GoD nerf must be reworked

I was strongly against the nerf to lamentation belt and gave my support to all barbs on my 2nd account (usually with memes) and even wanted to increase the damage of Rend to 300-400% or highier…

I also have no problem with the current PTRs Talrasha and Firebird combo. For me ALL class sets should be as strong as this build, cause than, you WON’T be FORCED into groups if you want to clear 120-140 GRs, but can do it, by playing SOLO, but nah God forbid to give anything good for SOLO players or the 4 Man METAs will cry a river of tears or have a nervous breakdown, but it’s ok to do it to SOLO players for years…

Nerfs usually don’t affect all the 4 Man META players with over 5000 or even 8000-10000 paragon with almost if not maxed out caldesans and 3 to 4 if not more primals or perfect ancients that much, but it does all of the SOLO players with 1000-2000 paragon, but who cares about them right? :roll_eyes:

Nerfs never create any balance at all, they DESTROY it and divide the remaining playerbase even more…


Even after the fix attempt GoD build still feels powerless, struggling where it used to do well. GoD used to be a good trash killer and was really bad versus elites, now it doesn’t kill trash fast either.
As demon hunter player I’m still very unhappy, it’s extremely annoying when you spend 2 seasons gearing up and getting high level augments only to find out it was a waste of time because they nerfed it.
It was a very fun build to play, now it’s not. Better undo all the changes, bring it back and remove the missile dampeners from the game, that’s the fix we want.


Yeah I agree here. Instead of breaking a class because of a bug, just fix the bug. They keep doing this kind of ham fisted crap, and it’s starting to make me think the D3 dev team is the training grounds for the unpaid interns or something. :thinking: