God have mercy of us

last week, i was trying to make new record with barb but i failed, was GR 123, before i say all i want here, i want to make something clear.

if you want to reply, please say something worthy.

but back to barb… i had 201 Gr keys, so i started, when ever i open the GR, areas are like a vast empty endless desert, but i keep it going, when i reached the 44th key, i realy started to doubt of my self. i looked into the gear, was all fine, gems on.
so i sent a msg to a freind of clan, to my suprise he said to, that i need to make, “fishing” until a get a good area for my objective, so, i just breath deep, and then i make a desicion, with full gear with 120-124 caldesans, i deleted the char.

i was in my 56th key, and i didnt hit my point, amd this “fishing”, sounds to me like each time i use a key, and get that act3 secnario, or act 5, someone is rising the middle finger, and i felt like a jackass.

then i forgot the barb situation, was 173 of wasted hours, and then i foucosed on necro and wiz.

my solo necromancer is 123. am trying 125, same thing…
now i want to ask devloper team: if you pretend to make game hard for solo player, or maybe you hate solo player, why your game keep spawning these areas? some time i run like 10 seconds sometimes 12 seconds and i only see 3 monsters in screen?? is there any sexual pleasure in that for you???
sewers, caves, pandemonium, and (act3) areas, have always this… bad density, doors, since your teleport and blood rush have cooldown, (for no aparent reason), can you take a look to GR density? it is a problem from what a read, cames from a long time, people still compailing, when i open a T122 or higher, what you think player expected to fight?? a legion of fallen + fallen shaman + blood clan lancer. ok … i killed them all, and it didnt fill the bar more than 2 seconds.

another intresting thing in these greater rifts…
waller … nightmaresh, run away “elites”, each 10 seconds monster casting frozen, and an endless walls casting, u cant shoot … and jagg monsters, you know that solo players skip it, why u keep it in game? i want to remind you!!!
it is the year 2021, and seems that game is about to make 9 years, and it changes, did you noticed that? monster even stuned or frozen, keep teleporting, and uses vortex on player, so waht that stun and freeze for??? each 5 or 10 seconds the char actions are interrupted, cuz monsters do not stop casting walls and ice, lighting monsters with nightmaresh is a damn trolling… my god !!!

this game a a joke, seriously from all my time playing, i had never experience something so confuse, and terrible.
it took alot of time to make caldesans depair, as well as to colect 200 GR keys. and surly if u have a little game conception, you surly will change it, but from what i see, am sure you dont care.
i played diablo3 over 500 hours. and got 3 char on leader boards with no botting. your game is ez, but you think trolling player like that is a difficulty but it is not.

seriously … thats not hard, it is stupid. and it only make ppl creat an image of you, and your games.

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I hope you consider a haiku to be worthy…

Dangerous morning
An anti hero delete
at the perfect gear


in fact … it not a story, but surly we will have always ppl like you here, soon if God wills, you will never see me here, maybe in 1 month, ill finish my new PC, and in that moment, i have no need to play this “diablo3”, and i have no need to come to this forum, to get replies of debochary, and desrespect, fanboys, and even the own blizzard ppl already gave the example, since Jay wilson in 2012, said: " Fu… that loser". soon TIME TO SHAPE will come.

no am not a noob…

am reporting an old problem in game, and you just made that reply as normaly ppl like you " desqualify" do. you are simply ignored, i wont discus more, i wont let my self down to ur level :slight_smile:

ah … i forgot, you cant get 200 keys in 1 hour. do not try to be something you are not. if theres is a noob here, surly he is you. random, casual… and as i said, desquilifed. now shhhhhhhh

it is better to you to shut it.

I’m going to make a recommendation, and it comes from my heart. Take a break. The game is meant to be enjoyed, and it sounds like you have a serious case of burnout.

Come back in a few days with fresh eyes and a better state of mind.

