Fun/underrated builds?

First of all I’m sort of new to the upgraded forum version, so my post count is low, and I fit the description of ‘casual’ (however since 15 may 2012) to diablo 3. Sorry about that. Also Non-native speaker, hence ocasional spelling mistake can happen. I’m just unable to scrach out enaugh time in favourable enaugh circumstances to play more frequently.
Ok enaugh about Me, the builds I intended to ‘play my way’ so far were:

Shield-Bash Crus. it has one major flaw of too small hitbox for the pound rune, hence the problems that sometimes players claim it misses target. it is actually other way arround they do not target precise enaugh, although for this to be viable increase hitbox for pound rune. Bump damage by a lot on all supporting items, and lastly fiddle with drakkon’s lesson so that wrath upkeep isn’t such a big deal. As off now it would be possible to play Shield Bash fluently on low tormens with all slots geared towards RCR and CDR plus a topaz in the helm (and that’s without Akarat Champion, only Iron skin [which gives cc immunity]). For this You need two handed flail with 4.0 wrath regen rolled, and Piro Marella needs 2.0 wrath regen rolled. Frankly I haven’t been lucky enaugh to get properly rolled gear for it yet, and since it doesn’t deal enaugh damage it’s not a priority.

Phalanx Crus: Not sure which rune would be the best, although the flail that causes avatars of the order to help after a kill would sound cool too.

Passive Block Crus: Iteration of some form of block attack like the Lazy version of Holy machinegun, with Ivory Tower and 100% block chance. (or that wolf shield) yes i know block caps at 75% from items but the passive hold your ground goes beyond the cap and can go up to 100%, so Helm of Rule, Justice Lantern, Blood Brother or legacy lantern in second finger, and you’re all set up. LoD would seem to be the best for it, however it lacks damage and survival, plus recent tweaks for some mob types crippled this playstyle (as blighter literally used to instakilled himself once) and this kind of build is an answer to be no such thing as bad rifts, Since one would be hunting for something like archers, some elemental spitters, or succubi, would now be your friends, on the other hand melee zombie rift would be insta quit XD as ridiculous as it sounds it actually would be the case.

Barb: Barb has it actually covered for the most part, as almost all of his skills are supported by some sort of set, so perhaps a ranged build with spear throw and weapon throw, although it’s not my kind of style for barb.

Dh: Chackram all the way. Whether N6M4 or bring back N6S2. actually no need to enable Hand crossbow and a melle weapon at the same time. the only thing needed is to remove bow requiremet from Rain of Vengance (which is silly btw because it’s a called-in strike, not dealt by the player, similar to crusader bombardment, so why bow req? ).

Monk: With the recent sweeping wind build, Monk has most if not all of his spenders covered, so I’d consider retooling (by bumping-up) the old stuff to be viable and on par (damage wise).

Wd-one-shot-chcicken: I haven’t got solid gear for wd, but I always wanted to speedrun with Manajuma chicken and Arachyr sets (because they both beefup hex) to one shot everything on torments, unfortuneatly it isn’t viable anymore).

Wd-pet-doc: Whether zuni or LoN/LoD i always wanted to pasively support my summons and let them do the bulk of the damage while i stand back ad watch them lay waste but not darts (i don’t like the single target darts doc anyway).

WD-Barrage-Doc: I always wanted to try this one seemes cool on yt, jut got no viable damage now.

Wizz-wickd-wind-channeled-twisters: probably no chance for this one since tick attacks it would overload the servers anyway. fix DMO it has too low survival LoD version of it is way better since You get damage resistance from ancients plus aqiula’s curiass wich is +/- 75% versus 60% on DMO.

Also a reliable way of cc immunity besides archon would be apreciated, (some dislike beeing forced into archon for cc immunity) for example make mirror images a purely defensive buff with cc immunity (as I know their damage causes server issues [especially when casting tornadoes] ) stick echoing blast to it with no cd and you’ve got yourself a new set.

Last but not least:

The idea behind this one was to create a necro with decent enaugh toughness (lorianne sunstone, bone armor, dayntee’s binding, golem brichees, LoD buff,aquila curiass, ought to cover it). and a way to spam Bone Spirit. way to go would be tons of CDR to reduce cd on golem and Bone Spirit. golem aslo get’s bonus to CDR from brichees and from passive. Bone Spirit get’s bonus to CDR from golem gauntlets causing golem to poop corpeses 1corpse /s and from manual golem cast 8corpses /cast (since consumed corpse equals -1s for Bone Spirit) the fartherst i got with this was gr70 AFAIR however i was missing many ancients for LoD and no aquila (ofc golem gear (pants and gloves) and bone spirit pants are a must)
damage wise this build sits at half the damage of Crus’s AoV Heaven’s Fury (compared at d3planner) and since Heaven’s fury hits a lot more frequently, and damage of Bone Spirit never reaches more than 5-6 sec from pants, it it obvious this needs a buff. ( for example Bone Saber of Zumakalis: (fits thematically) Simulacrum gains simulacrum of bone rune, and also casts all damaging necromancer’s (not just secondary) skills when you do. Bone Spirit deals XXX% more damage, reduce golem cd by Y seconds per each hit with Bone Spirit. Y is a number between 4 and 10 seconds ( XXX%damage is multiplicative but flat). Haunted Visions amulet changed to simulacrum lasts until they die and You loose 2% maximum life per second ( blocked by blood for blood passive if you have a health globe buff).

