Gear level changed after playing with a new player

I’m playing on a seasonal necro on switch (paragon 960 currently) and I think my equipment is bugged after playing with a friend. She just bought the game on switch so she created a new seasonal character and joined me so I could help her powerlevel. The game wouldn’t allow her to join me on anything harder than Master difficulty which I thought may be because she’s not at 70 yet so I got us set up on Master and we played for the evening.

Then I noticed that my equipment changed from the high level stuff that I’d been getting to much lower levels (I didn’t change anything). I also figured that it might have scaled down to play with her (something that I didn’t think happens but I just went with it). After finishing playing together, my gear all stayed the same (as you can see in the pictures) . I didn’t equip anything that dropped from our session together either. On further inspection, even gear from my stash has changed.
My legendary gems that I had leveled are also now at 0 and sockets that were on my gear are gone. It affected all my equipped gear except the head, feet and weapon. And not all of my stash was affected either.

I have screenshots but am not able to include the imgur link in the post.

You should move this to the Console Bug Report Forum.

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