From the Barb Community: DO NOT NERF REND

S.O.A.B.! I can’t believe this is happening again, what is going on at Blizz? Couldn’t just drop it to 100, noooooo, gotta yank the whole thing and we’ll revisit it later. This is Morticks all over again, 2 years from now they’ll give it back? Aren’t you thankful? I’m so frustrated right now, what happened to this company?


Someone is working on a version of the Spanish laughing dude but with ww/rend now, right?

Yeah, doesn’t feel too good. Knee jerk balance decisions like this will certainly come into play when I think about buying D4. Again, shame on the Devs. This isn’t balance it’s kneecaping.


So we need the patch notes like really soon, and the S19 start date. Since there really isn’t (any) change to the blizzcon released patch, I would suppose this Friday start date would be reasonable?

This ain’t gonna fly with D4. Otherwise you guys are entering a world of pain :frowning:

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I wrote a post over on the Barb forum about the damage of WW and Rend, in light of the nerf. Might be worth a look, if you’re still planning on playing WW Barb next season.


They didn’t mis-quote me. They posted something completely made up and then mis-attributed it to me as if I’d written it. I quoted things you actually said in a way intended to poke fun at you, as you’re self-admittedly basing your conclusions on incomplete data. The number of likes on it would tend to suggest a lot of Barbs found it funny.


Ok shill.


So, it seems again that no one should try to really push on PTR with any new changes. Wait till it go live. Otherwise you got it nerfed. Lesson learned. I’m not sure - is it like 5th time already?


Maybe it’s a barb-specific thing, so remember what NOT to do during the barb-focused PTR patch coming up :rofl:

Well… There goes my hopes of playing barb… Again. The devs should have jist let this onoe go, and saw how it panned out next season. Its ludicrous to take away 67% dmg…

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This is immensely disappointing, not just for people who love Barbarians, but for anyone who cares about some semblance of class parity and/or just plain old fun being returned to the game.


Doesn’t matter, if you are a streamer your followers will just pay you to push other classes and cause problems.

As a Barb main, I’m slightly bummed.

I’m trying to keep it in perspective though. WotW still is better than it is in 2.6.6. HotA and slam are back in the game. Still excited about S19, even if I understand why others aren’t.

Guess its back to not barb. What a joke this has become.


Way to disappoint the boys n girls Bluzz.

It’s pathetic actually.



Done with D3, done with D4. Blizzard has become a joke. Don’t support this trash studio anymore.


Human nature being what it is, the following imho is not an implausible (purely hypothetical) conversation:

Bliz Dev A: Those loud-mouth barbs on the silly D3 forums, who do they think they are, think they know more about this than we do?

Bliz Dev B: hmmm, maybe?

Bliz Dev A: Yes we do and we’ll show 'em. . .hand over the nerf hammer please, time to show 'em they can’t tell us how to do our job.

Bliz Dev B: You mean punish them for their hubris?

Bliz Dev A: You got it. No one better mess with my ego.


This escalated quickly…

I was so naive, that I thought that Blizz would tune the nerf back a little after the humongous backlash…

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me…


Why even have these forums if this is the kind of interaction we get? I honestly don’t understand. Did Nev fail to communicate the instant, wide spread and overwhelmingly negative feedback to this change or did the devs just decide the opinions of their playerbase, the people they work on the game for, were irrelevant?

Reminds me of the South Park cable company episode.