The other approach to rein in people with 10k+ paragon would be, you know, to punish botters and let the rest of us actually have a powerful build for a change. As a barb player from the days of the initial D2 ww nerf, I am more than tired of this pathetic whine plus nerf cycle.
I realize that there has been a lot of attention towards the #1 clear but if one looks further down the leaderboard, one sees interesting things. Below is the GR tier of the Rank #40 player (PTR barb non-season vs. America region era 11 non-season). I think that I grabbed the data on Oct. 22 but I could be off a day or 2.
Barbarian Tier | Crusader Tier | Demon Hunter Tier | Monk Tier | Necromancer Tier | Witch DoctorTier | Wizard Tier | PTR Barb | |
Player Ranked #40 | 120 | 127 | 125 | 120 | 123 | 125 | 133 | 130 |
If you looked at the S19 PTR leaderboard you saw 143 clear with WW Rend Barb.
That was way under 2K paragon.
I cleared a 122 WW Rend Barb in 11:01 at paragon 1150 and stopped 'cause I didn’t want the devs to see another barb higher and cause a nerf.
I knew a nerf was incoming with the Chinese guys getting over 140 solo.
I don’t recall seeing that. I think the highest I saw was 136 or 138. I think if that did happen, I would’ve heard about it. There would be a lot more people bringing it up. Can you post some type of proof?
Awesome post Gasnick extremely well said. The way you worded it and got your point across was beautiful. I just hope and pray that blizzard see’s it along with some of these other awesome posts supporting barbs that have seemingly sprung up like a brush fire in these forums. I too am in arms over the nerf and very disappointed in the scale of it. I might’ve winced if it went to 150 or even 100% but they went way too far and I really hope it gets reverted and or changed. And like you said as well 100-150% I think would be be fair an possibly acceptable. I personally would like to see the nerf reverted completely as it really wasn’t overpowered given the average realistic paragon of your average seasonal player. Either way I would hope there’d be one more stage of thorough testing of whatever the imposed change may be. Blizzard promised the barbarian community that they were listening and that they’d give us the buffs we’ve long deserved. They claimed to have heard our warcries… So please blizzard at the very least live up to your promise. Hold true to it. Show us you really do care about the barbarian class and its current state. A second round of testing needs to be done with a realistic seasonal paragon and by several well known knowledgeable barbarians or maybe perhaps by someone with a voice in blizzard themselves. The build itself can be so much fun (no its obviously not for everyone) but I would implore anyone at blizzard to try it themselves. You truly owe it to the entire barb community. It didn’t deserve this change/nerf and I think if the proper testing had been done the nerf would not have happened to begin with. I just feel you (blizzard) jumped to conclusions too fast and without enough/proper data and unwittingly catered to the non barb classes screaming for nerfs likely due to the fact it passed or contended with their favorite non barb build. I have never asked for a class to be nerfed in forums. Everyone likes their own thing and if that thing is on top that’s awesome good for them. Is it that way for all classes…? No… In a perfect world it would be but sadly it’s not. I just don’t see the point in going on the forums and expressing your disgust over another classes build because of how strong it is. Especially after a class like the barbarian who has been lurking in the shadows for far too long. The build was nowhere near overpowered given the current top clears by other classes like Wizard and Necromancer. The haters really should feel ashamed and blizzard should be for listening to them. For so long Blizzard you claimed to be listening. You claimed to have heard our cries. You filled us with hope, optimism, excitement and all those so good feelings that come along with receiving something you’ve longed for for sooo long. To have it just within reach only to have it suddenly taken away. It’s unfortunate that it seems these promises were broken… and as for our “warcries”…? They’ve fallen upon deaf ears…
The seasonal leaderboard is not informative due to the seasonal buff and the bias in which classes were being test most frequently on the PTR. That is why the most appropriate comparison is between non-seasons.
You cant look at the season 19 PTR results because all you had to do was grouping mobs and kill enough for the first killstreak then they all died. Seasonal theme did 90% damage on the PTR.
