From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

I bet that someone at Blizzard has definitely peeked in on this thread.

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I agree that if lamentation lost the whole 200% multiplier its just too much. The most simple approach to this is split the difference and give Lamentation a 100% -150% multiplier. This would prolly nerf around 4GR levels and just make the build where it should be to compete with other classes.

Just my 2 cents.

After a 1.5 year break, i came back to d3 and i was really hyped again after i saw that barbs were actually good again. But this nerf totally ruins all of that and just takes away the much needed power increase they need. While wiz is being untouched and rats being the go to for speeds again. Revert the nerf and maybe tune down the wiz by like 3 ish gr lvls to bring them on the same levels. Let us have some fun with other long missed classes. And not only necro and wiz


Barb community still alive and kickin, after all this years. Devs should consider that, if they care about their playerbase at all


I tried rend on the PTR and thought feels decent.
Nowhere in my wildest dreams did I feel super powerful,
like on my DH, nor would I even think a nerf might happen.
I propose an “increase” in Lamentation, from 200%, to 350-400%.


That is the problem. Who claims it too much with respect to who?

140 clear was a push with fishing. Wizards and Necro just cleared 147s. Even with their 3GR nerf they are at 144 GR right now.

What is too much? With respect to who too much? Are the questions we have.

They should just leave 200% as is or if possible buff it a nudge more to 300-400%.

This would give

1.17^x=4------>x=(log 4)/(log 1.17)=8.8 GR level instead of 7 GR levels (so 141-142 clearability)
1.17^x=5------>x=(log 5)/(log 1.17)=10 GR level instead of 7 (so 142-143 GR range)

Actually according to performance analyses, barb needs about 10 GRs so 400% lamentation buff is totally acceptable.


Also let me add that a “all Rend rune effect” legendary power in Skorn would be most welcomed. Lacerate’s base power with Bloodbath’s utility would rock. I also would go total 2h Rend for epic barbaric carnage


all due respect to forum moderators, not sure how much development strategy we should hold them responsible for.

for all the customer feedback to date, i’m not sure we have much if any tangible evidence that Blizz is inclined to respond in a meaningful way, i guess we’ll see soon enough in S19.

as long as the company shows no signs of interest in its customers, they in turn may lose motivation to continue patronage, that’s just how the entertainment biz works.


I don’t know who is listening but we’ll keep yelling until we are heard. They can run. They can hide. They can cover their ears. We won’t stop.

Do not nerf Barbs. Don’t you do it don’t you break my heart again.


I really think we should have a blue post by now. This kind of feedback should not be unresponded


If that ever happened the nerf bandwagon would get a heart attack out of rage and riots on the streets may happen with them crying for:


I would never wish a heart attack on anyone. I hope they’ll be alright when we get Lamentation properly balanced at 400%.


Yes, I like it! Give us a reason to switch from Wiz back to Barb for at least one season!!! :rofl:

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  1. 2nd law applies only for isolated system. (A compact closed manifold). You don’t know the world is open or closed.
  2. Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness has not yet been proved.

You know, I’d be more inclined to believe you if you added a table. :wink:


Nah too really make them mad, so they loose their sacred position in META as damage dealing class lamentation should be buffed to 400-500%, Skull Grasp to 700-800% and 6 pieces wastes bonus to 15,000%.

While everyone else got massive buffs to their sets, barbs got pretty much nothing, so I don’t mind even if they can push up to 144-148 GRs solo. If that happened with two builds I would definately try barb again…

Turbo charge IK with buffs too along with supporting this set legendaries. This way barb may have not one, but TWO strong builds for pushing the highiest GRs.

Oh and leave all the buffs for min 4 seasons. When it’s time for S20 than it might be Monks turn, to join barbs in pushing 140-145 GRs.

Do the same with crusader in S21 too or buff both Monk and Sader to be capable of pushing over 140 GRs in S20…

Honestly wouldn’t mind if the difference between any class whether it’s barb or any other were just 4-5 GRs as long as we got closer to 150 GR, so by the time D4 gets a release date even average players could clear 130-135 GRs pretty easily…

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Just want to remind folks of a few things.

  1. Nev is not a developer. She doesn’t get to make the final calls on things. In my talks with her, she has been nothing but supportive. Do not, under any circumstances, direct any nasty vibes toward Nev. She and the rest of the Blizzard team are still getting things settled after BlizzCon, and I’m sure we’ll hear from them soon.

  2. Streamers like Fluffy aren’t the problem. Yes, he’s wrong when he calls the potential Lamentation nerf a “small nerf,” but he’s also not a Barb expert, not a secret insider to Blizzard, and not someone who should be hated. I don’t think streamers have any real influence on Blizzard, either. I can tell you with 100% certainty that the work Rage, myself, and the Barb community did on the proposal was far more meaningful to them than what streamers and YouTubers said about it, even though those other outlets helped publicize and promote. And for the record, Fluffy helped to bring attention to our proposal by discussing it at length on his podcast.

  3. There are numerous trolls trying to twist words, quote things out of context, and post a dozen charts that mean, in the end, nothing. IGNORE THEM. DON’T REPLY. Just keep up the discussion with supporters, because at this point, there is no criticism to be made.

Barbs finally got a meaningful buff that brings them in line with other builds. Let’s talk some facts about those other builds. Even with the Chantodo nerf, Wizards will still be capable of 140+.

Know who else will be capable of 140+?

Witch Doctors, Necromancers, and Demon Hunters. Crusaders are already at 139, and both they and Monks, depending on how strong their new sets turn out, may be 140+ as well.

If anyone is worried about fairness and “balance,” it’s time to consider that what the Barb community has been saying all along is correct: Barbs and Monks are the weakest classes.


And the initial 2.6.7 Rend buff finally helped to even the playing field. It finally let Barbs play on the same level as other classes.

Don’t nerf what we’ve fought so long to get: Fun, relevancy, and power.

Keep the support and message unified. Y’all are doing an outstanding job in coming together for Barbs! We’ve got 189 likes on the OP at the time of this posting. Let’s push that well over 200!


Hey Free a I have a case of player who believes nerfs fix everything in this thead:


Maybe you can talk with him. I already got a headache from his responses…

He believes barbs have been left out when all the powerceep with sets started and that the powercreep is the reason of all that is bad in the game…

I guess some people would be happy if they could only clear max 90 or 100 GR in game :roll_eyes:

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Which post? I didn’t see it when I skimmed through…

Bluddshed spoke to devs at blizzcon and they said they can get a patch approved in 24-48 hours so there’s still hope.

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