From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

Great work everyone keeping this thread at the top! Keep fighting the good fight! Praying our War Cry is heard!


Bul Kathos guide my hand to type support for the Barb class.


I personally think MicroRNA is responsible for spreading misinformation about GR clears and cherry picking data.

MicroRNA argued with me when I tried explaining to him that 140 isn’t THAT impressive anymore, and that Necro, WD, Wiz, and DH can all do 140 +. He said he didn’t see those clears yet on the LB so that there was no proof. The problem is he doesn’t listen to people who actually push or play GRs.

Fast forward a few days WD now has 142, Wiz has 148, Necro 147, DH 140.

He also made a ridiculous post on PTR forum asking if anyone was able to clear 150 with 3Rend barbs and a zmonk. He is so detached from the meta he actually thought Rend Barbs would ever trash kill on 150s.

The fact that someone would even act concerned about 3 Rend Barbs trash clearing in 150 says a lot about their lack of understanding about this game. In his mind, he was worried the meta would now be 3 DPS barbs killing everything.

That’s a ridiculous notion because even it you buffed Rend Barb belt to 2000% they’d never be competing with StarPact as it stands. Rend Barbs were never going to smack stuff for Quadrillions of damage like Wizard can.

Just goes to show some people attack other classes without understanding this game.

This is the exact same issue when WW first got its buffs to 6 piece Wastes. Someone did a 118 on PTR or whatever and back then that was “too high”. Devs freaked out and killed the buffs. Few weeks of patch went by and 118 turned out to be a joke.

History repeats itself with Barb because devs are listening to people like that guy.


It seems to me they put the e-brakes on instead of easing down out of fear. Interestingly enough , I don’t see any valid explanations or debates coming from the others who proclaimed the rend needed a nerf.

I also do not see any official explanations from blue explaining their reasoning. This could be, which I hope, them still working out the final buff/nerf and it will come back where IT NEEDS to be. Or this could be the barb community is blatantly being ignored, which is even worse than being invisible.

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Not really a lot to add on what’s been said, just want to leave my support to the barb community. The change that seems to be happening relegated the WotW sets to little more then a speed set with some pushing capability, similarly to how it is on live but with less lag and a couple of grs higher. Why can’t barb have a 140 gr capable specc when almost all the other classes do?


I couldn’t agree more.
I’d say the barb community deserves an apology from MicroRNA. Multiple people have proven him wrong multiple times over. I don’t know why he has an unwarranted vendetta against barbs, but at the very least, he could apologize for trying construe a narrative that barb needed any type of nerf at all.

As of late, 3 people come to mind that are so misinformed about barbs. I read a study awhile ago showing that once people get their first impression and believe something, they are over 90% more likely to believe their first impression, even if new and factual data is presented to them afterwards. It’s something in the brain that makes people defensive when they hear things that don’t coincide with their first belief of the subject.

The reaction to nerf barbs is a symptom of how lackluster barb currently is. Yes, we made WW work in T16, but it wasn’t able to push GR’s. What people are seeing and feeling, is a gr80-90 build all of a sudden able to do 140.
Yes, it was a 50 tier buff, and that sounds extreme and “op”, but when you look at where barb started, and look around at what other classes are doing, you soon find out that it isn’t op at all. It’s just under what I personally would call balance.

Being able to do 140 at 10.5k paragon is still less power than 4 out of the 7 total classes including us. That means, if the lamentation belt was at 200%, barb would equal strength to current live sader and stronger than current live monk. Take into consideration, both of these classes just got buffed. Even with lamentation at 200%, barb may very well be, the weakest class.


If Wizards can do 148 GRs and Necros can do 147 GRs than what’s the big deal with barbs barely doing 140 GR with perfect items and over 10500 paragon?!

If the rend nerf won’t be reverted it will smell of hypocrisy…

Wizards and Necros can clear over 145 GRs, but when Barbs clear a 140 GR he’s breaking the balance of the game or are OP…


Apology? Him? I am guessing he got banned for trolling so we won’t see him for a while. But even so, he will argue with some tables that he does not need to apologize and he contributed significantly to buffing the barbarian class…


^Just saw him in another thread so his account is fine I guess. But I don’t think he may respond here. He would not like this thread bumped I guess :slight_smile:

i was really looking forward for the return of WW barb as it’s my favourite playstyle since D2 and vanilla D3 and early RoS, kinda why i always gravitate to support globe barb for rat runs, i just find it fun lol. I really hope they don’t overreact and nerf this build into the ground before we even get a season to play with it.

I stand by this as well, bring back the 200%.


And that’s what barbs are good for, picking up globes. Since when did the word “barbarian” have anything to do with death and destruction? Never has been.

i jus tlike spinning around like a madman. Was hoping i could do it outside of rat runs :stuck_out_tongue:

Barbarian is not one of my most played classes, but this change will decide whether I’ll play season 19 or not in a big fashion. As many have mentioned, it was the seasonal theme that made the build seem OP.

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Glad to see so much support for the forsaken barbs, i think when the classic team devs return to their office today & open up the forum feedback, they would be WOW-ed by the warcries! :muscle::+1:

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Are you sure that the buff from Lamentation 2.6.7 PTR was/is a seperate multiplier was not additive to the Rend damage buff from waste set?

That would change your missing x3 multiplier into a missing x1.01 multiplier.

What about Rend damage on shoulders/chest?

No it was multiplier at all without any change on the barb the Rat run will continue his raise of the supremacy and control the world of the exp meta that sad i continue to thing that some devs love rat run they all time improve this meta and when you think it’s ok we got another way NO they smash us and say “you gonna play rat run again and again”.

But you all forget something the problem wasn’t from barb it’s was from the stupid damage of the season buff who was broken as fuk and clear plus 140 with 10k it’s not a big deal it’s NORMAL but nobody can reach this in on season.

And Wizard won’t be able to do 145+ GR in solo anymore because blizzard gonna destroy the Bazooka build and nerf StarPact so it’s ok

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Items like that are multiplicative, otherwise it would be useless.

I want to add this link
Here we see 41 clears at or above 140, but barb isnt allowed that kind of power?

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I agree 100%. Absolutely nothing wrong with Barb doing 140 (@ 10.5k para points).


Lamentation was definitely a separate 200% multiplier. It was night and day running with them in the Cube vs. MoC on a few runs. I eventually got a well rolled Lamentation on the PTR and dropped PoC. Damage was signficant.

Losing Lamentation’s 200% multiplier is a 66.7% power reduction for the build. That is a massive nerf.