From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

The decision is ultimately Blizzards. I think the best way to make a case is to remain as rationale and respectful as possible. Simply put, I take the empathy stance on this: If I were a developer and read this thread, how would I feel and assess the quality of the arguments.

It is not solely about whether poster X can convince poster Y. It is about whether poster X or Y can influence the developers or if the developers are going to do their own thing. This thread exists in part because Free and members of the barb community want a change to what the developers decided based on their reasons. However, there is not homogeneity in thought on this topic.

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This entire topic needs to be checked by a forum moderator, a lot of people is doing things against the code of conduct here, incite people to bash users in mass is clearly against code of conduct and should lead to a ban.

Darn, he came with them tables again. I would like a table with my sentiments please.


Dude, I’m at work. Don’t make me laugh out loud like that :rofl:

How about some burger, fries and ketchup with that?

At least that would mean someone actually checked it… lol

I think that it would be helpful if each of us tried to follow the CoC so it would be very easy for the forum moderators.

My assessment of the top 25 & top 40 non-season PTR barbs to the current live era raised concerns about the magnitude of the buff in consideration of GR clears at paragons less than 6,000. I previously linked that post so I will not go into it again here.

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From what I gather, like with many other games nowadays, forums are mostly for the community to discuss and nobody from the staff pays any attention to it. At least not officially. Of course I guess moderators have to moderate, but that’s different to requests being heard by devs.

Edit: Good job on completely editing the post which I replied to to something completely different :slight_smile: If you want to talk numbers, we don’t need to overcomplicate things: Look at the top non-season GR clears for each class. Some of them have reached 147. And there are people like you calling for a nerf at 140. Do we need more made up stats to figure 1 plus 1 equals 2 mate?


If barb community was a bar this dude would be already thrown out, after the invitation to leave. I guess that would make me the bouncer, Free the bar manager, and Prokahn the drunk dude having fun with everyone faces


I think it would be helpful if you just stop and think why the majority here is complaining about your attitude. Maybe you’re indeed being a pain


Non-Barbarian tables be like…

Barbarian tables be like…


I’d like to touch on what LF said in the quote I transcribed, above. Not the “I’m not gonna check it out unless you guys nerf Whirlwind Barb” clip, which is obviously sarcasm, but his stance on the “top 1% of Whirlwind players”.

I can see how, if you sort of squint hard and don’t pay careful attention, you could arrive at the conclusion he did. After all, the great players of WW, like Wroboss and Rxt, do show notable skill in grouping mobs and utilizing density to both gain progression and stay alive. And they show remarkable patience and determination, in being able to do that after spending untold hours fishing out an ideal rift with good layout, good mobs, good pylons, and a good RG at the end of it. And on top of all that, they deal with a soul-crushing amount of lag.

All of that goes to make high WW clears a truly unusual occurrence. And it’s true that those “1%” players log clears far higher than the average. But here’s the thing: even taking all of that into consideration, the top WW clear is still only 130.

I feel like LF is double-counting or something. It’s like he sees the current top of 130, and then says “oh, that 1% of WW players is super skilled, they’re going to clear so high”. But that 130 was only possible because the guy who cleared it was super skilled, patient, and determined! If he was just an average schlub like the rest of us, he’d be clearing 120 or something, even when standing on a big pile of Paragon.

So, when LF promises that “Whirlwind Barb will be top of the leaderboard…even with the nerfs”, this is extremely ridiculous.

On the contrary, I promise you that no such thing is possible.

Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.


Edit your post more please it’s definitely not noticeable.

I don’t know how this guy is even still allowed to post on the forums. Intentionally posting and spreading false information/data, intentionally derailing barb threads and post in the GD and the Barb discussion areas.

Biggest troll on the forums, MicroRNA folks.


Guys, what about the other Barbarian items? like HoTA builds etc. Are they going to be of any use at all in the new patch?

Yes, take a gander at the Barb forum. Or look up Bludshed on youtube for some builds.

People here is to busy bashing others or just posting memes and non sense to talk about hota and slam builds.
I smell like these items will make almost no difference and no one said anything because everyone just care about WW/Rend :man_shrugging:

Given the recent 142’s cleared by other classes, there’s no reason for Lamentation to be below 200% at all anymore. 200% might even be too low.

But I would say go with 200% because that’s what was tested and that’s what got GREAT feedback from everyone.


Its almost as if a large amount of people that play Barb have wanted a competitive WW build for years.


I don’t see them neither talking about how squishy is WW barb, which is pretty fun because even if they buff lamentation to 1k, most people will not even able to touch +110 because they will die oneshotted :man_shrugging:

WW needs defensive buffs, but seems like no one cares (or maybe only a few of the guys that post in this thread actually play WW/rend or barb in general)

the reason why we are voicing about this nerf is because they will bring this :poop: live , so we have to call them out on it and keep this thread alive. and sorry Troll’s you have no power here :crazy_face: