Gears of Dreadlands (2): weird math

After playing a little bit with the new set, I tried to understand/verify the calculations going on there. I do have some vanilla jewelry with +min-damage, so the numbers are quite easy to verify. Or so I thought. :joy:

I started with the question, how the 70% more damage for HA is working, and how often an arrow can pierce. That was the easy part. :bow_and_arrow:

But the 2 piece set bonus of the new set is acting strange. Maybe someone can verify that or explain the reasons for that.

  • With no Momentum stacks at all, I get slightly bigger numbers than expected. At first, I thought about some missing multiplier or some additive/multiplicative error. But it seems to be, that even with no Momentum at all, you get a damage bonus between 1% and 10%. I have seen only 6 different damage numbers in that case so far. It seems, that the modifier is rounded to 10 frames (there are internally 60 frames per second, right?)

  • At full stacks, it seems to be different again. Of course, I do get slightly lower numbers than expected. I (almost?) never get 100% damage bonus with 10 “stacks”, but more something like 95% and 99%, even in melee combat and permanent attacks. That would be consistent with the set description, as we get 10% per second momentum, and we never actually have 10 seconds left.

  • However, I do see a lot of different numbers popping up at 10 stacks. So, there is no rounding, but maybe the damage modifier is only refreshed every 10 frames … whatever.


GoD-2 always gives 1-10% more damage, even on the very first hit. But we (almost) never get full 100% more damage.


The set(2) is “Each Momentum stack lasts 2 seconds at a maximum duration of 10 seconds.”
What I see is the first hit always grants “2”. So, I think the number on the skill button is the number of seconds rather than number of stack. I might be wrong.
It never said the max number of stacks. It is quite unusual. Other bonuses usually tells the cap of stacks.
I guess the stack can have fraction, not whole number. What we see “10” is actually 9.9 … 9.8 … … 9.1


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To get max dmg 100 uptime is impossible best you can do is get a full stack and alternate in melee range between strafe and primary kinda silly play style