From a Veteran Diablo 2 player, played 16 years

I did no such thing and nor did you :kissing_heart:

there are more people that approve of this change then people like you who trying to fight it so like Vvin said above me, the original game is still there for you darling, enjoy :heart:

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Yes you did it’s literally in your post history.

The number of people who want these massive changes is irrelevant. It’s a remaster not a remake. If they added every request people wanted the game would be radically different. That’s why they compromised with auto gold pickup and shared stash only.


No I didn’t and I even demonstrated to you how that is the case, if you think I’m wrong you are welcome to showcase how :kissing_heart:

it is relevant and it’s just a quality of life change, they didn’t compromise on auto gold pick up and the like, it just fits, even if they add charm inventory or they don’t it doesn’t change the fact that charm inventory is just a quality of life like the other additions and wont in fact be problematic

You are the one that “compromises” on these changes not them, you are reflecting quite a bit and it makes sense you only see that argument from your point of view, if you were to assess the situation out of other people shoes instead of just your own, you might have been able to understand all of that by now

Charm inventory is not ‘just quality of life’

It changes the gameplay, whether you want to accept it or not.

Facts do not care about your feelings.


It was a compromise. VV considered adding additional improvements like quest pingers but felt it changed the game too much. That’s why they only added auto gold pickup and stash changes after careful consideration and knew all changes to the game were cumulative.

During development many people were opposed to stash changes for the reasons you laid out: it was a massive change.

And as you mentioned before the charm inventory is the same. No point in arguing that fact since it’s literally in your post history now lol.

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I do not know how carefully that you followed development, Blizzard’s surveys, and later interviews.

  1. In the deep dive, VV/Blizzard discussed wanting to keep an authentic experience that includes a modest number of changes (graphics update, shared stash, optional auto-gold pickup, resetting gambling, etc…)
  2. In the first Blizzard survey, Bllizzard asked about both shared stash and auto-gold pickup. Personally, this seemed very odd to me. Why would Blizzard ask about these if already announced?
  3. In early May, Rob Gallerani talked a little bit about the surveys. They said that there was significant support for auto-gold pickup and other QoL changes introduced. He further stated that the players wanted even more changes. Presumably based on both the first and second Blizzard survey, Blizzard now has feedback on 7 and 19 changes where for the latter almost all were listed as a QoL change.

My sense is that Blizzard/VV was exceptionally concerned about another W3R fiasco, but now have far more confidence that the players support additional changes that they are willing to adopt a subset.

I never said that a shared stash would have a massive impact. I said it would have an impact.

If they’re asking people about what changes they want, then it’s really VERY relevant how many people want them.

“Master” means “great, grand, prime,” etc. So something that’s a remastering should aim to make it greater and grander than the original version, not just put on a new coat of paint. Especially if Blizzard wants it to be a mainstay ARPG.

I’m sorry to the purists, but seriously, Blizzard can just let GoG have D2 like they did D1, and then you can play THAT for your 20 or 21 year old version of the game.


Someone asked this back on reddit awhile back (after the first survey), and another poster said something that made sense: Sort of like a control question to gauge what people thought of the already implemented QoL. I think it was likely to see how much community pushback they received on it.

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Adding charm inventory is the worst thing they could do for the game.

I believe I already explained the obvious in a different thread so I won’t get all into it here other than giving a simple example:

  1. A wind druid has his 10x elemental charms in his charm inventory and is entirely setup to be a wind druid. He opts to put 10x summon charms in his normal inventory.
  2. With a simple macro that the druid sets up, he can instantly swap in his 10x summon charms and cast a very powerful bear, a vine, and a spirit. Then he pushes a 2nd macro to instantly replace his wind charms. The druid can do as frequently and on-demand as he wishes with no interruption to his gameplay.

Charm inventory will power creep Diablo 2 into unfavorable places. And keep in mind that is just 1 example of what people will use double inventory space for. I didn’t even get into players choosing to carry around Treachery and Demonlimb and every other prebuff item.

INB4 telling me “macros won’t be allowed” because no game company to date has ever successfully been able to stop macros in their games.

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exactly why we want it here, it changes the gameplay exactly like gold pick up and shared stash do, as quality of life feature

you are not using any facts, if you are, mind you sharing those “facts” of yours and the ones seems emotionally hurt is you bunch jumping on every post I make trying to flood it not the other way around :slight_smile:

If you’re emotionally hurt by an argument about gaming, you probably shouldn’t be here, but there’s no need to gaslight others by pretending They are the ones being emotional. It’s unconstructive.

