From a Veteran Diablo 2 player, played 16 years

First, if you assume inventory management is central to D2, then a shared stash is problematic. Some would argue that we are supposed to mule items for management.

With the sheer volume of drops in game, players are not able with a 4x10 character inventory to pickup everything.

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I think we both know what is meant by this. We’re not picking up cracked sashes when we have a full inventory of charms, obviously. For one to need 4x10 inventory in 1 run would be some insanely good luck, and in reality, never happens.


I argue inventory management in the dungeon/mob area is integral to the feel of D2, not muling/stash management. Maybe you could find players that care about stash management, but I don’t find it a compelling argument, like I do inventory management. The two are not synonymous, to me.


Like Micro here said, having Shared stash has a massive impact on item management yet you don’t condemn it, truth is you are just here to make noise, because we all know having a few more spaces for an item or two wont get rid of item management like you said on the other hand it will just add to it’s depth, so someone saying they care so much about item management but saying he wants non of it claiming the opposite rises a lot of red flags

Quit spamming if you have no point to make.

I’m giving my opinion on game changes, no need for you to be a dolt about it.


It does have a massive impact on item management. That’s why the devs need to be careful by not adding too many changes, hence no charm inventory. Charm inventory is even worse since it also affects balance.


New loot isn’t a new addition? There hasn’t been several posts about adding new expansions or a new acts? I think we both know there has been

Why does Blizzard think it will make profit? Why don’t they remaster Diablo 1 then? Because of the success of Diablo 2 and the fact that players who played it are still playing today. The Diablo 2 fans are why they think it will make profit because they know how many people wanted D4 to be dark like D2, they know how many people complained about D3 and that is why they have emphasized that D4 will bring back a lot of D2 elements people wanted. They literally said they wouldn’t be making decisions that the development team for D3 made.

Many fans did not like Diablo 3
Many fans complained D3 was not at all like D2
Many fans wanted D4 to be like D2

Are you saying then that there decision to remaster Diablo 2 and meticulously make sure to not change the game, art, story, and experience was not for Diablo 2 fans?

Are you saying that Blizzard saying “Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved” was not for Diablo 2 fans?

Many people are looking forward to D2R more than D4, not new players, old and blizzard knows this.

Of course blizzard would say this game is for new and old players because they want new people to be able to enjoy it as well but D2R was not made for new players, it is being made because blizzard knows how many D2 fans they have.


Please double check my quote. I wrote: “Many of the changes”, not all, or even the majority. My full quote is

Presumably they did some research/estimates of numbers of D2R copies sold versus production costs. Blizzard’s operating margin is almost invariably quite good, so I assume that they have at lease some business acumen.

Blizzard/GoG actually re-released Diablo 1 in 2019.

Many of the design decision in a franchise are in response to prior deficiencies. Why do you think D3 had a shared stash, the loot tables are the same for all monsters, free respecs, auction house, no open world PVP, etc…? These were in response to complaints about D2.

  1. I think that they wanted to keep an authentic D2 experience in D2r for multiple reasons, including avoiding another W3R.
  2. The Amazon character model says otherwise (personally I think this is insignificant since it does not affect gameplay, but clearly shows that Blizzard has their own art aesthetic)

True. I bet there are far more diablo players looking forward to D4 than D2R. We will see by comparing their sales numbers.

How many is this? How many copies did D2/D2:LoD sell versus D3/D3:RoS?


I agree more people are looking forward to d4 than d2r. As a massive Diablo2 fan, I always thought d3 was lacking many things, but d4 is the real opportunity for big changes, not d2r.

D2 is quite 1 dimensional in character building, and though it’s still my favourite game, d4 looks like it has much more potential for true rpg progression.

D2R is not going to sell anywhere close to as well as d4, but that’s okay, its production costs are much lower.


Many of the suggestions for D2R are not big changes. Changes that have already been adopted [e.g. shared stash, auto-gold pickup, resetting gambling/vendors, graphical update (e.g. supporting 32:9, 21:9 and 16: 9 screen dimensions)] already impact the game. For me, the questions is will other changes impact the game more or less.

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I don’t think other vendors have a reset, just gambling.

But yeah, we’ll see which changes they implement further than announced, and how it impacts the game.

I don’t foresee too many gamebreaking changes, as they’re also working on d4 at the same time.

D4 will obviously have some form of personal loot/account bound, limited trading, etc. I don’t think the devs of d2r are in any hurry to make sweeping changes, even though certain ideas are vastly superior in terms of game design.

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It’s a mild change, that wont affect balance, every opportunity it might “open up” is already being utilized, adding a few spaces wont have any severe affects as you stated

You just said a shared stash will have a massive impact, and I agree. Charm inventory will too but to a greater extent.

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No, the premise was that compared to the charm inventory the shared stash is a massive impact.

what I did say was that shared stash has a massive impact to item management, don’t take things out of context.

And that’s too many changes for a remaster. We don’t need any more massive changes.


Alright pumpkin, either way it’s not a massive change and beside I’m sure the dev mind have been decided just because you said so, forgive my impudence oh master developer SandBurger

Don’t include me in your “we” because I don’t see any fault at adding a section for another item or two, which is already the case for how people play, making a big deal out of a pebble

You said charm inventory and stash space are the same in the past. So when you call adding stash space a massive change then you must also mean charm inventory is a massive change too. I agree, but where I disagree is that we don’t need anymore massive changes.


Did you just go through my entire profile to try and prove I said something wrong and still didn’t understand what you quoted well enough to make a point?

where did I say that?

you mean what you just quoted?:

I was referring to charm inventory and stash space both being quality of life changes, not saying they are the same, I am happy you agree they are both quality of life changes

Maybe if you improved your reading skills a bit, you wouldn’t have to go through pages and pages of people posts just to try to get your point across (and still failing)

you are obviously trying really hard to discredit me here, although I don’t see why you would waste your time on it, Charm inventory is a Quality of life change no mater how you turn it, give it a rest, or don’t ill still be here either way

You discredited yourself. But I agree, it’s a massive quality of life change that fundamentally changes the game. I disagree it should be implemented.

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Just saying, you can always not play D2R and instead remain on the original D2 and original bnet. They confirmed they will continue to support it.

You clearly have enjoyed a game for a long time, just stay there. I’ll take D2R and all it’s QoL plus cow king change, etc.

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