Good luck.


it is really impressive, the reaction of people in this place, they mock and try to make jokes, even if you report your point of view, this forum is noteworthy, people are making posts, to get the attention of blizzard, but blizzard does not respond instead, I see doubtful profiles, with stupid comments, the density problem is as old as the game, there are many reports of lack of monsters.
Obviously, we will have this kind of reaction in this forum, fanboys are crazy if you say that something is very wrong and it needs to be analyzed, instead, there came another subject saying that 200 keys are obtained in one game hour, but I will answer him: whatever it is, not even with divine intervention you managed to collect 200 keys in a solo game in 1 hour, it shows only one thing, your indifference to others, your lack of game XP, and you have no idea of nothing, you are simply … you know ya ?.
It seems that this forum only exists to praise, because blizzard never misses , never disgrace, and the games are perfect. seriously …

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the problem with you in particular is rather that everyday a new noob joins the forums and complains how time-intensive and unfair the game is.

oh I don’t want to grind GRs to get my gems to level 120, can’t they already start at level 60

oh I don’t want to farm souls to reforge my items, can we lower the cost

oh I don’t want to fish for the perfect GR I want to play double festering all the time

oh I can’t get the perfect primal gear, can we reforge primals so they stay primals

etc. etc. etc.

guys like you think that #1 of the leaderboard is just luck and high paragon. sorry to disappoint you, it isn’t. it’s incredible hard work. go on youtube and e.g. watch how much time wudijo had to spent for his 150 crusader solo (fun fact: more than 2k keys. just to put your 200 keys in perspective)


Pretty much this. Unfortunately, most decisions are driven by sexual pleasure.

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For better or worse, fishing is part of the game. If you don’t like, don’t do it. It’s not like you’ll get anything for moving a few places up on the leaderboard anyway. Generally speaking, video games should be fun. If you’re not having fun, maybe you should move on.

Sorry, but your “reporting point of view” is a pointless rant with no suggestions how to improve the things you’re complaining about, so don’t be surprised when people treat it for what it is. This sort of whining and complaining about how everyone here is mean and life is not fair is not going to win you many friends.

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OP, this game has always been about RNG. It’s the reason why it is a laughing stock from a competitive point of view. The biggest mistake Blizzard did was tying the competitive mode (GR leaderboards) to the regular grinding. This makes it so that they have conflicting design choices present, e.g extreme RNG to prevent burnout from grinding which unfortunately leads to extreme amount of fishing and luck dependance when pushing. Nobody that pushes likes this RNG; but the hamsters need it for the grind.

My best suggestion for you is to truly understand how stupid it is to push in this game and move on with your life! I know it’s hard, because GR pushing is the thing that kinda defines D3 for many.

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Pleasure we got of Diablo-like games is based on random. We are expect good items, good rifts when we push. Our dopamine says: “one more try”. As i see good rift is equal to good item but it lives 15 mins only. Good rift is the true gift of RNG in diablo. Much more than any primals. So all that sewers is needed for bigger emotions when we get perfect double-woods or kinda. If every rift was double wood that would be boring

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I would be annoyed too, not gonna lie. However, you could just skip a floor, and the second could be decent. You could also find a pylon to make things easier for you. GR125 is something that you can afford to have a bad floor, it’s not like GR150.

I’m going to ask you a sincere question.

Why are you still playing this game? You clearly are not having fun. There are millions of games in the market, and there’s dozens of ARPGs. Why insist on playing a game that only gives you frustration?

Take a break or even quit D3 entirely. Or just play casually. I personally have a lot more fun playing D3 as a casual game on the nintendo switch, there are way better games for the hardcore needs.

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You mean that is normal to open 100 Gr to make new record???
The problem ppl don’t understand is that game is not hard. Game is really easy, there is no " hard work " , maybe you made a reference to another game, when I was level 1600 I was already doing solo 120 with barb and necro. I have over 20k souls and over 23k breaths… for sure you are a level 700 ok, can’t hold a solo 85, and you really don’t know what am talking about.
This is maybe the main problem in this forum. People are not allowed to show their frustrations with games issues.
And people must all time say : game is perfect, it is wonderfully good to do fishing.
Maybe 3 characters in leaderboards are not enough to express my disappointment.
But seriously…
Dude :slight_smile: just tell, why you are so mad about it? What is the “hard work” in a game with a generic set and 3 generic unique gems?? What is the big deal here, is what u said above there…you still doing level 85 or maybe 90, is not same thing to do 120-130 Gr. And you don’t know that, cuz if you do, you could speak in different way fanboy. what souls and crafting have to do with post??? The only noob here is you.

