From a Veteran Diablo 2 player, played 16 years

As someone who played 17+ years, I honestly don’t care. I’ll play the hell out of game and embrace everything and enjoy it, regardless if it’s the exact same or not.

It’s the same? Cool I can do exactly what I know.
It’s different? Cool I get to test new things and feel fresh again.


I am glad that I never claimed that my opinion was right due to my age. I have been playing video games for longer than you have been alive and it is not even close. First pong and then the Atari 2600 in the late 1970s.

D2 has aged and there are definitely things that should be fixed or at least optional changes.


Optional changes are difficult. The developers seem very reluctant to split the player base, and some optional changes change the balance enough they effectively become mandatory. The devs need to weigh the option of whether certain changes are worth splitting the player base for. They also need to weigh which are small enough changes not to alienate the player base that is nostalgic about those would be changes.

Designing a remaster is no easy task, especially a game with the cult following this game had when it released. It was a cultural phenomena.

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I do not think that the developers are too worried about splitting the playerbase versus profit. If so, they would not offer PC and 3 distinct console versions that likely would lead to less overall sales but an enhancement of PC sales.

I still favor the idea of a D2 purist server and another server which can have more changes. There is no way to please both sides without attempting a win-win solution. Failure to do so would be a self-inflicted injury on Blizzard’s part.


Your argument is exactly why I think they’re reluctant to do it.

Xbox, PS, Switch, and PC would all need 2 realms if they were to split the player base an extra time.

For big changes, I think it may be worth it, and agree with you, but I still think they’re very, very reluctant to make those changes by splitting the player base for all platforms.

I dont really get why you think a remake would make everyone happy. The chance of a full remake of the game not being able to capture the Feel of the original is high. A lot of remakes, choose to avoid the problem entirely and do giant drastic changes, so its harder to compared the original to the remake.

I personally thought the alpha went well, game feels great to play, what was there for the most part looked good. My only real problem was the loading screens and some models and particle affects.

D2R isnt being market or made as the next great AAA ARPG to blow away all the competition. They want to refresh a classic to run are new hardware and have more modern visuals.

Remasters of Banjo and Banjo toowie, didnt remove the
“Collectathon” game systems just because some people consider those outdated. Thats the type of game it was, thats the game they wanted to remaster and preserve.

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What a joke… I play Diablo 2 since it was released, back in 2000 - see? I STILL play. I played Diablo 1 when it was released. And I’m all for the changes to improve the gameplay. The game is not for you, you are not as important as you think you are. The game is for everyone who buys it!


I feel like a lot of veterans are afraid of actual changes to balancing because then they won’t be able to profit off of an already established market… just elitists being elitists… no different than wall street.

Not sure which changes you’re even talking about because changes is a very broad and vague term but QoL changes will not break the game.

More stash space is fine, personal loot could be alright, I don’t agree with bind on equip or bind on pick up items because then we just have another D3 on our hands and that I can’t live with…

Stackable gems and runes is always welcome… It wouldn’t hurt any one to be able to save space and horde runes / gems because we all know the mass majority of them are useless without some high level ones you can barely ever find.

The charm inventory is definitely a no go for me, I just don’t agree with it, charms are already a cheesy way to power up a character who’s lacking in gear, the sacrifice of power over space is balanced as it is.

We need more stash space, 1 shared tab isn’t enough, I want at the bare minimum 3.

Change is good if it’s the right kind of change.

Also it would be nice to make other unused skills / builds viable again because everyone just plays cookie cutter builds now… and it’s obnoxious because it makes certain items very rare / sought after… the fact that this game requires you to have an Act II merc with a specific setup for each build is also another really bad mechanic that needs fixing…

It’s obvious the enemy immunities on Hell mode are way too OP… like cold skills practically become worthless on Hell mode which is insane… it’s an entire element just thrown out the window due to enemies having ridiculously high resistances.

Why should lightning get a free pass? There needs to be some changes, the game is NOT well in it’s current state. You people just got used to it and fear change because it’ll mix things up too much.


Hilarious to see hoe people can be like this. Im saying stop asking for changes. Its a game for us veterans and new people who can’t stand the old ugly graphics.
Saying im selfish because “my point of view is the best” while you’re there ASKING A COMPANY TO CHANGE THE GAME THEY ARE REMAKING BECAUSE YOU DONT LIKE THE FEATURES…

Im not saying dont change anything in the whole game… im asking people to STOP ASKING THE DEVS FOR CHANGES.
The game is already made… and they are remaking it.
And you self centered kids ask them to change the game because you don’t like features.


and i am the one that thinks my opinion is the right one ???
You people are hilarious.

When i say it’s a game for us veterans…
I mean… it’s a REMAKE. People who still play the game… WE WHO KEPT THIS GAME ALIVE FOR SO MANY YEARS.
you kids think a company would make a remake of a dead game with no player base ???

Of course they are remaking it so new players can come and play… and DISCOVER WHAT DIABLO 2 is about…

I bet some people here never even tried diablo 2… and are here asking to have the same features they got in diablo 3.

All you people are spoiled kids. cry i want this, i want that, the game is not perfexlct to me so change this…



Why do you continue posting in all caps and referring to others as kids who are asking for change? These types of statements undermine your credibility in your argument. Many of us are D2 veteran, D1 veterans, and atari 2600 veterans.

