From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

I myself play a new hero each season just to kind of spice things up. I have yet to main a barbarian at all since pre-RoS, mostly due to them just being, well, underwhelming outside anything other than a support role. That being said, I saw the traffic for the buff and got a little excited, “Maybe I’ll try a barbarian for S19.” I told myself. Now with this change, being so drastic and for a reason that hasn’t even been spoken, uncalled for. I’m siding with my fellow players on this one. This has no justification at all to me.


Long time lurker on these forums. This is the first time I have ever felt the need to post something. This post gets my full support. Revert the nerf and add another 100% to Lamentation. 300% should do just fine to Make Barbs Great Again.


He is. Always has been.

I, for one, am very glad that a troll has been exposed as such. Nice work, Ulma!

Absolutely! I wouldn’t mind a bit if Sader was the most powerful class for a Season or two, and I really hope the new set gets buffed through the roof. Thanks for your support!

I feel that, mah dude. And I feel confident we’ll get some kind of interaction soon. In fact, I’m willing to wager that Nev has already forwarded all this incredible feedback to the devs, and that there are some pretty serious internal conversations happening right now.

I couldn’t agree more! This has been an amazing display of the best of the Blizz D3 forums, and I’m super proud of all y’all!

Almost 600 posts. Can we get 700? Can we get 300+ likes?



I’m hoping the devs see all the good feedback. Keep on fighting lads n ladettes.


Besides facts and figures the positive feedback is genuine PASSION! This thread has everything from the most modern memes to at least two Shakespeare adaptations and one extraordinary Sir Walter Raleigh adaptation. Where else will you find such variety?


I believe many of us here, including myself, am hoping that Blizzard will post in very soon with these words…”We heard your warcries in regards to Lamentation nerf you saw in Blizzcon 2019. We had some extensive discussions and deliberations amongst ourselves these past few days, and decided we shall reverse the nerf to the belt. The fact we used the Barbarian as our iconic image (not Wizard, not Necromancer) for Diablo series during this Blizzcon for a symbolic Diablo IV announcement, is testament to our intention that this class is central to the Diablo universe, and we too want to restore it to its former glory. In light of that, we shall take a bold step forward this time round, to increase the rend damage buff to 300%-400%, and let it run through the entire Season 19. It is heartening to see so many players rallying together behind the barbarian class, and we look forward to new GR milestones being cleared in the upcoming season by the barbs!” :hugs:


Pls Blizz dont do this nerf.

Barb was my first toon so will always be my fav but I rarely play barb now due to other classes being stronger… Let barbs shine

Dont base nerfs on someones clear who has 10k paragon


Post from chinese forum.

Title : will delete all existing barbs on account if rend is nerfed.

Op post: its time we (barbs) unite together. Look at what they(devs) did to Morticks in the past? Why cant they(devs) let us play this game peacefully??

Rage from the other side of world :wink:


Reverse the Nerf!

Personal beef: Chronic barb neglect was the death of one of the top barbarian clans … RIP


Is it safe to assume that now being Wednesday, our efforts have been completely ignored? Not even a statement to defend their choice or even let us know about the latest changes (because people just figured it out at Blizzcon). Disappointing :frowning:

Lol this microguy is high hacking and derailing every barb thread. This thread is about asking for barb support to buff rend and not your non sense to keep the nerf.


What does it say? 20 char

Pump the brakes a bit there. First of all, its 10:45 PM on Tuesday Blizzard time. Secondly, it will probably be a few days before the Blizzcon confusion dies down for them. Someone will see this, I have no doubt on that.

Someone already saw, pretty sure. It’s not like all employees went on vacation. At this point I doubt we’re getting this addressed, at least I hope they do consider a last minute change before it goes live even if they never say anything.

Title/op post translated… Didnt translate the replies though. Most are supporting his request and demanding un nerf to rend.


I’d like to post it in the OP and draw attention to the international support this is receiving!


Perhaps you could post a table with an analysis of what percentage of Barbarians don’t want their first opportunity of not being so far behind all the other classes for once to be ruined.


Players from other regions also come here as I see.


Yeah, I’m EU. US forums have always been more active so I tend to lurk here more.

Hoping we hear something soon. Barb was my first class, and the only class I enjoy playing for a long period of time. The only class I’ve put effort in. Sick of it being left behind.


Our reaction reading that be like: