Fun/underrated builds?

With all the power creep in the game and the infinite scalar used in greater rifts, the builds have almost all focused on front loaded damage. What I miss are the viability of those burst and kite builds for the DH from vanilla D3.

Back in vanilla, a lot of players that chose the DH would use the traps in builds. Now those are never used, even during leveling. They were deemed overpowered back then because their life steal proc coefficient allowed for essentially god mode as long as at least one high HP mob was in the traps. Caltrops was the trap of choice, and the Jagged Spikes rune was its top pick. But due to the life steal issue, the proc coefficient was brought to zero. It couldnā€™t proc anything. It became 100% worthless in a build because it then became a liability as you couldnā€™t survive using it as a primary aspect of the build.

Then along came Reaper of Souls and the builds changed and sets were made good. But skills and abilities like Caltrops still had no proc coefficient. To this day itā€™s still zero even though life steal is gone and is replaced by life on hit, which we must use up gear affix slots to make prime use of. And even maxed, the LoH isnā€™t game breaking. Yet we still havenā€™t had an update to those skills so they can get their full proc coefficient back so they could sustain us once again and so they can proc the effects on current items.

Iā€™d love to have a fun kite build brought back. And itā€™d help the group meta when it comes to the DH, which for the most part are left out in the cold these days, what with the front loaded and crowd controlling Wizard, Necro, Barb, and Crusader setup.

Sure, a kite build isnā€™t likely going to work for super high greater rifts, but for everything else? Itā€™d be nice to have them back so we could have some enjoyable vanilla playstyles returned to us. You could even design some new items and a set around our traps.

The DH really needs to be reworked and rebalanced so that Vengeance and Companion: Wolf arenā€™t required in most builds for their mutipliers. Those arenā€™t fun buffs, theyā€™re required buffs. In all the power creep and the race to ā€œclimb the GR ladderā€, Blizzard somehow lost sight of reason we play games: fun.

Start bringing back the fun builds so we can at least enjoy the core game even if they arenā€™t necessarily top GR pushers.


It was fun.

I still have my level 60 Moonlight Ward with +20% Arcane Damage, +6% ASP, +10% CHC, and +70% CHD. If it wasnt for legendary gems and that thing lack of a socket, I would still be using it since it out damages any other necklace I have.

Arcane Orb and it used to work so well together.

Wizards with a screen full of those little tornados, my personal most fun wizard build ever. Too bad it is not viable anymore since a long time ago. Only boring or very high maintenance builds are viable. :frowning:
I play this game for fun not to strain my fingersā€¦
Barbarian whirlwind.
Crusader hammers or phalanx
Wd, the huge army and poison darts
My personal most fun dh build is a viable one, for a change. Multishot.
Necromancer dies to easy, so no fun build there for me.
Monk the same. Its fast, but cannot handle the slightest amount of damage. :frowning:

I really hope for d4 to have any and all skills viable so you use whatever you find most fun to play.

I hope for a change for d3 too. Since particular skills got ridiculously strong.
The new sets should boost whatever damage skill you pick. Not a specific oneā€¦
Same for the supporting legendaries.
Perhaps even a skill / damage overhaul.
But thatā€™ll never happen :frowning:

I think that if you google any one of the builds mentioned here, you will find what youā€™re looking for. You can also check They have a bunch of builds for each class - both the top tier pushing builds and low tier builds that you can have some fun with.

Related to the annoyingness of wizard builds.

If you start with a LoD and work with that, I think you could get it to work.

Somehow, I cannot find my Twisted Sword. Well, I will have to say if it is good or fun after I get that bugger again.

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Necromancer poison scythe was really fun. I really wanted to play a necro but I donā€™t like corpse builds and this kept me entertained until it topped out.

LoD, Deathwish, Etched Sigil is amusing to watch. I do not think you can get it to do enough damage, but with Ranslorā€™s and Twisted Sword, you can get enough to make a really nice view.

I had Magefist as an ancient so I went with fire twister and fire Arcane Torrent. The whole screen looked like it was on fire.


Frost arrows from Kridershot, paired with Frostburn and the Marauder set and alot of Sentry gunsā€¦

So much fun :smile:

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Twisters for wizard. They used to be stacked on corners (which was bad) and now they randomely disappear before expiring. They should linger for 6 seconds each, no matter what.

Everything lightning related :slight_smile: From wizard to DH to monkā€¦

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Phalanx Archers and Shield Bash Please let them be viable for GR 100


As a WD I loved playing with the Grin Reaper voodoo mask.

Either Helltooth with Zombie Charger/Acid Cloud or Arachyr with Wave of Mutilation/Bogadile.
Seeing all those Bogadiles pop up in a short period of time was really satisfying.


D3ā€™s Barb LeapQuake and DHā€™s Shadow Impale.
Just imagine landing from sky with such tremendous force that stuns all enermies, causes earthquake and lava burst from the ground burns and bury the demon to the deathā€¦


Always been my favorite Barb playstyle. So rhythmic and satisfying. I hope one day they buff classic leapquake.

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Actually they did once, with the buff to Griddle of Giant and the rework of Siesmic Slam - Rumble to make it usable as a Fury flusher. And the buff to the Fury of the Vanished Peak created another departure to the build: MotE ProSlam (and the Fjord Cutter rework also buffed it further).
Now if only they buff the damage multiplier of Balde of the Tribles, or better, buff it and move it to the legendary affix so we can get an additionally affix on weapon.
Seriously, Blade of the Trible is probably the only class specific legendary weapon in this game without a multiplyer in the legendary affix.


thank you , iā€™m french so i sometimes miss Icyveins .

i will take a look , i want to play fun tonight

Man, that must make some seriously monstrous pancakesā€¦


Oh I remember, brother! Whatā€™s funny is that I finally got my AD/chc/chd restraint ring this season, after trying to get it for like a year for my phys leapquake, but now the build is trash.

I am really enjoying the new slam build though. I just wish theyā€™d buff Tribes like you said, so the two builds are about same level.

I absolutely loved the Stampede rune for Phalanx Crusaders, but the Archers are definitely a close second

Do you all remember when that WD ring accidentally worked on Barbs wearing the IK set and you got 3 giant barbs running around and smashing things up :stuck_out_tongue:

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