I’d like to touch on what LF said in the quote I transcribed, above. Not the “I’m not gonna check it out unless you guys nerf Whirlwind Barb” clip, which is obviously sarcasm, but his stance on the “top 1% of Whirlwind players”.
I can see how, if you sort of squint hard and don’t pay careful attention, you could arrive at the conclusion he did. After all, the great players of WW, like Wroboss and Rxt, do show notable skill in grouping mobs and utilizing density to both gain progression and stay alive. And they show remarkable patience and determination, in being able to do that after spending untold hours fishing out an ideal rift with good layout, good mobs, good pylons, and a good RG at the end of it. And on top of all that, they deal with a soul-crushing amount of lag.
All of that goes to make high WW clears a truly unusual occurrence. And it’s true that those “1%” players log clears far higher than the average. But here’s the thing: even taking all of that into consideration, the top WW clear is still only 130.
I feel like LF is double-counting or something. It’s like he sees the current top of 130, and then says “oh, that 1% of WW players is super skilled, they’re going to clear so high”. But that 130 was only possible because the guy who cleared it was super skilled, patient, and determined! If he was just an average schlub like the rest of us, he’d be clearing 120 or something, even when standing on a big pile of Paragon.
So, when LF promises that “Whirlwind Barb will be top of the leaderboard…even with the nerfs”, this is extremely ridiculous.
On the contrary, I promise you that no such thing is possible.
Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.