From a Veteran Diablo 2 player, played 16 years

I never said whether I feel the loot system is core gameplay or not. But yes, my opinion on this is subjective.
Just like my opinion on gamble refresh.

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Maybe you havent heard but not everyone need to be pleased.

Well then you can continue this wonderfull playstyle also in d2r. In multiplayer thing are not working this way.

But it was still David Brevik.

They asked. They never said that they even considering these changes. I can ask you also that what you going to do next day. And it still can be that i dont care. Advertising is above everything. You would also know if you watch around you a little.

And again he also said he wouldnt make ploot in d2r. Maybe he understand the meaning of Remaster.

Do you honestly think Blizzard would open up a can of worms about asking player feedback that they knew that they had absolutely no intention of considering? Moreover, why have they given interview after interview, and at least 2 surveys to get player feedback on potential changes.

If you think that Blizzard intentionally lied/misled on this, then you also need to consider the possibility that they misled in their other comments, casting doubts on their other comments.

Personally, I think Blizzard has been truthful. Specific optional changes are still under consideration.

That is not quite what he said in that interview. In prior interviews when asked specifically what he would change in D2 with the benefit of hindsight, he has repeatedly said removal of stamina bar, auto-gold pickup, and instanced loot. In that D2R interview, he said that D2R should have FFA loot since it has been that way in D2 for 20+ years. he also said in that D2R interview that Blizzard could introduce an instanced loot option.

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This means what i have said.

Well in survey they never said they considering these changes. This is a fact. What is also the fact that they said they staying so close to the original as possible.

Exactly. You think. You assume. But the strongest fact is still : “Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.”

In that interview, he actually said that Blizzard could introduce am instanced loot option. You may want t listen to that interview again.

They can do both, One server for purists authentic experience and a second server with more changes.

I think that. I assume that, because it is what Blizzard has said repeatedly.

This is fact. Just as it is fact that Blizzard has said repeatedly that additional changes are possible based on player feedback. Both can be true. It is not either/or but can be both. When Popeyes gave their customers the option to buy their chicken sandwich, the option to buy spicy fried chicken still remains. Adding an option does not remove the other choice.

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Could means it is technicly achievable. Could and should is not the same thing.

Everybody is going to be on the same realm so nope.

They consider it but the “staying so close to the orignal as possible” stays above everything else.

Popeyes only had multiplayer. Later they added single player. You have currently option for ploot.

I know you never said. The fact is refresh button is not core gameplay. Loot distribution system is.

These are your opinions. I may share them, I may not. Core gameplay is subjective.

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In a loot based arpg game is not subjective. Without risking ban the fastest way was to reset gamble is to make a new game. Creating new game every single time for refresh is not core gameplay. It is a bad design. Loot disribution is core gameplay in a game where your main goal is to collect loot. Or what comes next?

OW forum: Devs pls make something in the game cus i dont like being killed over and over. My reaction time is much slower but its unfair that they always kill me.

If you react slow then you dont get loot.

Your “subjective” “logic” would have reason when we speak from d4 loot system. But we speak from d2r. And D2R is d2 remastered “staying so close to the original as possible.”

Have you forgotten that players already choose hardcore/softcore and ladder/non-ladder? This is not difficult to add. Having players choose their game mode is already standard in D2.

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In D2, resetting gamble all you had to do was talk to the vendor. Do you play D2?

My last memory is that for reset you neded to go in other act. I admit i played diablo and not gambled :smiley: It never was my style. But if this true then its just prove even more that gamble reset isnt core gameplay.

I agree. In my opinion it’s not core gameplay. Then again, adding a shop refresh would not be core gameplay in my opinion, but to some it might be, since shopping some of the best items in the game can take hours, and hours, and hours, and shop refresh would save a ton of time.

See how it’s subjective?

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But you wasnt subjective with loot system. Ploot is total different style from FFA. And its just dosent fit “Staying so close to the orignal as possible” or “Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.” As i wrote in other post this could be relevant if we would discuss d4 loot system. d4 is a new game. d2r is d2 remastered with the criteria i wrote above or how its still advertised today. Trust me i would also say in d4 that make instanced loot. But we talk from d2r.

I’ve played just as long as you. I do not feel the same. I want some obvious updates and fixes to the game.

Therefore the entire foundation of your counterargument is rendered invalid due to it being an OPINION an not facts.

You feel the way you do about your play experience, for it is yours. It is not everyone’s. You do not speak for everyone.

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It’s still subjective. To some people, the FFA loot system is not core to their gameplay at all. They don’t care. Others care very much, some want it, some don’t. It’s subjective. There is no rule of what constitutes a core gameplay change vs a Quality of life change.

Charm inventory can change the balance of power in the game, stacked gems could change the game economy and make people more likely to pick up gems, etc, etc, etc.

For me, any item stat changes or skill stat changes are absolutely a core gameplay change, but just look at all these threads, dozens of players are perfectly fine with re-balancing skills, and don’t feel they are core to gameplay.

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Well its dont need to be their gameplay. Its the gameplay of d2. It was 20 years long and now this game is remastered. Imagine if later blizz makes d3 remastered and others start to ask for FFA loot. It would be also a joke cus FFA was never part of d3.

This is all true and i highly against these also. Charm invetroy is pure power creep. If we can stack all gems then we can have more Perfect gems so their value goes down.

Ermmm skill balance. SInce how many years blizz trys to balance skills in wow? Balance in a dream only.But you know exactly if blizz decide to balance skill just because players asked then others also ask for more skill balance and we also have never ending powercreep buffing some weakers skill just like in d3. Well ok there is mostly set items are buffed but sets are around skills so its basicly the same. So better not change the skills so we dont need to deal with this powercreep bs.

I don’t see any real need for changes. Any change done will change the experience. Players will ask for all these changes, and when they finally get in the game, they’ll get bored and say, “I don’t understand the appeal. It’s just like every other game out there”. And they’ll be right.
just something as simple as respec tokens. Sure, sounds great on paper. But part of the attraction (and replayability) was leveling new character and trying out different builds. This is an inherent part of decision making in games like this. PoE, a very popular game in this genre, offers the ability to respec individual points only, and it’s costly. and involves finding rare currency to do it. And they have it this way for a reason.
Full respec would only kill a portion of the game, and many player would simply get bored far faster. Now would I be willing to have an item that allows you to respec a single point, and make it rare? sure. That would allow for the occasional mistake or two, and add a layer of farming and trading to the game. but free open respecs are simply bad, as are many of the "lets change the game into what it isn’t " suggestions, like charm inventory. blech.

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Thanks for the compliment.

Sometimes I do mis-read things or jump to premature conclusions or a bit too literal, but I try to post responsibly. I hope that others will appreciate that I do my best to avoid personal attacks even when insulted.


Definitely! It´s often quite hard to not get too emotional about things, since most of us here really care about the game. While I often disagree with you on the topic I really appreciate you in always keeping it civil and constructive.