I am confused. You say the game is so easy yet you are struggling with a 123 on your Necro and a 125 on your Barb? You appear upset at other posters because they have put time into their characters where you have not? That is like me complaining about trying to fly a spaceship into outer space and then being upset at the astronauts who can.

My thought is if you are struggling with your 123 and 125 then do some lower GRs where you are not fishing for the perfect map and power up some gems to then empower your gear and make your character stronger. Then go back and knock the 125 out of the park without needing to fish for a map. Also if you are truly looking for help vs just making a rant then post up your profile and someone who has more experience can offer suggestions or areas to look to improve your build to make you stronger. :slight_smile:

If you read the post, you will notice that am not talking about difficulty, am talking about greater rifts density. What is difficulty to fix monsters density in game? You think to do a single record is it normal to open 90- 100 keys to get 1 good rift? I fixed game playing on rifts on 123, when I play solo, the main point is cuz of monster density, and yes I have no trouble in other games mechanics. It is ea… simply like that. And ty for reply…

So a couple of questions then for you.

When you are fishing are you just opening checking the first section then quitting to restart?

Have you empowered your character already? The reason I ask is because if you are strong enough you can rush through and kill the few elites in the low density first map level and continue on to the next 2-3 and still be just fine for the GR completion. The stronger you get the easier it is to deal with the lower density start and so on.

I get what you are saying with density being the problem but it I think is how the game is designed. I get that you are trying to say that the GR’s should be more dense with monsters vs having to fish for 100 rifts to find the perfect one. I don’t think that every map can be like “not the cow” level though and you are just surrounded my enemies. If that was the case that would make the game that much more easy.

The stronger your character becomes the easier it is to breeze through these low density maps and still get a success.

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I’m sorry, but I really don’t understand what you are trying to say. what is your native language?

Hi and ty for asking.
About exploring:
In fact I ran through 1st and 2nd floor indeed, sewers, pandemonium, cathedral, hall of agony areas 99,9% of time, in some cases I ran like 10 to 15 seconds with total empty floor, sounds crazy, but I want to remind, it is not a level 80-90 Grifts. I tried 123 barb 120 wiz and 125 necro.

2- char power:
My necro has already solo records 124, 13:55
Wizard has already solo tier 119
Barb had already solo 122 in 13:. and I will repeat it again. I have no problem in killing monsters at all, no lack of tanking also, especially with wizard and necro.
And I think you are wrong, on ur point of, “game design”, cuz this is not a difficulty issue. Difficult thing is: to try to pass ur limited on greater rifts fighting time, and the only way to beat it is to have good density
So in the end what is the real challenge here???
To test how much I stand this trolling “fishing” 100 keys?
Or to do my break my personal records on leader board? When player login in this game, he is not intresrted, to skip bad area or the jagg monster.
RNG is in every game, but when you deal with time, and records, I believe it is a different thing, and it is not funny at all, to keep fishing. Design for fishing sounds bad see???

I think I understand what you are saying that you don’t have trouble killing things in a 124 for your necro and other levels for other characters but if your necro was stronger (taking legendary gems and empowering your gear) then he could do a 124+ regardless of low density. If you get a low density map you can still kill it because you have so much power you don’t need your AD to kick in and kill the elites only around trash around.

My necro is not fully geared out but I have done a 130 with ease and can probably get close to a 140 if I had the perfect map you are describing. I don’t play long hours though and I am only p2000ish. I don’t fish for that 140, I just stay in the 130’s and speed along through regardless of the map so we all can get stronger and stronger. Then we can try to push those higher GR’s knowing that if we get a lucky map we can push to our personal records.