Additionally Army of the Dead has too high cooldown since it sepose to be 1 hit nuke wonder with no uptime it shoul be more like 45-60 sec, and a guaranteed reduction on pet hit from Rathma set (make a cooldown on that damage immunity passive after those 3 major skills). Also no point in keeping Bone armor rune : Limited Immunity as is, since nobody uses it in current iteation. make it last like 10-15 sec and damage reduction lowered from 100% to say 80-95% flat, this is instead of the usual DR bonus from bone armor. cc immunity stays untouched. this way most of the folks will have 80% uptime on cc immunity and decent damage reduction.

Ugh sorry for the wal of text. I Hope at least Nev will read it.

Seeing the dev’s are upgrading not only with new sets, but also legendaries, it would be great to have a workable PET build for Crusader? Fun is one thing but having REAL damage opens up other choices in builds both in sets and LoD or LoN builds.

  • ‘Baleful remnant’ has additional Phalanx damage
  • ‘Warhelm of Kasar’ change damage from 60% to 200%-300% and
  • ‘Eternal Union’ could stay as it is without extra damage - IF
  • ‘Unrelenting Phalanx’ has damage similar to ‘Fryder’s Wrath’.

EDIT: For it to be a workable pet build the enforcer gem % would need to work on the damage added by the above gear, not the default player damage. So for example, if someone had a perfect roll on damage of 2,000%, a 50% enforcer gem damage would add 1,000%.

Please fix the potion slot, so it cannot be accidentily removed during a running GR.

Everything is fixed, followeres, own gear, Paragon… please fix the potion slot too.

Maybe, as suggested many times by the community, open up a potion slot in Kanais cube, so we can select out highest possible potion of that type and save it in the armory.

@Nevalistis @Matthew Cederquist


This is wrong topic to ask for that change.

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Sweeping Wind is doing 1/10th the damage of Tempest Rush in most versions of Patterns of Justice builds. If you focus on SW legendaries, you still can only get SW to 1/4 of what TR is easily capable of doing. SW needs more supporting legendary items (their redesign of Eye of the Storm was bad and removed, I suggested a bigger buff to SW and to make the spawned cyclones revolve around you as if you were the Eye of the Storm) and some of the current SW legendary items need buffing.

Well since You put it that way… then yeah Sweeping Wind could get some legendaries retooled. but it’s rather figurng new powers to existing items than actually designing new ones. What I originally ment was that ‘the sets’ in theory covered all of attack skills. Actually all classes could use a bit of tune-up to their legendary item pool so that the top meta 10k para players swim around gr 143, or at least I think that was the design goal of classic team changes.
Personally I think more monk is the only class with potential in using their generator skills, since no other class wants to use theirs ( with the exception of …cough… granades UE …cough… ) additonally monk has at least one set designed around generator attacks, which most of the other classes don’t.

wizzy Hydra build was once a great build to play around with but it is way out of date, would love to see it make a return.

The last time I ran in the 4-man META was when that was the trashkiller. It was a blast solo pushing with it too.

Around the same time wiz had a pretty fun menald hydra RGK build.

Any Electrocute builds. Electrocute (especially Chain Lightning) is fun, and potentially the strongest among the 4 signature spells, so much so that it was the only signature spell not supported by DMO. I would love to see this spell buffed more, especially with the Myken’s Ball of Hate mechanics.


Witch Doctor Spider Queen builds , please buff Spider Queen Grasp

This is my attempt to get a half decent Electrocute build going.

It’s been a while since I’ve played HC so I’ve yet to level up a LoD gem to go with it. When using LON, I had to sacrifice Karini for Manald Heal… as such, I never pushed too far. Would be interested to see how well I can push with the LoD variation.


Plague of Toads too… my Rhen Ho Flayer needs a workout.

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More than a skill, i’d like to see barbarian be able to wear 2-2H weapon. And something that can smash enemies with a few hits.

The only monk spender that is unsupported specifically by a set is Cyclone Strike. Only the generic buff of Inna’s set and LoD buff CS and the only legendary item that buffs CS is the new Won Kim Lau.

I always enjoyed grasp of the dead with deadly rebirth,wilkens reach, and grin reaper both Helltooth and LoD variants shame the damage just isn’t there for it

The frenzy builds on a Barb do well, and at one time, frenzy thorns was a good build.

Needless to say, that is not true anymore.

That is why quite a few Barbarians have asked for a primary attack set for Barbarians. Frenzy can go insanely fast on its attacks and it gets amusing what you see happen. Properly done, it should have both mob clearing and much more likely boss killing.

There was a thread by user Ruined where he made a survey in the community about what skills poeple would like to set in a new sets.

He pbished the resuts in this thread

I think that is still relevant.

There also was a very similar thread on the old forums, but that can not get accessed anymore, since the old forums are gone.

Witch Doctor FROGS!
Barbarian Leap.


Mirror Image and Black Hole :slightly_smiling_face:

I love the Tal Rasha Meteor Shower build, but it just isn’t viable for higher pushing.