From a Veteran Diablo 2 player, played 16 years

avoiding the term doesn’t change what the game is. they took diablo 2, and they remade it… that’s what it is, you’re trying to make a “comeback” by playing on words, as if everything stupid you said earlier is just gonna ALL OF A SUDDENT make sens.

YES, and in your ealier message i explained it, you don’t seem to understand it. go look for it.

What makes you think that people calling for change are “kids” and were born after Diablo 2 was released?

You conceded that it’s not a perfect game, which means there are things to be changed and improved. In fact the game received multiple updates and changes after release.

There is a game that perfectly fit your needs right now and it’s called Diablo 2.


Let me inform you. Here is a website where they discuss the differences between a remaster and a remake.

What’s the Difference Between Remake and Remaster? - GAMIVO Blog

I think that you will find that a video game remake has far more changes than a remaster.

Moreover, my argument is Blizzard has explicitly asked for feedback on 19 and 7 changes in their last D2R surveys. It makes sense to discuss these. Blizzard asked its players/customers for their feedback.

Do you honestly think that there is a mass conspiracy of D3 players who pre-purchased D2R so that they could post on this forum to troll D2 players? Clearly, most of the posters on this forum played D2 and are voicing their views based on their game experiences.


You are way over your head if you think you’re ENTITLED like that. I’m sorry for you, because you will have a lot of disappointment thinking that way. I could provide countless examples showing how delusional you’re being, but people like you make me feel so tired…

You see, I used the same flawed logic you came up with.

Wish you the best. :+1:t2:

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Been playing this since 2001 and I’m all for the good changes and balancing. Take off your rose-tinted glasses, step down from your high horse and stop pretending you’re so much more important than the next person just because you played something for more time.

You matter just AS MUCH as all here do, and for that, you are not entitled to ANYTHING more.


OK ? and what’s your point ?
I’m still gonna tell you to stop asking them to change the game to fit your taste !!!
There is already changes, like shared stash and MUCH MORE… i didn’t complain… whats you’re point ??? im telling you to stop telling them what to do. and let them remake/remaster the game. who tf cares about if they say it’s a remake or remaster.

As stated before, Blizzard themselves asked for feedback on 19 and 7 changes on their last two D2R surveys, including the survey sent earlier this week. You have every right to say that you are not interested in these changes at all or a subset of these changes. Others have the same right to express alternate views.

Actually, as the Blizzard quote demonstrates, it is an important distinction.

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Yes, actually. because i’m asking exactly what they are promoting. Diablo 2.
they could come up with ponies and frogs fighting diablo, in diablo 4, i don’t care… but don’t promote diablo 2, if you’re not making diablo 2.

and some people don’t understand what is the difference between, having a new menu to choose your characters from… and having cooldowns on skills vs ressource management.
(they don’t understand the difference between these kind of changes <---- SOME PEOPLE)

When you want an Iphone , are you getting Chinese copied IPHONES ?? i don’t think so… i want the real deal, D2… as it’s promotted.

Diablo 2 is already made and you can play it today. When Blizzard announced D2R, they said D2 and D2:LoD will still exist as is.

Blizzard is promoting Diablo 2: Resurrected. This game is under development and Blizzard has asked for player feedback and is conducting at least a single player alpha that has already happened and a multiplayer test that will occur some time in the future. For these tests, Blizzard also has asked for feedback.


Interestingly enough, I am 33 years old, I have played a lot of D2 since the game came out, I would consider myself Veteran D2 player and here’s what I think that needs to change:

The talisman (separate, dedicated space for charms) was one of the good ideas for D3, which was never realized (because there are no charms).

It would be amazing quality of life improvement for D2.

But apparently having the ability to have space for 1 more skiller charm and 2 more lifers would completely destroy the game and make it easy mode, when it was super hard and difficult before…

JK, the gameplay of D2 has always been rather easy compared to most other genres.
It’s not like you need precise aim and strafing like in an FPS;
it’s not like you juggle 30+ skills while coordinating with other players like in an MMO;
it’s not like you need super good APM, macro and micro like in an RTS;
super quick reflexes and precise timing for combos like in fighters ala MK;
and so on…

Whether you’re willing to admit it or not, D2 has always been about game knowledge and a trade simulator, while the gameplay has been easy. The inventory tetris does not add complexity, it’s simply annoying.

Dabid Brevik’s recent claim about “trade offs” is a total nonsense and in no way relates to how the game actually plays out.

I would say a decent compromise would be for something like Talisman to be unlocked on level 90-95 in order to make the game more enjoyable for people playing with complete characters.

Personal loot could be a welcome change in public runs, so that loot gets more evenly distributed as opposed to everything going to the pickit user… but it could also be a disaster. It really depends on how this gets implemented (if at all, we’re theorizing here).

Also, your examples as against charm inventory and personal loot are pretty damn stupid. Your concern against personal loot seems to be, that such a system would only help noobs to get gear… and yet, that’s literally what the lack of charm inventory does… the person, that is already decked out and carries his skillers and lifers with him, that person likely contributes the most in a public run, and yet gets to pick items the least…

It’s funny, that you call others kids, and yet “I clicked the fastest, therefore it’s mine” that’s quite literally what a willful and stupid child would say.

It’s precisely because it’s a remake, that makes it the perfect opportunity for some things to be changed and modernized for the better… especially the dumb interface and control scheme.