You said it, not me. Remakes have many changes. Did you mean remaster?


Not really. I played since diablo 2 normal came out… its been a few years i stopped playing.
I played 16 years on the 21 years its out.

And “my vision of the game” like you call it… its actually the vision of the devs that make the game… im asking you to stop asking things YOU THINK is good for the game. You can’t read ???

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What should we do when Blizzard asked for player feedback in their most recent survey (sent earlier this week) for 19 changes and their prior survey for 7 changes? Blizzard asked us, its potential players and customers. I think it is quite fair to provide feedback on these issues that include but are not limited to changes to skill/item balance, dedicated charm inventory, and personal loot.

You know that Blizzard asked for player feedback on these. Why should we not be able to discuss them when Blizzard themselves asked for player feedback?

I can not escape the feeling that you do not want these things discussed because you know that the more visibility there is, the more clear that the argument for maintaining the status quo is underwhelming.


I a Veteran player, and I want changes. Just QoL ones. Like able to make cow lvl when king dies, or to see item lvl on items, and to keep Anya portal up and not go away when certain WP is achieved. And a better way of getting Anni be nice as well. As long as still hard to get like Torch.


i don’t think you both DON’T understand what you’re reading.

Pirasto “So that means you start playing D2 in the year 2005”
game came out in 2000, and i stopped playing a few years ago, i actually started playing when diablo 2 normal came out.
and like you say " that means ONLY my sight of thoose things are correct! "
like you call it , “my sight” is actually what diablo 2 is !! im asking them to “REMAKE” diablo 2. and i’m actually “arguing” BECAUSE i don’t want people to say " i don’t like this feature, change it" .

MicroRNA, wait what ?? when did i say that.
I meant, “you kids might understand why us (30’s +) played this game for so long.”
why do i need to explain to you, what im writing ??? you’re old enough to read, and think.

what, you’re actually talking about what im saying to people who wants changes…
(the people that ask the Devs to change aspect of the game because they don’t like it, is actually meaning, they think they are so important thatthe company needs to change the game to fit their tastes. )
i don’t get you… you’re a special guy…

feedback isn’t asking to change something that would make a totally new game core…

i see no problems with the cow king, item levels, anya portal…
but i am absolutely against making a better way to get anni… i think it should stay hard, as is.

perfectly agreed, the more stash space yes, this kind if fine.
but, making enemy immunities on hell less… NOOO, changes the difficulty of the game, NO, i don’t want an easier game…

Actually, “The game is for everyone who buys it!” hummmm…
it’s kind of a RIGHT ( at least in canada ) to do what you advertise you do ! you see where im going ?? don’t advertise me the new REMAKE of diablo 2 and give me something completely different… it’s actually a right… costumer’s right…

And like you said, WHO ARE YOU ? to decide they need to change their game to fit your tastes ???

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You can take your criticism to Blizzard. They are the ones who asked for feedback on 19 and 7 changes in their last two D2R surveys.

We are just customers and players like you. You are asking them to keep the game the same. Your opinion is no more valuable than mine and vice versa. Why should you have exclusive right to dictate to others what they can and can not request when Blizzard themselves asked for specific feedback on topics that you personally disagree with.

The good news is that Blizzard will refund your pre-purchase.


WHat are you talking about, take my criticism, im just EXPLAINING TO YOU WHAT FEED BACK IS… what the hell are you on about, with your critics ?? you can’t read buddy.

YES, actually. my opinion is actually worth kinda “LEGALLY MORE THAN YOURS” (notice the " , means it’s a figure of speech ),
since LEGALLY a company CANNOT ADVERTISE A DIABLO 2 remake, and do a totally different game.
i don’t care they could do what ever they want in diablo 4, but if you advertise diablo 2 remake… give me the damn remake, not a new game.

no , i meant, REMAKE, because when you REMAKE something, you REMAKE IT… it’s kinda self explained…

REMASTER, is changing it. when you take something and you REMASTER it… kinda self explained there too…
your parents should revise your education.

First, you keep saying that Blizzard advertised a diablo 2 renake. Prove it. Where did Blizzard say it was a remake?

Secondly, the reveal at Blizzcon was clear that they were showing pre-alpha that is subject to change.


While I´m with the OP on every point, I really dislike the style of the reasoning.

I´m also against changes, but that doesn´t mean everyone who has a different opinion is automatically stupid, a kid or whatever.

Should anyone of the devs read your thread you can be sure, that these kind of reasons won´t inspire them at all.


You’re right, i know i have anger issues, and i let “stupidity” get to me, and reply with a bad attitute. still have to work on personal issues im not perfect. and if it offended you, im sorry. i hope we can still agree. but it won’t change for now

what do you mean prove it’s a remake ??? it’s DIABLO 2 RESURECTED… it’s the same game… all the same with better graphics ( the gameplay, not the menus, more stash space and stuff like that ).
you’re so not logic in all the replies you did to me, you don’t seem to UNDERSTAND what you read buddy… i see 4193 posts beside your name… i wonder how many times you looked this stupid in all of them.


You need to be clear in your terminology. There is a difference between a remaster and a remake. You keep calling D2R a remake. Blizzard has tried to avoid the term remake like a plague.

Do you now understand my difference in comprehension?