Thanks for all the hard work, hope the devs can see this and change their mind.
If that’s true I would make a screenshot of it, just to prove my point.
Right now it seems like something that you made up to justify the lamentation nerf…
Next time if you post something like this make sure you have a prove, cause I might also say I cleared a 140 GR with WW Rend in PTR with 1500 paragon and no augments at all and it wouldn’t mean that it actually happened if I had no prove for it…
No proof since ptr gone.
First night Alkaizer took the Barb S19 lead with a 120+.
The next day the lead went over 130 into mid 130’s quickly.
By evening the lead went to The Eggman doing a 136 or 137.
Next morning some Chinese guys went over 140 and no euro or na guys followed.
They were all way under 2k paragon.
Anyone playing S19 Barb saw the leader boards and will testify.
When I did my 122 solo I saw I was 14 lvls behind The Eggman.
There was no doubt a nerf was coming after guys way under 2k paragon were clearing 140+
Way to continue your trend of trying to create a false narrative.
- We can’t look up the ptr rankings to see if you’re lying and you have a track record of manipulating data.
- What did rank 50 or 60 or 70 look like? I assumed you looked at most of them and picked the best line that fit your narrative.
- What was the average clear?
- Picking one line from a leaderboard of 1000 clears and claiming it as some type of evidence based data is probably the clearest indicator that everything I’ve been saying about you is true.
- What about the ptr monk and sader? They both got drastic buffs. Oh right, you only focus on barbs while not playing the class at all.
You forgot about the 500 kill streak angels from S19 theme that can literelly kill a 150 GR Guardian in seconds, so what you said might be done in season.
Funny that Devs nerfed WW Rend, yet are ok with 500 kill streak Angels one shoting mobs on 135-145 GR or highier and killing a 150 GR Guardian in seconds.
Yep it’s totally normal right?
Why would I SS the lead of the ptr leaderboard?
Anyone that played Barb S19 PTR saw it.
You didn’t see it cause you didn’t play ptr I’m guessing.
In my book it’s not even a nerf! A nerf would be like going from 200% to a lower number. Removing the extra legendary power is a cancellation.
You didn’t play the PTR did you?
If you did you would know about the Barb S19 PTR leaderboard.
Typicall, I didn’t see it so I didn’t play the PTR argument . I played the PTR for the first 2 or 3 days than stopped, so yeah I might have missed it.
At least I’m not posting about a 143 GR clear with 1500 paragon without having a screenshot to prove my point…
Anyone that played the ptr to the end saw it.
You are not on point.
143 clear at 1500 paragon by Chinese guys was the top clear of leader board.
You guys don’t know what you’re talking about!
We can’t look up any of that information. Asian players use bots, we know this.
It was very easy to get full primal in the PTR. A full primal barb being using by a botter cleared 143 with the most overpowered and strongest theme to ever come to diablo.
That’s why nobody has said anything about season clears. The theme is insanely strong. It one shots all elites and rift guardians.
If the theme power doesn’t change when S19 hits, I guarantee you every class will have clears 142+
The ptr seasonal barb build sacrificed a lot of cooldown and power for toughness. All you had to do was group up 15 littler spiders next to an elite and bam, elite dead.
I posted the top 40 in another thread (or at least the top 25) while the PTR was active. If I made a mistake someone would have pointed it out. Since no one did, I have confidence in the numbers are correct.
I only looked at the top 40. I can give you any rank within there because I recorder them all. The reason that I chose 40 it was where I stopped. As Prokahn and I explained, there is no API for the PTR leaderboard so it is a timecnsuming process to get the data.
Average relative to what. I only looked at top 40 but I can subdivide the data from there to look for an average.
There clears were less than live non-season. As you know, people were calling for further buffs. This call was supported by the data.
Remember the rules.
Do not respond to the “nice people”
Do not be catalyst in derailing the topic.
No more cuttlefish and asparagus