The fact remains, the balance of the game changes if you have extra space for prebuffing and picking up extra items, as the tradeoff that is frequently used is no longer needed.

You stated that even if a game were to add extra weapon or item slots, balance wouldn’t change. With this, you have shown yourself to not understand the words Game Balance as anyone who knows about game development could tell you that weapon/armor switches change game balance drastically. You’re simply wrong, here, and clearly out of your element.

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I never said that, I said that even if I were to add extra slot for every item it will still be considered quality of life because people are already prebuffing and switching items as they see fit, which would be exactly like the weapon swap system which is indeed a quality of life, the way you see the topic of “Quality of life” is flawed and is the reason to why you can’t comprehend what people are saying

It wont debalance the game, you just having a tantrum because you don’t want it to happen :kissing_heart:

Responding to a well reasoned, thought out argument by calling it a tantrum, makes you look like the person who is being unreasonable, not me.

It goes without saying that giving each armor space an extra slot for switching on a moment’s notice absolutely would change the balance of the game. It is asinine for you to even make the argument that it would not. How could you possibly think this is a simple quality of life change without changing the balance between classes, both from a PvM perspective, and PvP.

Please refrain from the emotional personal arguments in the future, they’re unnecessary and detract from the merits of your argument.

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You can stop with the righteous acting, you were the one shooting cheap insults I was just responding to them :kissing_closed_eyes:

It’s nice that you act like you want to focus on the discussion while you are trying to take things I say out of context and change the subject, the subject is weather charm inventory quality of life change would break the game, not if extra item slots would, if you can’t make any more points on the topic refrain from flooding it with cheap shots at forum members

and has to state yet again, if you are already participating in an action in game and it’s possible and tedious, a Quality of life change is there to allow you to do it in a non tedious manner which improve the experience of the game, so AGAIN, every other quality of life also “changes the game” but not in a way that would break the game, the same as charm inventory which is why it’s a valid addition, we have all tested it already, no matter how many threads you flood it wont change what we know about it already.

don’t mess up any of the items or duping methods devs. ya’ll only have 1 chance. because once we can start saving content on your servers, if this gets messed up. hacked items or thousands of duped items would be on the d2 servers forever…

Dunno if it helps, but the shared stash could be put into an entirely seperate new bank chest. Next to the original bank chests

Also another big issue to address is making sure 100% people cannot multi log on to the same account. Meaning 2 computers and being logged in on the same account on both

i read title ( [From a Veteran Diablo 2 player, played 16 years) and this make me smile a bit . because you lack so much knowlege on the game ,
saying 16 year , mean you start playing in 2005 , mean you are a Patch 1.11 player , mean you miss all these patch and the knowlege how the game is playing in is prime era , me and other player here play from day 1 of realese and play every patch ,
Patch 1.14d
Patch 1.14c
Patch 1.14b
Patch 1.14b
Patch 1.14a
Patch 1.13d
Patch 1.13c
Patch 1.12
Patch 1.11b
Patch 1.11

Patch 1.10
Patch 1.09d
Patch 1.09c
Patch 1.09b
Patch 1.09
Patch 1.08
Patch 1.07
Patch 1.06b
Patch 1.06
Patch 1.05b
Patch 1.05
Patch 1.04c
Patch 1.04b
Patch 1.04
Patch 1.03c
Patch 1.03b
Patch 1.03
Patch 1.02
Patch 1.01

personally i ask to my self , who is that guy calling other user asking for change kid ??? ( i have 48 year old ) i also play diablo2 from day 1 mean a 21 year veteran i play every patch , sorry i dont get it ??? that game have multiple change to is life ,and some change never have balance update , diablo 1,14 really need a good balance update because so many rune word never have some buff or nerf ?? all new unique item never have also a balance update compare the unique from 1,08 to 1.09 have be balance . oh is true you dont know this because you are a 16 year veteran mean you start playing after this patch 1,11 , with all respect this is why a 16 year veteran dont mean much to me because you carry 1/4 of the knowlege and history for d2 , this is my opinion thank you

One other trick to check out is glitching/bugging a players dead corpse. So for example, I have a full set of gear on. I go spawn diablo and die, immediately exit the game. Log back into a game and find my character with all his gear on and also a dead corpse with my full set of gear on it.

Make sure this cannot happen

Debatable. For example, Grim Dawn and Path of Exile both have multiple weapon/secondary slots. But it’s a very rare time that anyone actually uses them. Sometimes they’ll be used for stat-swapping for item requirements, but that’s while leveling and that doesn’t really affect game balance much. Endgame, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone use those slots in either game.

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