Discuss/support here
For those of us who play more than one class, we remember that WD was meta for several season.
First with Firebats, then with LoN Spirit Barrage then Firebats again when Arachyr got buffed again.
Whereas, zBarbs and zMonks have always been part of the meta.
The only people who are doing Rat Runs are paragon climbers running 110s in under 2minutes. And the only people who are paragon climbing are people who take Diablo 3 way too seriously.
Some of us just play for fun.
Dart doc is already good in groups. It’s not meta but it’s pretty good.
This is the barb issue - they haven’t been a DPS in group since what, Vanilla??
It’s like the meta is the antithesis of the Barbarian - run around and aggro stuff and group it?
Their point is since Season 10 the Wiz and/or Necro has been DPS in group meta and there has now been 18 seasons with no Barb DPS in the Meta. The only class worse off is Crusader and then DH (1 season in the Meta unless you count the exploit-ish GrimSever in S2).