From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

When Free and I wrote our proposal, my own personal goal was to see more balance within my own class (Barb), and later on I came to see the merits of balancing things out a bit between Barbs and other classes.

I don’t have much hope for any of that to happen, anymore.

At this point, I think the best any of us can hope for is variety… for the game to see repeated changes, in a relatively rapid fashion.

So yeah, Rend should get back its 200% modifier. Will it turn out to be OP? Probably not. And if so, then so what? Let it run for a season or two, then nerf it into the ground, and buff something else-- maybe then Pro-Slam, or Leapquake, or HOTA, can take its turn in the sun for a couple of seasons.

And the same could be done for various builds, for every class.

If I could do something that would improve the balance of the game, I certainly would. Lord knows, I’ve tried! But it’s clear that isn’t going to happen.

Variety will keep people coming back to the game. If, next season, somehow, the best 4 person meta shook out to be support DH, support Crusader, trash-clearing Monk, and RG killing Barb, you better believe people would return to the game in droves just to play something different.

So: mix it up, Blizz. You can start by un-nerfing Rend.


That is a magnificent post.


Anyone who doubts Gasnick’s intention should have a brain check. Lad is gold and has stood by my side on each and every post. He is the most welcomed on our community, and I can speak on his behalf.


Gasnick I like you. Noice barb.


Good for you, the “proof is in the pudden” as they used to say.
I consider myself as a Barbarian supporter for what seems like forever, mainly the WW build, but you have me beat hands down in so many ways, maybe now there is at least one Troll that is forced back in it’s slimy cave!


Keep this up fellow barbs!!! As I said before *NO MORE COMPROMISING
WE WILL ONLY ACCEPT THE 200% ON LAMENTATION. Spread the word and get everyone to post on the multiple threads going.


Ehem 400% is what we need to be A tier


Sure I will take that too


Revert the unjustified Nerf

I play multiple classes and tested Rend-Barb on NS-PTR between GR 110-131+. Performance is comparable to other classes top builds. Like some have mentioned survival gets problematic in higher GR (even more without insane paragon).

It’s about time barbs also get something powerful.


Man, this legacy Skorn made me smile like an idiot for 20 seconds. Give this badboy to me with updated damage (4300s) + emerald in socket AND LET THE BLOODBATH COMMENCE


So please take back the really unnecessary nerf.
The devs can really set a mark and show that they take the community seriously.

Season 19 needs a strong barb!


Can anyone make a meme of the “we can do it” pinup girl from the war but put a barb in it?


Yes, we are way over due for a strong solo barbarian.
Take back Lami nerf and re-implement damage buff!
Blizzard, prove to the community that you are about having FUN!


I just can’t wrap my head around why they would pull another “Mortick’s” and pull Lam modifier complete. That’s a total Troll move. Had they reduced it to say 175% or 150% max (this is understandable), but remove it completely!


It’s getting close to a Mortrick’s trick, but not quite…

Now just imagine if the 200% had been on the Lami right up to the end of PTR and was GONE when S19 went live, now that would have been interesting!


Heck yeah, I can’t even imagine the up roar. Had it not been for Bizzcon images of the nerf, we might have had a WWlll.

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Yeahh, i guess blizz wanted to pull a sneaky mortick 2.0 but with the ptr console demo @ blizzcon they didnt carefully thought this out. I guess they regret the ptr demo now, without the ptr demo @ blizzcon they would have succeeded with this sneaky move.


Yeah, this is something that hasn’t been talked about enough.

The (probable) most damaging setup is a bit fragile unless you’ve got a godly amount of Paragon. With the 200% Lamentation buff, a lot of lower paragon players who might have the damage to clear 131-135, will end up running into a toughness check and dying a lot.

You can take BoM, which will make you nearly unkillable, but then you can’t take RoRG, and thus have to drop Captain C, which costs you a good chunk of damage, not to mention you then need to replace a skill on the bar with something that procs BoM.

Most of my Barbs are ladies.
Maybe I like them without pants!

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Without pants, but with belt; they would look prettier. Well, hotter.

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