I don’t know whether you’ve only played D2 throughout the last 21 years or so in order to have some perspective, but while I love the game and it’s my favorite game of all time, just looking at the 2 skill slots in current year makes it look stupid and cringe…

I am sick and tired of having to swap with the keyboard and cast with just the mouse.
I am also sick and tired of having to cast everything with the left mouse button, while having an aura on the right mouse button every time I decide to play a Paladin…

What the interface should look like is something like this:

but then again, I’m pretty sure some veterans would oppose change like that on the principle of “no changes” or some nonsense along those lines…


I agree and disagree, The game could be improved allowing 5 or 10 stacks of runes and gems. Normally I’d never even bother picking them up because they hog so much space. so it would improve the dynamic they bring to the game making it easier to carry. imo - Charm inventory is Dumb and i agree 100% on that But the Gem/rune stacking that’s on point and I too have played along time mate.

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You should delete the last couple of sentence from your last response to me. You and I can disagree with civility. Your comments are factually imaccurate.

Enters preferences, clicks users, adds name, and done.


This type of talk makes YOU look 13, not anyone else.

Earlier, you admitted you had anger issues and were trying to work on them. I upvoted that comment because I thought it was sincere. Were you being sarcastic? because if so, you’re being toxic and there’s no need for it.


“THE TALISMAN” what ??? you talk about the CHARMS there “VETERAN” ???
and this CHARM SYSTEM is actually so you need to CHOOSE between more power, or more SPACE inventory. which is a SYSTEM WAYYYY to unique and DEFINING to diablo 2. which if you’re a “VETERAN” like you say and played diablo 2, you didn’t play for long if you didn’t like that, because it’s so “IMPORTANT” to the GAME CORE.


You know, some people like playing TETRIS, just like the D2 inventory… it’s basically, part of PLANNING what you’re about to do… ( if you’re going on meph runs, you’ll clear some inventory space, and then it’s a tetris game ) THIS IS ALSO something VERY IMPORTANT TO Diablo 2 CORE…if you didn’t like this, you didn’t play for long.

WTF are you talking about… what is a talisman ???
I’ve never heard TALISMAN in diablo 2. you sure you’re at the right place ?

This only helps people who can’t kill MOBS… because they are gonna RELY on people killing monsters for them, or someone who can’t kill a monster is gonna ask help from a stronger guy than them, to help them do it… in these both cases , you don’t fully deserve your loot and is forced to “share” loot with everyone. ( you don’t want to “share” ? make a private game and EARN your loot )


please explain where i did that.

There’s Diablo 4 to do that, if they promote Diablo 2, then MAKE ME diablo 2.

And by everything you told me you want to change, THEY ARE SO IMPORTANT to the CORE of the game, ( you deal with this, EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF YOUR GAME PLAY ) that is actually shows me, you played like 3 times diablo 2 and stopped playing, now you want to change all the IMPORTANT stuff in the game, so you can appreciate it…
buddy, it’s just not your game… stick to D3.

then WTF are you quoting me talking about CHARMS, and then talk to me about GEMS and runes ??? MAN, what is going on with people… people can’t read.

done, sorry. but your stupid games are pissing me off. stop playing dumb


No you can’t, D2 vanilla comes first get it through yer head

It would appear you’re the one who can’t read, I was explaining How I agreed & disagreed. why would you tag me in a Comment thread I had no involvement in.

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The talisman was the original name for the charm inventory feature.

It’s nonsense. I wanna be able to use my inventory, just like prior to Lord of Destruction.

I love how you quoted me out of context and failed to address the part, where you complain, that personal loot allows noobs to get loot, and at the same time you’re against the charm inventory, that results into the exact same thing.
Cognitive dissonance and dishonesty at it’s finest, veteran…

Aha, so I made it up and I didn’t lay the game on release and for years and years after, because my take on the dumb interface does not align with yours.
What a moron…

I played the diablo series since launch and I’ll take all the changes that are coming and then some.

D1 didn’t have a collectors edition, but I still have my D2 collectors box still (remember those big PC game boxes? lol)

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I remember waiting in line waiting for Best Buy to open to get my collector’s edition. I recall that they had a big table set out in the front end of the store for customers to get D2.


There’s never been a charm inventory … im lost… wtf you talking about ?|
how can there be a name for something that never existed ? you been smoking beer ?

Prior to LoD, There was NO CHARMS… they only started in the expension. ( LoD )
SO YOU CAN ! just don’t use them at all… you’ll have all your inventory.

"Personal loot allows noobs to get loot " Because, Like i explained to you ealier.
people won’t get the chance to get the good loot if someone kills the monster and picks it up… you see, if you’re level 3, and you go in a game, where there’s a level 25. when he’s going to kill monsters level 20, he most probably is going to pick up the loot, if he needs it… which gives you less chances of having LOOT.
When there’s personal loot… people level 25 that kills monsters, while you’re in the back level 3 waiting, that he finishes to pick up what’s on the ground… it makes people “not deserve” their loot.

NO, ill try to make it simple for your 5 IQ,
you see, when you don’t like the actors in a movie AND you don’t like the story AND you don’t like the special effects on it… most probably, you’re never gonna watch the same movie twice…
Well, the way you speak about the CORE ELEMENTS of the game… some ELEMENTS that AFFECT EVERY SECOND OF THE GAME… most probably you played a few 50h and you’re a lying sac of ‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’ that didn’t really play for years and years…