happy already!
No more of this Negative Nancy stuff - turn that frown upside down!!

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Gl and indeed let’s have some fun.

its better than original d2lod. At least I can play the game again now with bigger and better graphics.

15 minutes to go. LFGGGGG. Gl and have fun everyone.