Correct, the nerf feels very bad… now you have to invest much more time to clear lower rifts with lower rewards… in this situation it feels like a time waste to play D3 as DH
They build a DH to compete, then take it away. the Blizzard devs hate the DH.
Yeah they have - as always - no clue of balancing something. Even to roll out those massive changes on numbers on a test server shows clearly that those developers have very few know-how about that game and what they are doing. Those massive nerfs (GoD) or buffs (mage) make no sense. And i don’t get it why they dont make only slight changes and tune them in on the second PTR week.
Everyone knew only with reading the PTR notes that patch is going to be crap regarding numbers.
I respectfully decline those changes and would suggest to REMOVE that USELESS AND RARE MISSILE DAMPENING effect and leave GoD DH as it is!!
On the other hand you buff solo play with the new follower changes and on the other hand you nerf the by far MOST PLAYED solo set to the ground. This set isn’t even used in high GR group play because it is useless there. There is absolutely no reason to nerf it! Better raise the numbers on other DH sets to be on par with GoD. And it’s time to nerf the Necro but WAIT why you should do this to a class you can sell with $$$?
A fish rots from the head down…
Give this post a like if you agree and keep GoD as strong as it is. Maybe they listen to their playerbase once in a lifetime. But i have bad feelings about that.
If you want to take away the advantage of missle damper (thats OK), let f.e. the
hungering arrow not pierce in that shield.
So the Dh-Player says: “Damn, this Elite has missile dampening.”
With only 2 pierces the GoD-Set is dead for solo-pushing…
Only done a few T16 and speed gr100. The speed seems the same, even though I am missing the 4th cube item. So I guess this hits hard on Push builds?
It’s like 18 GR’s lower, You have to fish if you want gr130 at all cleared at my paragon 5300 Paragon for a gr130 vs 140-144+
That GR 127 I did was with lightning rune. They did not limit how many times extra arrows spawned by lightning rune can pierce.
With cold rune I did GR 125.
Nerf is huge, something like 15GRs or more.
roast butts wont be using GoD DH next reason thats for sure…
Holy… I tried my previous record GR, I had trouble with the first damn elite pack… This hits about as hard as any nerf I have had before
For 129 clear that is on LBs now I had Missile Dampening and I did use FOT + Nemesis on follower.
Lightning rune is working with Missile Dampening.
This build was the only thing that makes me enter the game and do couple of rifts, try some pushes etc. I am a dedicated DH and did a 140 last season. Seeing this build nerfed to the ground makes me lose any interest in this game.
They should remove all the chars except Necro, maybe they manage to sell some Necro packs. Necro is part of everything, they even got 2 new items in last 2 seasons. It is just frustrating.
This change can only be described as a band-aid nerf because they don’t want to put too much effort into it, not even a more reasonable number for the max pierce so they pick the closest integer to one, two.
Simply buff the GoD set bonus. Problem solved.
Buff GoD set bonus to 50000%
Or just undo the nerf… Since we already lose the cubed item and the clone from the pylons
Great. After all these years of waiting for good and fun DH set (after UE MS stayed only good for farming long time ago), now it is completely destroyed, and their goal is not even acomplished.
As I wrote in another thread at the very moment I saw PTR info, all they needed was to remove super rare MD elite, and I am glad the majority agreed.
Sure, buffing 6p bonus is another easy solution.
(OP’s solution No 2 would also destroy the set, together with any HA build, so it is really not a solution.)
And, after all these questions in our heads (how is it possible for someone to even consider such an idea???, excluding those few pathetic souls who rejoice for DH fall), we must be aware of the brutal fact: THERE IS NO TEAM FOR D3 SEASONS OR D3 AT ALL, IT IS 1 MAN FAST WORK, probably someone who doesn’t play this game at all. It was already a tiny group, but now, with DI, D2R and D4 in full progress, it is definitively a single man job.
In the end, there will be a solution, I am 100% sure. Even 1-man team will notice how absurd is this. It will still be a bad nerf, but surely much less so than this atrocity.
Won’t happen, unfortunately…
I feel like the PTR Feedback section is only here for Blizz to know what to ignore, cause they NEVER listen to any of our suggestions about balancing builds or items EVER and only know how to ruin something that wasn’t broken anyway and why, cause oh noes “missile dumpening”…
you are missing the part that there are 2 other builds(UE HA, M6 HA) with the same probelms, missile dumpening, as for that builds the HA will still pierce lot of times.
sorry, do not get the logic. yes, Missile Dumpening bring GOD DH maybe 3 levels above. But they say want to fix the Missile Dumpening issue. not to fix that this set is OP right? cause they can reduce bonus damage of the set if they just wanted that without considering Missile Dumpening issue.
The Ninth Cirri Satchel, the quiver, HA deal 600% increased damage and is quranteed to pierce. this made the GOD DH as it is, other generators are way to behind to can perform well.
The M6 HA and UE HA had potential to be 3 levels behind GOD at it is now. So with that nerf to GOD, the set will be e.g. 10 tiers below, e.g. if you did 135 you will do 120 now, but using M6 HA or UE HA you will be able to do 132 AND will still have Missile DUmpening “buff”. In EU PTR a guy already did 133 with ~5000 paragon and M6 HA, just to demostrate that I think.
repaet, I agree with Missile Dumpening fix, even remove the affix from the game, cause lags/frezes for seconds in public games.
Do not know where and what you discussed, hopefully devs not did this GOD change becuase of your discussions cause is un-logic.
I don’t get why everyone wants MD removed either.
3 DH’s have cleared 150 this season in the EU with this so called, game breaking bug. OMG bring out the nerf gun before someone loses an eye!!!
What planet are people living on where MD is a problem and not the most enjoyable part of the game?? Hell, we can only use 2 pylons anyway, how about just leave it the hell alone?